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Social Security
Act of 1935
Erica Bermudez
Social Security Act of 1935
 After the 74th Congress in January 1935, President Roosevelt
sent his "Economic Security Bill" to Capitol Hill.
 It was then transmitted to the Congress on January 17, 1935
and it was introduced that same day in the Senate by Senator
Robert Wagner and in the House by Congressman Robert
Doughtona nd David Lewis.
 After, the bill was referred to Senate Finance Committee and
the House Ways & Means Committee. The bill was
renamed on March 1, 1935 by Congressman Frank Buck.
 On August 14, 1935 President Roosevelt signed the bill into law in the
White House Cabinet Room.
 The act created a solution to the problem of old-age pensions. U.S.
social security "insurance" was supported from "contributions" in the
form of taxes on individuals’ wages and employers’ payrolls rather
than directly from Government funds.
 The act also provided funds to assist children, the blind, and the
unemployed; to institute vocational training programs; and provide
family health programs.
 The Social Security Act authorized the Social Security Board to
register citizens for benefits, to administer the contributions received
by the Federal Government, and to send payments to recipients.
Prior to Social Security, the elderly routinely faced the prospect of
poverty upon retirement.
 It gave pension to the elderly and later on the act was expanded to
include to dependent and disabled people