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1. Introduction to Christiantiy
A. Jesus (4? BC – AD 33?)
Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)
B. Branches of Christianity
1. Nestorians “Church of the East”
Council of Ephesus (431)
Nestorius (d. 451)
2. Monophysites “Oriental Orthodox” (Coptic, Armenian, Syrian, Ethiopian)
Council of Chalcedon (451)
monos [one] physis [nature]
3. [Eastern] Orthodox Church
Points of dispute
Schism (1054)
patriarch Michael Cerularius in 1054
Orthodox ecclesiology
autocephalous vs. autonomous
4. Uniate (“Eastern Catholic” or “Eastern-rite Catholic”)
5. Protestant
sola fide (by faith alone), sola scriptura (by scriptures alone)
C. The Seven Sacraments
Augustine (354-413 AD)
Peter Lombard
matter + form + intent 
valid + intent  efficactious
1. Baptism
2. Confirmation
3. Eucharist [=Lord’s Supper, Mass] “Thanksgiving”
Catholic transubstantiation vs. Lutheran consubtantiation vs. Calvinist virtualism
4. Penance
5. Extreme Unction
6. Ordination
7. Matrimony
D. The Bible
biblia “books”
1. Development
Old Testament and New Testament
2. Authority
John Cassian (360-435)
Littera gesta docet
Quid credas allegoria
Moralis quid agas
Quo tendas anagogia
The letter (= “literal”) teaches what happened,
the allegorical what to believe,
The moral what to do,
the anagogical toward what to aspire.
e.g. Matthew 1:1
“(The) book of generation of Jesus Christ, son of David, son of Abraham”