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Better Customer Service By...
Dealing With Difficult Customers
Sooner or later, you’ll find yourself dealing with a difficult customer who makes an
unreasonable request, or raises an unfair objection. Learning to deal with a self-righteous
customer with an unjustified complaint is not easy, but it can be done.
You want to help them feel like a winner. Here are some tips:
Ensure your customer keeps their dignity.
 Hear them out.
 Make sure you understand.
State your own position politely.
 Repeat if necessary.
 Don't argue.
Winning an argument with an irate customer is unlikely and not really a win.
 Appeal to your customer's sense of fair play
Explain that you are eager to do what is right and fair
 That you think they are a person of integrity.
 This may influence them to do what is right.
Be firm.
 Keep your temper and stick to the facts.
Don't put blame elsewhere.
 Don't say you can’t meet the demand because of company policy or a tough manager.
This will just compound the problem
Say no when circumstances justify it.
 Don't agree to outrageous or unjustified demands.
Look for win-win solutions
 So that you both get something
Sometimes, it may be better to lose
If it costs you, think of it as a marketing expense towards retaining a customer and
creating good will.
How would you handle the following situations? Enter your answers at the • .
A customer wants to return for refund an article
of clothing, bought several months ago. It has
obviously been worn and is damaged. He now
says that it doesn't fit.
Your response to the difficult client.
Choose from listen, explain, offer, give,
appeal, repeat.
Listen carefully and respectfully.
Explain that you usually accept items for return
within 30 days, and in good condition, for the
benefit of others who might purchase the item.
This returned merchandise can obviously not be
Customer accuses your colleague of lying. Your
colleague had told the truth.
Your situation
If they persist, offer to give a credit for future
purchases, or give a partial refund .
If they are still not happy, repeat your offer and
stand firm.
Review: Take a minute to review your responses.
Have you taken all your experience into
account? Consider something you may have learned from another coaching experience or
from a training or educational experience.
Once you are satisfied that your answer is complete, print out this page. Keep it handy for
future reference. Review it with a manager, coach or colleague for their input. Look for
opportunities to test your learning. Remember, you can complete the module again to gain
further insight.
Coaches: If you are reviewing this document with someone else, here are a few hints.
Find a private place. Schedule enough time. Listen carefully. Don't judge. Paraphrase their
ideas to check that you understand. Offer new ideas only when they've run out. Provide ideas
one at a time to encourage them to create additions and improvements. Be specific.
Encourage them to be creative by being positive. Remember coaching is about stimulating
gradual change.
Hints for first time users.
Start your work with the module by reading the Coaching section. Then in the Questions
section answer the solution focused questions which will stimulate new thinking. Type in your
responses at the ●, edit them, then save and/or print the module.
Saving to a local hard drive makes it easier for you to retrieve modules to review and use
again. It also offers confidentiality.
When you are finished with this module return to your browser to try another module.
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