* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
HS 20 - Weir Unit 2 Exam Review – Nutrition Terminology: Macronutrient Micronutrient Macro-mineral Trace Mineral Polypeptide Body Mass Index Organic Compound Inorganic Compound Soluble Essential Amino Acid Insoluble Hydrolysis Hydrogenation Dehydration Synthesis Atherosclerosis Peptide bond HDL LDL 1. Know the types of carbohydrates simple, complex, indigestible as well as monosaccharide, disaccharide and polysaccharide. 2. Know the 4 types of lipids. 3. Know the structural difference between unsaturated and saturated fats. 4. Know the structural make-up of an amino acid. (Proteins) 5. Complete protein vs. incomplete protein. 6. Know the sub-units that make up carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. 7. What is the main purpose of a carbohydrate, a lipid and a protein in the body? 8. Be able to properly read a nutrition facts label. (Simple math involved) 9. Be familiar with what certain diets do in the body (carb-rich diet, low carb diet, etc.) 10. List the benefits of eating a healthy diet (found in the notes called “Nutrition and Your Health”) 11. Know the risks of being overweight and being underweight. (from your notes) 12. Whole food vs. Food product. 13. Fat soluble vitamins versus water soluble vitamins. 14. Examples of macro-minerals and trace minerals and where can we get them? 15. Examples of vitamin and mineral deficiencies. 16. What does your body’s waste tell you about your diet? What does it mean if you have dark urine, foul stool, soft stool etc.? What can cause an increase/decrease in bowel movements? 17. Be able to discuss one “fad diet” that was discussed in class – give a brief overview explaining what the diet is, as well as benefits and risks that come along with the diet. Exam Make-Up: Multiple Choice (24 questions) True or False (10 questions) Short Answer (approx. 10 questions)