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Evansville, Indiana U.S.A. © Copyrights Reserved
Graduate Program Course Study Guide
Church History CH-501
Professor: Dennis D. Frey, Th.D.
Three (3) Credits
 Pray for God’s guidance before you begin this course, and each time you work on it.
 Become totally familiar with the Master's Online Digital Library, and make ample use of
its resources throughout this course. The address is: You will
need your student ID# and password (contact Master's if you have forgotten these).
 Follow the instructions in either your Student Start Pack (offline students) or your
Student Access Page (online students) related to course formatting and submission.
 Your Master's Student Portal is also a place to get information on most subjects related
to completing this course. The address is:
 We strongly recommend that you use word processing software and make frequent
use of the spell checker/grammar suggestion aspects, and back up your files!
 If you need to contact the professor for this course (or the academic office), we
recommend that you do so first by email. Unless you already know the address of the
professor, you may either refer to your Student Portal, or request contact by writing to
[email protected].
 The total length of time required to complete this course is different for each person,
with subject background, previous education, and personal situation all having a major
role in personal study habits and ability. However, on average each course credit
usually requires between 35-40 clock hours of study. Therefore, a two credit course
will require about 85-90 hours of work, likewise a three credit course between 130-140
hours. Since you are not restricted by classroom hours, the average student might
expect to complete a three credit course in about nine weeks by devoting four study
hours per day only four days per week (i.e. two hours morning and evening).
 When you have completed your course, send it to Master's for grading (do not send it
directly to your course professor). From the time you submit your course, until it is
returned to you (graded) will vary, but generally courses sent by postal mail will
require as much as two weeks in transit (to and from), and another two weeks to get
through the recording and grading process. Email submissions generally require about
two weeks. These are averages, and your course may take slightly more or less time.
While you are waiting, make good use of your time by beginning your next course, but
if this is your final course, then enjoy the rest…you have earned it!
 May God bless you as you study, as you follow the timeless encouragement given by
the Apostle Paul to Timothy as recorded in II Timothy 2:15.
Church History CH-501
Course Purpose:
To present and expose the student to an advanced survey of Church History from the time
of the Resurrection to the Present Age; to enable the student to recognize and identify
important Political and Church Leaders who had a major impact on the development and
life of the Church; to recognize and be able to state wide-sweeping trends in Europe which
influenced the Church; to indicate how the Church influenced Europeans; to trace the
overall growth and development of the Church from 33 A.D. onward; to identify the
individuals and events that led to the Reformation, particularly in Germany, Switzerland,
England, and the United States.
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the student to the growth and evolution of the Church from the end of the
Apostolic Age to the Present Age, thereby enabling the student to recognize and
interpret how this often meant its policies and ministries separated and distanced itself
from the work of Jesus Christ.
To enable the student to examine and summarize both the successes and failings of
the Church in evangelism, ministry, and church-state relations.
To encourage the student to trace how the Church became "big business" and a
political power as it broke across Europe from the collapse of the Roman Empire
onwards, identifying the major issues and persons that necessitated the Reformation,
then beyond to the period of the Great Awakening. The student will also achieve a
greater understanding of the major issues, people and movements which shaped the
Christian world, in particular, the American Christian experience.
REQUIRED PRINTED MATERIALS: (Purchased from Master's by the student)
The Story of Christianity, Volume One, by Justo Gonzalez, ISBN 0-060063315-8,
Harper, 1984.
The Story of Christianity VOL 2 The Reformation to the Present Day,
Gonzalez, Justo L., Published by Harpers San Francisco, ISBN 0-06-063316 (pbk.), 1985.
From Tyndale to Madison: How the Death of and English Martyr Lead to the
American Bill of Rights, Michael Farris, Published by B&H Publishing Group,
Nashville, ISBN: 978-0-8054-2611-3, 2007.
Church History CH-501
This Study Guide contains questions and written assignments that are related to the
materials. These are referred to as Course Projects.
Part One: Read The Story of Christianity, Volumes I and II, and write a one-paragraph
affirmation that you have read these two textbooks. Put your signature on this document.
Part Two: Assume that you are asked to write a Book Review of the textbooks for a
magazine. Write your review, as both a synopsis and a critique of the content. Use not
more than 750 words for each of the two volumes (two book reviews, not one).
Part Three: Read From Tyndale to Madison: How the Death of and English Martyr Lead
to the American Bill of Rights, and write a one-paragraph affirmation that you have read
this textbook. Put your signature on this document.
Part Four: Write a paper in which you express how reading From Tyndale to Madison:
How the Death of and English Martyr Lead to the American Bill of Rights informed and
reshaped your thinking concerning the religious persecution and tolerance in England and
the American Colonies. Use not less than 500 words (about four to six pages), and not
more than 750 words (about seven to ten pages).
1. Read the questions to be answered for each Volume (the Questions are printed at the
end of this Study Guide).
2. HELPFUL TIP: Using the index at the end of the textbooks, locate by keyword the
section that deals with the question.
3. Answer the assigned questions related to each Volume. SPECIAL NOTE: In some
cases, you may find that the text does not provide you with enough information to
adequately answer the question. In such cases, you are to refer to outside sources. Be
certain to document all sources. SOURCE RECOMMENDATION: Go to the Master’s
Online Digital Library (, from “Study Resources” select “History.”
Layout your answer page for the each of the questions as follows:
Volume #_______
Question #1: (Print question here.)
Answer here. Be very thorough.
Question #2: (Print question here.)
Answer here. Be very thorough.
And so forth.
Church History CH-501
Part One: Select one of the church periods (e.g., Early Church Years, The Beginnings of
Colonial Christianity), and write a paper explaining your view on how that period of church
history has influenced the Church in our own age. Be sure to use an acceptable writing
style (APA, MLA, Chicago), and properly document any outside sources. Use not less
than 1,000 words (four to five pages).
Part Two: Volume II of the textbook is divided into four (4) parts. Select an element from
one Part, (For Example: Part II Sub Part 17 The Puritan Revolution), and write a paper of
about 1,000 words on how this event helped to shape the American Christian Church in
the present. Be sure to use an acceptable writing style (APA, MLA, Chicago), and
properly document any outside sources.
This is the final project, and must be completed only after you have finished all of the
Projects. Write an assessment summary of the entire course. Include in this summary how
this course has impacted your understanding of the history of the Christian Church; has
helped you in your ministry to others; and how this understanding has changed the way
you think and react in matters related to the subject of the course. Use not less than 750
Questions Related to Volume I
1. Why did the Christians find making a sacrifice to the statue of the Roman Emperor
objectionable and inconsistent with their faith? State some of their objections, identifying
specific reasons.
2. Who was Constantine, and why is he important to the life and growth of the Church?
Indicate some of the important events in his life, and identify the conditions which led to
his embrace of Christianity as the official or state religion of his government.
3. The Church was often torn apart by various heresies, such as Arianism, Docetism,
Pelagianism, and others. Select one of the heresies, define its beliefs, and indicate its
4. Following the collapse of the Roman Empire the Church began exploring new areas
of work. Identify some of these areas, and state whether or not you believe some/all/none
of these areas were appropriate.
5. Prepare a brief summary of the growth of the Islamic faith, indicating important
people, dates and events, as you compare and contrast its theology to that of Christianity.
Formulate your own reasons why Islam became so popular in the Middle East, and
explain its perceived threat to Christianity.
Church History CH-501
6. Research the life work and ministry of Francis of Assisi, summarize his impact on the
life of the Church.
7. Define the nature of Indulgences, explaining from the Church's perspective why this
practice was acceptable. Analyze the Church's motives for this scheme, as well as its
impact on lay members.
8. Analyze some of the reasons why Martin Luther's attempts at church reform were
successful, including his theology, social conditions, and the new technology. NOTE:
Most of the content for this question will be found in Volume II. However, it is
recommended that you begin with the (brief though very important), information found
near the end of Volume I.
9. Summarize the theology of the Pelagian heresy, and from it, infer why it was so
popular among some Christians.
10. Evaluate the impact of the Roman departure from Britannia, and the invasion of the
11. Estimate the importance of Christian missionaries to the Viking and Danish
12. Identify Thomas Becket, and explain the significance of his life, and manner of
13. List and explain the three great challenges facing the English Church during the
reigns of Edward I and his court.
Analyze why Pope Clement V turned against the Knights Templar.
15. Describe John Wycliffe, discussing some of the important aspects of his life's work
and ministry.
Questions Related to Volume II
1. Critique Luther's role, or lack of it, in the Peasant's Revolt of the 1520's. From your
own perspective, evaluate whether he was right or wrong to do what he did.
2. Trace the people and events which led up to the Peasant's War.
3. Identify the important innovation of Zwingli's preaching, and determine its impact on his
4. Generalize the doctrine and practices of the Anabaptists. Compare and contrast their
beliefs with Lutherans and Roman Catholics.
Church History CH-501
5. Identify the following church leaders, and write a one-paragraph biography for each:
John Calvin, Meno Simmons, Jacob Hutter.
6. Give brief accounts of how King Henry VIII, King Edward VI, Queen Mary, Queen
Elizabeth, and James I effected English Christianity.
7. Write on King Henry VIII. Specifically, identify his relationship with the Church of
Rome, and explain his reasons why he was initially opposed to Protestantism.
8. Summarize some of the major differences between the Church of Rome and the
Church of England, paying special attention to the differences in power and authority.
9. Explain the importance of John Winthrop to early colonial Puritans.
10. Discuss the three functions which the Reformed tradition attributed to the Moral Law
and why Roger Williams disapproved of the third application of this Law.
11. Name the colony founded by Roger Williams and explain how this colony made him
the father of religious liberty.
12. Identify the two major Black Baptist movements in the United States.
13. List the four reasons for the diversity among Baptists in the United States.
14. Name the sources of American Presbyterian doctrine and polity.
15. Explain how Princeton Seminary scholars confronted Modernism’s three challenges
to orthodox Christianity.
16. Describe the early history, up to Aldersgate Chapel, of the Wesley brothers.
17. Name the four post-Civil War challenges which confronted the Methodist Church.
18. Explain the significance of Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, and Sola Scriptura in the Lutheran
19. Cite the two reasons Lutheranism had a slow start in colonial America.
20. Discuss the two reasons Congregationalism sponsored public education in colonial
21. Determine the role of Congregational involvement in the American foreign missions
22. Develop a brief theme on Catholicism in colonial America.
23. Explain the effect of America’s War of Independence on the Anglican Church in
colonial America.
Church History CH-501
24. Cite four reasons why the Holiness movement evolved into a denomination.
25. Write a paragraph on how the Holiness movement made possible Pentecostalism.
This completes the Projects for this course.
Church History CH-501