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1. The Hawaiian Island volcanoes are A.cinder cones B.shield volcanoes C.composite volcanoes
2. Rift valleys are found along ? plate boundaries. A.divergent B.convergent C.transform D.rift valleys are
found along all of these types of plate boundaries
3. “Petrified” wood and bone are typically preserved unaltered soft parts unaltered hard parts
cellular permineralization carbonization molds and casts
4. Earthquake primary waves move ? than shear waves. A.slower B.faster C.earthquake primary waves and
shear waves move at the same speed
5. A reverse fault is a ? fault. A.dip-slip B.strike-slip depends upon the type of reverse fault
6. Alfred Wegener formulated the theory of A.plate tectonics B.continental drift
7. The beds in anticlines dip A.toward the outside of the structure B.toward the center of the structure
8. In ?, the volatile components of the organism decreases after death and the outline of the animal or plant is
preserved. A.unaltered soft parts B.unaltered hard parts C.cellular permineralization D.carbonization
E.molds and casts
9. Horsts are ? fault blocks. A.uplifted B.down-thrown
10. A ? is unconsolidated, wind-deposited silt and dust derived from glacial regions or deserts. A.kettle
B.moraine C.drumlin D.esker E.loess
11. The “zone of ablation” is a A.soil zone B.glacial zone C.type of plate boundary D.type of volcano
E.seafloor spreading zone
12. The Himalayas were created by plate A.divergence B.oceanic-oceanic convergence C.oceanic-continental
convergence D.continental-continental convergence E.shearing
13. Faults are younger than the rocks that contain them. This illustrates the principle of A.superposition
B.cross-cutting relationships C.unconformities D.original horizontality E.inclusions
14. The ?-wave shadow zone is from approximately 105° to 140° from the earthquake epicenter. A.P B.S
C.both the P- and S-wave shadow zones are from approximately 105° to 140° from the earthquake epicenter
15. Bajadas are A.glacial accumulation zones B.zones of glacial wastage C.convergent plate boundaries
D.transform plate boundaries E.coalesced alluvial fans
16. The San Andreas Fault is an example of a ? plate boundary. A.divergent B.oceanic-oceanic convergent
C.oceanic-continental convergent D.continental-continental convergent E.transform
17. The study of fossil plants is A.invertebrate paleontology B.paleozoology C.micropaleontology
D.paleoecology E.paleobotany
18. Calderas are associated with A.volcanoes B.glaciers C.eolian dunes D.moraines E.wadis
19. In lithostratigraphy, ? are used for correlation. A.rock characteristics B.fossils lithostratigraphy, both
rock characteristics and fossils are used for correlation
20. According to continental drift theory A.the continents move B.the ocean basins move C.everything moves
according to continental drift theory
21. ? are tabular discordant plutons. A.batholiths B.stocks C.laccoliths D.sills E.dikes
22. The principle of ? is used to determine if rocks have been deformed. A.superposition B.cross-cutting
relationships C.unconformities D.original horizontality E.inclusions
23. The Sierra Nevada Range of California and the Grand Tetons of Wyoming were formed divergence
B.along transform plate boundaries C.along an island arc D.along a magmatic arc E.due to continentcontinent collision
24. Durapartic preservation refers to A.unaltered soft parts B.unaltered hard parts C.cellular permineralization
D.carbonization E.molds and casts
25. Tabular icebergs are typically formed from ? glaciers. A.alpine B.continental
26. In synclines, the oldest exposed bed is along the ? of the structure. B.edge
27. Trace fossils were created A.when the organism was alive B.after the organism died
28. Continental plates are also termed A.sialic B.simatic depends upon the type of continental plate
29. ? is the direction of a horizontal line in the plane of bedding. A.strike B.dip C.this describes both strike
and dip
30. The Hawaiian Islands are examples of a ? plate boundary. A.divergent B.oceanic-oceanic convergent
C.oceanic-continental convergent D.transform E.the Hawaiian Islands are not along a plate boundary; they
were created due to mantle plumes
31. ? deserts are deficient in rainfall because they are either located in the center of continents or cut off from
rain-bearing winds by high mountains. A.topographic B.climatic C.coastal
32. Alpine glaciers form mountain regions B.over large continental areas depends upon the type of
mountain glacier
33. In a reverse fault the hanging wall moves ? relative to the footwall. A.down B.up
34. Strata are A.fossil assemblages B.geologic dating techniques C.rock layers D.earthquake foci
35. The supercontinent of plate tectonic theory is A.Panthalassa B.Glossopteris C.Mesosaurus D.Pangaea
E.San Andreas
36. The ? Scale measures earthquake magnitude. A.Mercalli B.Richter C.the Mercalli and Richter scales both
measure earthquake magnitude
37. Playas are often formed glacial areas B.within volcanoes C.along divergent plate boundaries
deserts E.along earthquakes
38. Geologic folds result from ? deformation. A.brittle B.ductile
39. The Aleutian Islands and the islands of Japan were developed along ? plate boundaries. A.oceanic divergent
B.ocean-ocean convergent C.ocean-continental convergent D.continental-continental convergent
40. A ? is a glaciated valley flooded by the sea to form a long, narrow, steep-walled inlet . A.cirque B.horn
C.moraine D.tarn E.fjord
41. Carbon-14 dating ? dating most rocks. used for not used in
42. The ? discontinuity is between the Earth’s mantle and core. A.Mohorovicic B.Gutenberg
43. The greater the silica content of magma, the ? the explosiveness of the volcano. A.less B.greater
44. The highest-ranking time unit in geology is the A.stage B.epoch C.era D.period E.eon
45. The Andes Mountains were created by plate A.divergence B.oceanic-oceanic convergence C.oceaniccontinental convergence D.continental-continental convergence E.shearing
46. Index fossils are useful for A.determining paleoecology B.establishing the paleogeography of a region
C.correlation D.studying theories of evolution E.studies of seismology
47. Lava tubes and tunnels would most often be associated with ? lava. A.pahoehoe B.aa
48. A ? is a desert rock faceted and polished by the wind. A.bajada B.playa C.wadi D.plateau E.ventifact
49. Firn, or neve, is a type of A.plate tectonic boundary B.sand dune C.glacial ice D.evaporite E.silicate
50. ? volcanoes are mostly formed from andesite. A.composite B.shield C.both composite and shield
volcanoes are made from andesite
51. ? are gaps in the rock record due to erosion or nondeposition. A.conformities B.nonconformities C.both
conformities and nonconformities are gaps in the rock record
52. Unaltered soft parts of organisms may be preserved in A.arid environments B.frozen regions C.amber
D.waterlogged areas E.all of these environments may preserve unaltered soft parts of organisms
53. A steppe is a A.drumlin B.esker C.plate tectonic boundary D.semiarid area E.dune
54. Midoceanic ridges are sites of plate A.convergence B.divergence
55. ? are mushroom-shaped plutons. A.batholiths B.stocks C.laccoliths D.sills E.dikes
56. Isotopes of an element have a different number of A.protons B.neutrons C.both protons and neutrons vary
in isotopes of a particular element
57. A ? is a smooth, glacially streamlined hill that is elongate in the direction of ice movement. A.kettle
B.moraine C.drumlin D.esker E.loess
58. The study of earthquakes is termed A.petrology B.petrography C.seismology D.meteorology E.orogeny
59. In joints, there ? relative movement of rock on opposite sides of the break. no
60. A ? is a narrow, sharp ridge separating two adjacent glacial valleys. A.cirque B.horn C.moraine D.tarn
61. The earthquake ? is above the earthquake ?. A.focus, epicenter B.epicenter, focus C.the terms “focus” and
“epicenter” refer to the same phenomenon
62. Eolian dunes are formed by A.wind B.water depends upon the type of eolian dune
63. The basic mapping unit of geology is the A.bed B.member C.formation E.supergroup
64. Glacial valleys tend to be ?-shaped. A.”U” B.”V” depends upon the type of glacial valley
65. The study of ancient life is A.seismology B.petrology C.petrography D.stratigraphy E.paleontology
66. ? lava has a smooth, ropy appearance. A.pahoehoe B.aa C.both pahoehoe and aa lava have a smooth, ropy
67. A mesa is ? than a butte. A.smaller B.larger C.mesas and buttes refer to the same topographic features
68. Earthquake primary and secondary waves are ? waves. A.body B.surface C.earthquake primary waves are
body waves, whereas secondary waves are surface waves
69. A ? is a small mountain lake. A.cirque B.horn C.moraine D.tarn E.arête
70. Pyroclastic rocks are made from A.lava B.tephra C.pyroclastic rocks are made from both lava and tephra
71. Plutons are ? igneous structures. A.intrusive B.extrusive
72. ? are “seismic sea waves”. A.tillites B.moraines C.cirques D.tsunamis E.guyots
73. A ? is an impression of skeletal remains in a rock. A.mold B.cast
74. The oldest ocean rocks are about ? years old. A.100 million B.200 million C.300 million D.1 billion
E.4.6 billion
75. ? dating is often used to date volcanic igneous rocks. A.Carbon-14 B.potassium-argon C.both Carbon-14
and potassium-argon dating are used to date volcanic igneous rocks
76. Basalt magma is ? explosive than rhyolite magma. A.less B.more C.basalt and rhyolite magma are both
77. This test number is A. Please answer "A" for question # 77.