Download RSPT 1085 – EXAM II STUDY GUIDE 50 multiple

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50 multiple-choice questions.
Module C – Medical Terminology
o Know the four word parts.
o Given a definition, identify the proper word to describe it.
o Given a word, identify its definition.
o Identify the plural form a word.
o All of the above specific to the respiratory system.
Module D – Patient Care Process
o Differentiate between a prospective and a retrospective payment system.
 Define DRG
o Differentiate between the three ways orders are generated.
o Define Evidence-Based Medicine.
o Know the difference between scene survey and primary survey.
 Know the four critical life functions.
o Differentiate between objective (signs) and subjective (symptoms).
Module E-1 – Infection Control
o Define nosocomial.
o Definitions in module.
o Routes of transmission.
o Standard Precautions.
 What is done for each of the following type of isolation:
 Droplet
 Airborne
 Contact
o Hand hygiene
 Proper technique for hand wash.
 C. Diff
o Differentiate between:
 Cleaning
 Disinfection
 Sterilization
o Differentiate between each of the following and be able to identify equipment in
each category:
 Critical
 Semi-Critical
 Non-Critical
o Know each of the following methods of processing:
 Pasteurization
 Boiling
 Gluteraldehydes
 Chlorine Bleach
 Isopropyl Alcohol
 Steam Autoclave
 Incineration