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11.6: Students analyze the different explanations for the Great Depression and how the New Deal
fundamentally changed the role of the federal government.
4) Analyze the effects of and the controversies arising from New Deal economic policies and the
expanded role of the federal government in society and the economy since the 1930s (e.g., Works Progress
Administration, Social Security, National Labor Relations Board, farm programs, regional development
policies, and energy development projects such as the Tennessee Valley Authority, California Central
Valley Project, and Bonneville Dam).
A Review of Hoover
Remember, ______________ did some things to try to aid the debt stricken nation, most notably:
- The ________________________________ (1929) to provide assistance to farm co-ops
- The _____________________________________________ (1932) to provide loans to big
business and financial support to bankrupt counties
- But, he mostly believed in _________________________________ and relief programs
The Three New Deals
- The First New Deal is generally considered to run between 1933 and early 1935. It focused on
______________________________________________________________ from the Depression for the
poor and unemployed, particularly ________________________________________________________
- The Second New Deal began in 1935 in response to discontent in the lower middle class and accusations
of communism and socialism against FDR and the New Deal. These were ________________________
aimed at creating social justice while at the same time ________________________________________
- Examples: WPA, NYA, SSA, RA, REA, NLRB
- The Third New Deal is generally considered to run between 1937 and 1938. It represents a significant
slow-down in legislation; laws which were passed focused on establishing a minimum wage and housing
reform and ___________________________________________________________________________
- Examples: FSA, National Housing Act, Fair Labor Standards Act, “Court-packing Scheme”
Key New Deal Agencies
Emergency Banking Act (EBA) – March of 1933:
Federal Emergency Relief Act (FERA) – 1933 to 1935:
National Industrial Recovery Act/National Recovery Administration (NIRA/NRA) – 1933 to 1935:
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) – 1933 to 1942:
Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) – 1933 to 1938:
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) – 1933 to present:
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) – 1934 to present:
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) – 1934 to present:
Social Security Act (SSA) – 1935 to present:
Works Progress Administration (WPA) – 1935 to 1943:
National Youth Administration (NYA) – 1935 to 1943:
Federal Arts Project (FAP) – 1935 to 1943
National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act) – 1935 to present:
Court Packing (Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937)
- ___________________________________________________________________________________
- Supreme Court size is determined by Congress and had been at nine since 1869; FDR’s proposed law
would have allowed the president to add one justice for every justice over 70 years and six months of age
who refused to retire (up to a total of six – 15 total justices)
- FDR said this would help limit the work load of older justices who FDR said were probably tired and
overworked, but it was really designed to create a more pro-New Deal court
- Ultimately, __________________________________________________________________________
- Over the course of his presidency FDR was still able to appoint seven justices, but the failure to pass the
Court Packing Bill, despite his wide appeals to the public that it was necessary to reform the national
economic and political system, showed FDR that his popularity had limits and called the future of the
New Deal into question, limited future reform efforts, and provided more ammunition for people who
attacked FDR as a dictator, tyrant, socialist, and fascist