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Ann Wigmore, a nutritionist and author once said, “The food you eat can be either
the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.” And
she’s right. Food is medicine to our body and it can either kill us or cure us. How we
treat our bodies and what food we put into it has a very powerful effect on our
health and quality of life. A whole-food, plant-based diet is a diet consuming natural
plants. A diet based on fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains. It excludes any
foods that come from animals, including chicken, fish, dairy products, eggs and any
refined foods, such as sugar, flour and oil.
Throughout the years, this diet has been growing more and more popular, as a lot of
scientific data confirms the several benefits of this diet. Consuming highly processed
foods and animal products are what actually make people sick and overweight.
However, switching to a plant-based diet can prevent all of this. This diet has been
proven to benefit people both physically and mentally.
Eating plant-based will help you maintain your health, or regain it if you’re
unhealthy. It’s been shown to lower cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar. It
prevents heart disease and can also reverse heart disease is you’ve been diagnosed.
People who are victims of heart attack or strokes will often be told by doctors to
switch to this diet, in order to prevent their heart disease from getting worse. It also
prevents and reverses obesity. Many people who are obese switch to this diet and
those that do, see results very quickly, as eating organic foods slims you down and
allows for a much healthier body. Where eating meat actually increases your
chances of developing cancer, eating rich natural foods will actually prevent the risk
of developing cancer and diabetes. Furthermore, women who don’t follow this diet
are more prone to developing breast cancer than women who do. If someone is
diagnosed with cancer and switches to this diet, it will slow the progression of the
disease. It is also a fact that following this diet will lead to a better quality of life as
well as a longer life.
Almost anyone who hears about this diet will say, “You’re not eating enough
protein,” which is completely false. In today’s society, people believe that the only
way to consume protein is by eating meats and dairy products, when in reality,
these foods are what deteriorate our health. People think we need to consume these
foods in order to prevent becoming protein deficient, but it’s actually suffering from
a calorie deficiency where people are most seen lacking protein- not by following
this diet. All whole, plant-based foods have protein, such as legumes and vegetables.
But doctors say that by acquiring a good health is done by targeting whole foods, not
a high number of grams of protein. In fact, consuming too much protein is harmful
to the body, especially when the source of protein comes from animals.
The same belief is common with the intake of calcium. Many people believe that the
only way to get enough calcium is by consuming dairy products, especially milk.
Calcium, just like protein, isn’t difficult to consume when eating a whole-foods diet.
Calcium is a mineral that is found in soil that is absorbed into the roots of plants.
Animals consume calcium by taking in mineral plants. Today, everyone believes that
calcium only comes from dairy products when in fact, they come from the soil and
are rich in all whole foods. Two major factors that leads to the weakening of bones is
consuming a diet high in acid and sodium, but this diet is low in both, thus
preventing weak bones.
Avoiding animal products also leads to better skin care. In animal products, there
are a lot of saturated fats, which clog pores. The vitamins and antioxidants in fruits
and vegetables help in achieving healthy skin and will remove acne. Just after one
week of following this diet, one will already start to notice a difference.
More importantly, it also gives you more energy, making you much more energetic
and happy. Animal foods are very hard to digest, therefore making the digestive
system work really hard, sucking the energy from you and making you sleepy.
Eating organic foods however, give you a lot more energy since digestion is much
easier. This also leads to getting a better sleep, since throughout the day you will
have had a lot of energy and by the end of the night, you’ll feel more relaxed and
Eating a whole-food, plant-based diet will lead to a happier outlook on life.
Switching to this diet is the best thing you can do for your health, as well as saving
the lives of many animals. It’s a diet that will turn into a lifestyle, making you a
happier, more energetic person all-around. The benefits and difference just
switching to this are endless and incredibly spectacular. Although this has been
increasing in popularity, still not everyone is aware of this healthy diet. It’s
important that all of us are informed of this amazing way of eating and the many
ways it can change our lives.