Download May 7, 2017 – Fourth Sunday of Easter

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May 7, 2017 – Fourth Sunday of Easter
Sunday Mass at 9:00 a.m.
Confessions prior to Mass 8:15am-8:40am or by appointment
Monthly Rosary – First &Third Sunday of Month at 8:30 a.m.
Men’s Study/Prayer Group Every Sunday at 7:00 a.m.
Rosary/Communion Service Tuesday at 9:30 a.m.
Religious Education – See Cindy Carroll
Women’s Bible Study – Starts again in April
FIRST COMMUNION SUNDAY is today, May 7, 2017. Please keep our First Communicants
Carly Akers, Karter Gilbert and Aiden Beam in your prayers as they celebrate this joyous
MAY IS THE MONTH dedicated to honoring Mary. Our annual May crowning will be today,
Sunday, May 7th. Carly Akers will be crowning our Blessed Mother.
WE WELCOME our new parishioners Wally & Patricia Kowalski and their two sons to our parish
FINANCE COUNCIL will meet on Monday, May 8th at 1pm.
PARISH COUNCIL will meet on Wednesday, May 10th at 2pm.
Pastoral Administrator: Deacon John Bodway
P.O. Box 102, 13809 M-40 N
Gobles, MI 49055
Email: [email protected]
Fr. Jim Morris
Fr. Bob Flickinger
Religious Ed Coordinator:
Cindy Carroll
Music Director:
Laura Woods
Mary Wilkins
April 30, 2017
Year to Date $
(269) 628-2219
(269) 382-2379
(269) 628-2219
(269) 637-2404
(269) 427-7514
116 people present at Mass
Envelopes issued: 95
Envelopes used: 28
Mass intention May 14, 2017 – For Edward Carroll III by JMJ Home School Group
Travis Blouin
Nick Sagodic
Karen Boyer
need volunteer
Betty Drobny
Lillian B. Wheeler
BODY OF CHRIST (ST. JUDE)...........
Rick Shultz
need volunteer
CENTER AISLE EAST...............
Father Jim
CENTER AISLE WEST...............
Deacon John
ALTAR SERVERS...........................….
John Paul
ALTAR AIDE....................................
Heather Gordon
GREETER …………………………..
Confirmation Class
FAMILY PERSPECTIVE - In today’s gospel Jesus tells us, HE IS THE WAY and warns anyone
who offers “another way” to happiness is “a thief and a bandit.” Strong words! Don’t listen to the
sales pitch of society for happiness. Look to yourself where God is present and “calls you by
name and leads you to abundant life.”
MIGRANT MINISTRY MEETING will be on Wednesday, May 17th at 7pm, here at St. Jude’s.
You do not have to speak Spanish to be a part of this ministry. All is welcome.
PANCAKE BREAKFAST – St. Jude’s Men’s Group sponsored a Pancake last Sunday at St. Jude
Parish. Proceeds will purchase an A.E.D. machine and First Aid kit for the parish. The group
profited $338.79. Thank you to the men’s group and all who supported the pancake breakfast.
CONFIRMATION – We will be celebrating the sacrament of Confirmation next Sunday, May
14th. Please keep Nick Sagodic, Taylor Price, Darin Blouin, Travis Blouin, Ellie Carroll, Maris
Gordon and Dominic Carroll in your prayers as they prepare for Confirmation. Stay after Mass
for refreshments.
THIS WEEKEND we make our pledges for the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. As Christian stewards
we recognize God as the source of everything we are and have. We are grateful for our blessings
and seek ways to give back, to return some of these gifts to show our love for the Lord and one
another. As disciples of Jesus Christ, all of us share in the mission of the Catholic Diocese of
Kalamazoo. Only when we work together can we accomplish God’s work. Please prayerfully
consider a very generous gift to this year’s appeal. Our parish goals are 100% participation and
$17,725. With your gift we can achieve them. Consider increasing your last year’s gift by a
percentage or specific dollar amount in order to meet increased needs in our diocese and beyond.
Remember, no gift is too small or too large, and every gift makes the work of Jesus Christ possible.
MAY 14TH is our annual wax/begonia/geranium Sunday. Please bring a plant (any color) to church.
They will be planted to beautify our grounds during the summer months.
LOOKING FOR GRADUATES from high school or college. Please let us know if you are
graduating this year. Each graduate is asked to have a short write-up of their accomplishments,
plans and their picture to Deacon John. Please notify us by May 21st if you would like to
participate. Our graduate Mass will be on Sunday, June 4th followed by bagels, punch and coffee.
HOLY LAND COLLECTION – Thanks to your generosity $405.00 was collected to maintain the
holy sites in the Holy Land.
ON SATURDAY, MAY 13TH, the Universal Church celebrates the 100th Anniversary of the first
of several apparitions of our Blessed Mother to the three shepherd children in Fatima. Over the
course of these 100 years, many graces, blessings, and conversions have taken place through
the intercession of Our Lady of Fatima. As we observe this very special anniversary here in our
Diocese, all are invited to participate in the 8:45 a.m. Mass at St. Augustine Cathedral on
Saturday, May 13th, celebrated by Bishop Bradley, and immediately following the Mass to
participate in a very special praying of the Rosary outdoors (weather permitting) to pray for
peace in the world and an increase of Vocations here in our Diocese. All are welcome!
COME AND SEE - Our lives are busy, filled with family, jobs, school, career choices, caring for
loved ones, and we look for hope. Where do we turn? Would you just like to stop, take a break,
and have a cup of coffee? Do you have questions about life? Do you wonder about what it
would be like to be part of a community of faith? St. Basil Church invites you, or someone you
know, to a “Come and See” on Wednesday, May 17 at 6:30 p.m. We will have a relaxed
gathering, weather permitting, on the front porch of St. Basil Church. Come share your day or
week with us. We are here to walk with you and would love to meet you. If you have any
questions, please contact Geralyn Monacelli, 269-637-6714.
ST. VINCENT DEPAUL is in need of gently used mattresses and box springs for our local area.
If you have any of these items please contact Jim Cella at 808-7836 or the parish office
PRAYER CHAIN – Call LaVerne Childers 628-4226 or Claire Miller 628-5667,
THE SICK named are remembered at each Mass. Please pray for them at home also. To add a name, get permission
to publish the name, call the parish office with your name, phone number, and name of the person who is ill. Names will
be kept on the list for three months. Let us know if a name can be removed sooner, or should be kept on longer!
Thank you.
FOR THOSE WHO ARE ILL, please keep them in your prayers: Shirley Burza, Joyce Klein
Marion & Betty Drobny, Loretta Carroll, Frank Phillips, Jack Freehill, Orrin Wheeler, Joan
England, Jean Pareda, Ginny Roundhouse, Kathy Roach, Robert Nehring, Mike Mansfield, Joan
Rumery and Arlene McKeon
Mass at either St. Joseph Church, St. Joseph or St. Bernard Church, Benton Harbor. A prayerful
procession from both churches will follow after Mass to St. John Church, Benton Harbor
(approx. two miles) to assemble for a short prayer service at 10 a.m., opportunity for a plenary
indulgence and a May Crowning. Fellowship and refreshments to follow; transportation will be
provided back to cars. All are encouraged to wear blue in honor of Our Lady. Contact: Linda
Zienty, [email protected] or Ada Green, 269.927.4248.
have a blast at the same time? Check out Camp Sancta Maria located in Gaylord, Michigan.
We are a Catholic camp that provides fun experiences in a technology-free zone (and they won’t
even miss their cell phones!) while immersed in a faith-filled environment. We offer separate
camping experiences for boys and girls that include daily Mass, horseback riding, swimming,
archery, various sports, high and low ropes, campfires, crafts and more. For additional
information, check us out at or call (248) 822-8199.
GOBLES FOOD PANTRY - Here are some suggested items that the pantry can always use:
shampoo, toilet paper, dishwashing soap, syrup, jelly, sugar, pancake mix, macaroni and
cheese, canned goods and salt. If you would rather make a monetary donation, please be
aware that we can purchase food at $0.16/lb and $0.12/lb through Feeding America so $1.00
will buy 6 or 8# of food. If you would like to make a donation put your name on an envelope and
drop in contribution basket. Thank you so much for your support of the local pantry that touches
many peoples lives.
GOOD NEWS AND BREWS FOR YOUNG ADULTS - Formerly Theology on Tap through
Renew International, Good News and Brews is a revamp for the Diocese of Kalamazoo. We will
meet on the second Thursday of each month beginning on May 11th from 7 - 9 p.m. at Arcadia
Brewing Company in their Private Dining Room. Dynamic speakers, engaging topics on popular
issues, and fellowship for married and single young adults from college through their 30s.
Please contact Tim McNamara with any questions.
THANK YOU TO ALL OUR WONDERFUL VOLUNTEERS who give their time and talents to
the Parish. We could not keep everything going here without you.