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DHO Chapter 3 Study Guide
1. How much training does a Technician need?
2. How much does a Technologist need?
3. Who can administer medications in a long-term care facility? LPN, RN
4. What is the term for the study, care and treatment of elderly people?
5. What term describes someone who assumes (takes on ) the risks of a business?
6. The highest level of training in emergency medicine/pre-hospital care is?
7. An Associate’s Degree normally takes how long?
8. A Bachelor’s Degree normally takes how long?
9. A Master’s Degree normally takes how long for someone who has a Bachelor’s Degree?
10. Who helps patients with inherited diseases?
11. What do Radiology Technicians do?
12. HSTE programs in secondary education help a student do what?
13. If you go to a program that is NOT accredited, will you be able to get a certification/licensure or
registration from that training?
14. Describe the difference in training between a PA and a Medical Assistant –
15. What does a Dialysis Technician do?
16. Know the jobs in each of the clusters – Therapeutic Services, Diagnostic Services, Health
Informatics, Support Services, Research & Development
17. Know the difference between Registration, Certification and Licensure
18. What should you do if you have a registration/certification/licensure in one state and you want
to move to another state?
19. What are continuing education units?
Describe these careers – what do these professional do, are they a Dr.?
1. Psychiatrist - Dr., diagnose and treat mental illness
2. Psychologist – Not a Dr. help people with issues of everyday life
3. Pediatrician - Dr., who specializes in care for children
4. Gynecologist - Dr., specializes in the female reproductive system
5. Periodontist/Periodontics - Dr., treat and prevent diseases of the gums
6. Phlebotomist/Venipuncture Technician - collect blood and prepare it for test
7. Epidemiologist - identify and track diseases in groups of people
8. Podiatrist – Dr. who specializes and treats foot problems
9. Ophthalmologist - Dr. specializing in diseases of eye (surgeon)
10. Veterinarian - Dr. prevent and treat and diagnose disease and injuries in animals
11. Physical Therapist (PT) – treatment to improve mobility, work with major joints/muscles
12. Genetic Counselor- information to people on genetic disease
13. EEG Technologist- records electrical activity of brain
14. Dietician - manage food service systems, help residents/patients with nutritional needs
15. Health care administrator - plan/direct/coordinate/manage health care facilities
16. Pharmacist - dispense medications per written orders (Pharm.D)
17. Dermatologist- Dr, skin disorders
18. Orthopedist - treat diseases and disorders of bones and muscles
19. Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) - Provide emergency pre-hospital care to accident/illness
20. Geriatric Assistant - care for elderly
21. Oncologist – Dr., treat patients with cancer or tumors
22. Orthodontist - who does alignment or straightening of teeth (dentist)
23. Massage Therapist – supervised by PT, use stuff like massages to help you
24. Audiologist – individual specializing in treatment of hearing disorders
25. Recreation Therapist – Use leisure activities as forms of treatment to improve patient wellbeing
26. Doctor of Osteopathy – DO – treats diseases/disorders placing special emphasis on the nervous,
muscular and skeletal system and the relationship between body, mind and emotions