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English as a Second Language Curriculum
Proficiency Level: Novice Grades: 6-8
Title: Community
Page Number
Unit Title and Description with Learning Targets
Unit Language - Functions and Forms
Unit Assessment Overview
Unit Assessment Checklist
Unit Assessment Rubric
Sample Unit Calendar
Additional Activities
Grammar Cheat Sheet
Anchor Charts
ELP Level: Novice Grade level: 6-8
Written by Roxanne LaForce, Dina Moritz, Karen Rash, Kathy Rager,
with help from Lena Baucum
January 13, 2014
UNIT 2: Community
Unit duration: 3 weeks
Stage 1
Identify Desired Results
In this unit students use the present tense of the verb ‘to be’ to describe people with nouns, pronouns, and
adjectives. Students describe places in the community using prepositional phrases, and ask informational
Description questions. Students use adjectives in order to express opinions regarding the community using simple
 Describing People, Places, and Things: Target Form – Nouns, Pronouns, and Adjectives: Students learn
to understand and generate oral and written language with common nouns, pronouns, and adjectives.
Simple sentences with specific vocabulary.
 Defining and Describing: Target Form – Nouns, pronouns, and Adjectives: Students learn to define
concrete and abstract objects/concepts with correct nouns, pronouns, and adjectives. Patterned
responses (e.g., A librarian works in a library., A baker works in a bakery.)
 Describing Location: Target Form - Prepositional Phrases and Commands: Students learn to understand
and generate oral and written language with prepositional phrases and commands. Demonstrate
comprehension of total physical response commands, including prepositions (e.g., to the right of, to the
left of, in front of; follow, stop, go straight)
 Asking Informational Questions: Target Form – Verbs and Verb Phrases in Questions: Students learn to
understand and generate oral and written language with verbs and verb phrases in questions. Present
or present progressive tense questions with ‘to be’.
 Expressing and Supporting Opinions: Target Form – Sentence Structure: Students learn to use sentence
structures. (I like, I don’t like, I need to go., I want to go.)
ELP Level: Novice Grade level: 6-8
Written by Roxanne LaForce, Dina Moritz, Karen Rash, Kathy Rager, with help from Lena Baucum
January 13, 2014
Unit Goals
I can describe people,
places, and things.
I can describe locations.
I can use simple sentences.
I can use prepositional
I can use specific nouns (for
I can use prepositional
I can ask informational
questions regarding the
location of places and people in
a community.
I can use verb and verb phrases
in questions.
I can use present or present
progressive tense questions with
the verb ‘to be’.
I can use specific nouns,
pronouns, and adjectives.
ELP Level: Novice Grade level: 6-8
I can express and support
opinions regarding likes,
dislikes, needs and wants.
I can use simple sentences.
I can classify likes and dislikes.
I can classify needs and wants.
Written by Roxanne LaForce, Dina Moritz, Karen Rash, Kathy Rager, with help from Lena Baucum
January 13, 2014
Stage 2
Assessment Evidence:
Academic Language (What language will students need to sound like experts?)
Key Vocabulary
 Describing People - librarian, principal, teacher, secretary,
police officer, cashier, manager, security, lifeguard,
doctor, nurse, waiter, waitress, chef (cook), firefighter,
bank teller, baker, bus driver, postal worker, housekeeper
Locations- store, mall, laundry mat, aquatic center,
hospital, restaurants, bank, fire station, post office,
bakery, bus stop, convenience store, apartment, house
(home), hotel, gas station, park
Things – avenue, court, street, boulevard, highway, stop
sign, traffic light, street sign, sidewalk, crosswalk
Defining and Describing – I like, I don’t like… , is/are, a
couple/a few/some/many/a lot, demonstrative adjectives
(this/that/there is)
Describing Location - prepositions: to the right of, to the
left of, behind, in front of, on the corner, near, far from,
next to, across the street from, by the
Language Scaffolding
Where is/are the _____?
 The ______ is/are _______.
 The park is next to the school.
Can you tell me where the _______ is/are, please?
 The _______ is/are ________.
 The library is behind the post office.
Can you give me directions to________?
 The ______ is/are _______.
 The store is near the bakery.
How do you get to the ________?
 The _______ is/are ________.
 The bus stop is next to the convenience store.
Do you like to go to the________?
 Yes, I do.
 No, I don’t.
How many are there?
 There is/are________.
 There are two banks next to the restaurant.
Who works at the _________?
 The librarian works at the library.
Who is working at the__________?
 The principal is working at the school.
 I want /don’t want to go to the ______.
 I need/don’t need to go to the _______.
ELP Level: Novice Grade level: 6-8
Written by Roxanne LaForce, Dina Moritz, Karen Rash, Kathy Rager, with help from Lena Baucum
January 13, 2014
What evidence from formative and summative assessments should you collect to verify student learning?
based on
 Rubric
 Assessment Checklist
I can read simple text (pre-K through 2nd grade) on topics related to community and respond with single word or simple phrases
to comprehension questions.
I can use previously learned language to write five simple sentences about community using learned vocabulary.
I can use simple sentences to ask and answer community related questions using previously learned language and vocabulary.
I can listen to a short passage related to community and answer comprehension questions with single words or simple phrases.
ELP Level: Novice Grade level: 6-8
Written by Roxanne LaForce, Dina Moritz, Karen Rash, Kathy Rager, with help from Lena Baucum
January 13, 2014
I can classify needs and wants.
I can classify likes and dislikes.
I can use verbs and verb phrases in
I can use present or present progressive
tense questions with the verb ‘to be’.
I can use specific nouns, pronouns, and
I can use prepositional phrases.
Student Name
I can use simple sentences.
Unit of Study Assessment Checklist
5 POINT SCALE: Exceeds = 5; Proficient 4; Almost Proficient = 3; Limited = 2; Not Proficient = 1
ELP Level: Novice Grade level: 6-8
Written by Roxanne LaForce, Dina Moritz, Karen Rash, Kathy Rager, with help from Lena Baucum
January 13, 2014
I can incorporate a detail(s) into
a simple sentence.
I can use a prepositional phrase
in a simple sentence.
I can use a simple sentence to
express an idea.
I can use a prepositional phrase
to indicate the location of an
I can use specific nouns.
I can use specific nouns in
simple sentences.
I can use specific pronouns.
I can use specific pronouns in
simple sentences.
I can use specific nouns in simple
sentences with occasional errors
in the sentence structure.
I can use specific pronouns in
simple sentences with occasional
errors in the sentence structure.
I can use specific adjectives.
I can use specific adjectives in
simple sentences.
I can use simple sentences.
I can use prepositional
I can use present and/or
present progressive tense
questions with the verb ‘to
I can use verbs and verb
phrases in questions.
I can use a single word to
express an idea.
I can use a motion to indicate
the location of an object.
I can use the conjugated verb ‘to
be’ within a simple question
with occasional syntactical
I can conjugate the verb ‘to be’.
I can use formulaic questions to
obtain information.
I can use formulaic questions
with some errors.
I can use sentence frames to
ask questions.
I can respond to simple
questions regarding what I like
or dislike with a single word
I can state my needs and wants
with a single word.
I can identify my own personal
likes and dislikes by pointing.
I can use specific adjectives in
simple sentences with occasional
I can accurately conjugate and
use the present and/or present
progressive tense questions with
the verb ‘to be’.
I can classify likes and dislikes.
I can ask a question regarding
likes and dislikes to another
I can use a simple sentence to
respond to a question about my
likes and dislikes.
I can classify needs and wants.
I can state my needs and wants
using a complete, simple
I can state my needs and wants
with a phrase.
I can use a phrase to express an
I can combine a motion and
occasionally use a prepositional
phrase to indicate the location
of an object.
I can use single word nouns or
simple phrases to accurately
identify objects.
I can use specific pronouns to
identify the noun it is replacing.
(Who went to the store? We.
Mary and I)
I can use single word adjectives
to accurately describe an object.
ELP Level: Novice Grade level: 6-8
I can identify a noun by pointing
at a picture.
I can identify a pronoun by
pointing at a picture.
I can identify an adjective by
pointing at a picture.
I can identify my own needs
and wants by pointing.
Written by Roxanne LaForce, Dina Moritz, Karen Rash, Kathy Rager, with help from Lena Baucum
January 13, 2014
Stage 3
Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction
Day 1
*Pink text implies an assessed goal.
Day 2
Students will use location picture cards
and corresponding vocabulary cards to
develop vocabulary.
Day 6
Students can orally produce where
they need and want to go using
sentence frames.
Students will practice oral use of new
location vocabulary.
Day 3
I can use specific nouns for location.
Students can classify pictures into
places where they like and dislike to
Day 7
I can classify needs and wants.
Given 2 objects, students can indicate
location through total physical
response actions.
Day 8
Given 2 objects, students can orally
state location.
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Students can ask and answer questions
regarding which occupations work in
which buildings.
Students can quantify the number of a
specific location or the number of
professionals that work in a particular
Day 9
Students can describe the location of
two (or more) places using a
prepositional phrase.
Students can orally instruct a peer to
place an object in a specific location
using prepositional phrases.
Students match occupation vocabulary
card to its location.
Student can orally state which
occupation works in which building.
Day 4
Students can orally produce where
they like and dislike to go using
sentence frames.
ELP Level: Novice Grade level: 6-8
Day 14
Students use map to practice asking
and answering previously learned
questions and responses.
Day 5
I can classify likes and dislikes.
Students can classify pictures into
places they need or want to go.
Day 10
I can use prepositional phrases.
Students can use occupation picture
cards and corresponding vocabulary
cards to develop vocabulary.
Day 15
I can use specific nouns and adjectives.
I can use verbs and verb phrases in
I can use present or present
progressive questions with the verb ‘to
I can use simple sentences.
Written by Roxanne LaForce, Dina Moritz, Karen Rash, Kathy Rager, with help from Lena Baucum
January 13, 2014
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Students will use location picture
cards and corresponding vocabulary
cards to develop vocabulary.
store, mall, laundromat, aquatic
center, hospital, restaurant, bank,
fire station, post office, bakery, bus
stop, convenience store, apartment,
house, hotel, gas station, park,
movie theater
avenue, court, street, boulevard,
highway, stop sign, traffic light,
street sign, sidewalk, crosswalk
I do: Call and Response/echo
We do: Choral
Thing picture cards/word cards
Location picture cards/word
Blank bingo cards
Master bingo cards (cut/ glue)
Students will practice oral use of new
location vocabulary.
I can use specific nouns for location.
Students can classify pictures into
places where they like and dislike to
Students can orally produce where
they like and dislike to go using
sentence frames.
I can classify likes and dislikes.
Students can classify pictures into
places they need or want to go.
Do you like to go to
Yes, I do.
No, I don’t.
I like to go to the______.
I don’t like to go to the
Continue activities from day one.
Continue activities from day one.
I/We do: demonstrate classification
of places where I like and dislike to
They do: complete graphic organizer
Students follow up previous lesson
by asking each other questions
based on information in the graphic
Using graphic organizer, students
will categorize locations indicating
places they need or want to go
(scaffold as needed).
Thing picture cards/word cards
Location picture cards/word
Blank bingo cards
Master bingo cards (cut/ glue)
Graphic organizer (see Anchor
ELP Level: Novice Grade level: 6-8
Sentence frames
Graphic organizer (see Anchor
Written by Roxanne LaForce, Dina Moritz, Karen Rash, Kathy Rager, with help from Lena Baucum
January 13, 2014
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Students can orally produce where
they need and want to go using
sentence frames.
I want /don’t want to go to the
I need/don’t need to go to the
Using graphic organizer from
previous lesson, student will express
where they want or need to go using
complete sentences.
Sentence frames
I can classify needs and wants.
Given 2 objects, students can
indicate location through total
physical response actions.
Students can describe the location
of two (or more) places using a
prepositional phrase.
Students can orally instruct a peer
to place an object in a specific
location using prepositional
I can use prepositional phrases.
Students can use occupation picture
cards and corresponding vocabulary
cards to develop vocabulary.
prepositions: to the right of, to the
left of, behind, in front of, on the
corner, near, far from, next to,
across the street from, by the
Where is/are the _____?
•The ______ is/are _______.
•The park is next to the school.
Can you tell me where the _______
is/are, please?
•The _______ is/are ________.
•The library is behind the post office.
Can you give me directions
•The ______ is/are _______.
•The store is near the bakery.
How do you get to the ________?
•The _______ is/are ________.
•The bus stop is next to the
convenience store.
When prompted by a prepositional
phrase, students will demonstrate
their understanding through total
physical response actions by moving
pictures around on a pictorial input
Using a map of the Woodburn
community, students can orally
instruct a peer to place an object in a
specific location using prepositional
Using map from previous lesson,
along with sentence frames,
students can describe the location of
two (or more) places using a
prepositional phrase.
I do: Call and Response/echo
We do: Choral
10 | P a g e
Given 2 objects, students can orally
state location.
List of prepositional phrases
(see Anchor Charts)
Vocabulary cards
Pictorial input chart
Map of Woodburn with key
Picture cards of buildings
ELP Level: Novice Grade level: 6-8
librarian, principal, teacher,
secretary, police officer, cashier,
manager, security, lifeguard, doctor,
nurse, waiter, waitress, chef (cook),
firefighter, bank teller, baker, bus
driver, postal worker, housekeeper
Sentence frames
List of prepositional phrases
Picture cards with words on
Occupation vocabulary cards
Blank bingo cards
Master bingo cards (cut/ glue)
Written by Roxanne LaForce, Dina Moritz, Karen Rash, Kathy Rager, with help from Lena Baucum
January 13, 2014
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Students match occupation
vocabulary card to its location.
Student can orally state which
occupation works in which building.
The _____works at the ______.
The librarian works at the library.
Concentration: occupation and place
of work
Using sentence frames, students
orally state which occupations work
in which buildings.
Students can ask and answer
questions regarding which
occupations work in which
Students use the verb “to be”
to quantify the number of
___(building) in the town or the
number of professionals that
work in a particular building.
Students use map to practice
asking and answering previously
learned questions and responses.
Who works at the _________?
• Who is working at the__________?
How many are there?
•There is/are________.
•There are two banks next to
the restaurant.
Using the sentences generated from
previous activity, students ask and
answer questions regarding which
occupations work in which buildings.
Using a map of Woodburn that
has key locations, students use
the verb “to be” to quantify the
number of ___ (building) in the
town or the number of
professionals that work in a
particular building.
Using the map from the previous
lesson, students use map to
practice asking and answering
previously learned questions and
I can use specific nouns and adjectives.
I can use verbs and verb phrases in
I can use present or present progressive
questions with the verb ‘to be’.
I can use simple sentences.
Occupation and location
vocabulary cards
Sentence frames
11 | P a g e
Occupation and location
vocabulary cards
Sentence frames
Map of Woodburn with key
ELP Level: Novice Grade level: 6-8
Map of Woodburn with key
Written by Roxanne LaForce, Dina Moritz, Karen Rash, Kathy Rager, with help from Lena Baucum
January 13, 2014
I can use simple sentences.
Additional Activities
I can incorporate details into
a simple sentence.
• Make noun/verb/prepositional phrases/adjective
cards. Students can pick a card from each and create
a sentence.
• Students can write a paragraph, using detailed
simple sentences about their
I can use prepositional
I can use prepositional
phrases in simple sentences.
• In groups, students can generate simple silly
sentences, using the noun/verb/prepositional
phrases/adjective cards.
 Using a map of a city or park, students can use
simple sentences to describe buildings or
locations of places.
• Students can write a paragraph describing the
location of places around their homes.
I can use specific nouns.
I can use specific nouns in
simple sentences.
• Using a poster sized map, teacher can give a
student a paper car and give prepositional phrases
of where to place the car. Activity can be done as
whole class or group work.
 Make noun cards and students can use them to
write simple sentences.
• Students can read a passage and highlight the
I can use specific pronouns.
I can use specific pronouns in
simple sentences.
• Create ‘fill in the noun’ sentences. Using a word
bank, students can fill in the correct noun.
• Make pronouns and students can write simple
• Read a passage, highlight all pronouns.
• Create sentences with people’s names. Student
need to take out the person’s name and use the
correct pronoun.
12 | P a g e
ELP Level: Novice Grade level: 6-8
Written by Roxanne LaForce, Dina Moritz, Karen Rash, Kathy Rager,
with help from Lena Baucum
January 13, 2014
I can use specific adjectives.
I can use specific adjectives in • Using simple sentences, students can add
simple sentences.
adjectives to add details.
• Read a passage, highlight all nouns.
I can use present and/or
present progressive tense
questions with the verb ‘to
I can use present and/or
present progressive tense
questions with the verb ‘to
be’ in simple sentences.
I can use verbs and verb
phrases in questions.
I can use verbs and verb
phrases in questions.
• Create adjective bingo cards (use blank card and
have students pick adjectives from a list)
• Using scramble sentences and students can put
the sentence in correct order.
• “Fill in the correct verb” worksheet
• Scramble sentences and students need to put the
sentence in correct order.
• “Fill in the correct verb” worksheet
I can classify like and
I can classify like and dislikes
using simple sentences.
• Use verb cards to play verb charades.
• Students can interview peers to find out likes and
dislikes about places around town.
• Students interview a peer and then share the
information with the class, using simple sentences.
I can classify needs and
I can classify needs and
wants using simple
• Students can write a paragraph, sharing their
likes/dislikes about occupations.
• Students can interview peers to find out wants and
• Students can write a paragraph, sharing their
needs and wants.
13 | P a g e
ELP Level: Novice Grade level: 6-8
Written by Roxanne LaForce, Dina Moritz, Karen Rash, Kathy Rager,
with help from Lena Baucum
January 13, 2014
Grammar Teacher Cheat Sheet:
Present Tense of verb to be
I am
We are
You are
You are
He/She/It is
They are
A noun is a word used to name a person, animal, place, thing, and abstract idea.
Person: man, woman, policeman, librarian, John, Sara
A pronoun can replace a noun or another pronoun. You use pronouns like "he," "she," "they," and "you" to make your sentences
less repetitive.
He is a fireman.
She works in the bank.
They work at a grocery store.
Adjectives are words that describe or modify another person or thing in the sentence. The Articles — a, an, and the — are adjectives.
Examples: tall, short, mean, nice
The tall policeman…
The short baker…
The mean librarian…
The nice teacher…
Prepositional phrases
Prepositions connect nouns, pronouns, and phrases with other words in a sentence. It gives information about location, direction,
space, or time. Prepositions are usually part of a phrase because they often have a noun or pronoun after them. Here are two
examples of prepositions in sentences.
to the right of
to the left of
in front of
on the corner
far from
next to
across the street from
Simple sentences
A simple sentence, also called an independent clause, contains a subject and a verb, and it expresses a complete thought. In the
following simple sentences, subjects are in yellow, and verbs are in green.
A. Some students like to study in the library.
B. Juan and Arturo work at the bank.
C. Alicia goes to the school and teaches every day.
14 | P a g e
ELP Level: Novice Grade level: 6-8
Written by Roxanne LaForce, Dina Moritz, Karen Rash, Kathy Rager,
with help from Lena Baucum
January 13, 2014
15 | P a g e
ELP Level: Novice Grade level: 6-8
Written by Roxanne LaForce, Dina Moritz, Karen Rash, Kathy Rager,
with help from Lena Baucum
January 13, 2014
16 | P a g e
ELP Level: Novice Grade level: 6-8
Written by Roxanne LaForce, Dina Moritz, Karen Rash, Kathy Rager,
with help from Lena Baucum
January 13, 2014
17 | P a g e
ELP Level: Novice Grade level: 6-8
Written by Roxanne LaForce, Dina Moritz, Karen Rash, Kathy Rager,
with help from Lena Baucum
January 13, 2014
Preposition Pictoral Input Chart Key
Grocery Store
Gas Station
Post Office
Fire Station
18 | P a g e
ELP Level: Novice Grade level: 6-8
Written by Roxanne LaForce, Dina Moritz, Karen Rash, Kathy Rager,
with help from Lena Baucum
January 13, 2014
Traffic Light
Stop Sign
19 | P a g e
ELP Level: Novice Grade level: 6-8
Written by Roxanne LaForce, Dina Moritz, Karen Rash, Kathy Rager,
with help from Lena Baucum
January 13, 2014
Bus Stop
20 | P a g e
ELP Level: Novice Grade level: 6-8
Written by Roxanne LaForce, Dina Moritz, Karen Rash, Kathy Rager,
with help from Lena Baucum
January 13, 2014