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from selfishness, greed, extravagance and other vices.
The Charity (Zakah-Fourth pillar of Islam): By the
order of God once a year every able Muslim who has wealth
above certain limit must pay a certain amount (2.5%) of their
excess wealth to the poor and needy. It purifies one’s wealth
and carries many benefits for both the giver and the receiver.
One benefit is that it reduces the gap between the rich and the
poor and ensures an equitable society where everyone has a
right to contribute and share. Muslims are always encouraged
to give more of their time, labor and wealth as voluntary
charity (Sadaqa) for the sake of God.
The Pilgrimage (Hajj-Fifth pillar of Islam): By the
order of God pilgrimage to Makkah in Saudi Arabia, must be
performed at least once in a lifetime, if she/he is physically
and financially able. It occurs annually in the 12th month of
the Islamic calendar, unifying people of every color, race,
status and age, as they join in worship of the One Absolute
God. All pilgrims wear simple and similar clothing, which
strip away distinctions of class and culture, so that all stand
equal before God. This great journey consists of many
components which are of Abrahamic origin, including rituals
and sacrifices, travelling and praying at various locations.
PROPHET MUHAMMAD (peace be upon him):
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) a descendent of Abraham thru
Ishmael, the awaited Prophet prophesized by Moses (Bible,
Deuteronomy 18:17-19), the final messenger of Allah, was
born in Makkah, Arabia, around year 570 CE. His father died
before his birth and his mother died when he was only six. He
received first revelation from Allah at the age of forty.
The people of Makkah at that time used to worship idols. The
Prophet invited them to Islam. Some of them accepted and
became Muslims, while others rebuked him and turned
against him. In the13th year of his prophethood, the Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) migrated from Makkah to Madinah.
The Prophet organized the early Muslims and preached the
message of Allah with patience and profound wisdom.
Eventually Islam was established in the whole of Arabia and
beyond and was set to make a tremendous contribution to the
history and civilization of the world. Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) died around 632 CE at the age of 63. He left behind the
Quran and his Sunnah (recorded in Hadith) as the source of
guidance for mankind.
(1400 years have passed since his death yet no one
anywhere in the world came after him and claimed
prophethood in a big way which itself is a proof of finality
of his message and messenger ship.)
Marriage is the basis of family life in Islam. Islam does not
allow the free mixing of men and women; nor does it allow
sex before marriage. The husband and wife are
complimentary partners of the family who are equal in the
sight of God and play their respective role in the family and
Islam teaches decency, humility and good manners. Keeping
promises, truthfulness, justice, fair play, helping the poor and
needy, respect for parents, teachers and elders, love for
children and good relations with neighbors and relatives are
the most valued virtues of a Muslim
Muslims are encouraged to eat and live healthy. Just as
mentioned in Bible, Islamic law requires certain allowed
animal to be slaughtered in a specific way for consumption.
Pork and blood are also forbidden which is also in line with
the teachings of Prophet Moses and Jesus. All varieties of
alcoholic drinks are prohibited.
Both men and women are expected to dress in a way which is
modest and dignified. No particular dress is recommended.
However, men must cover their body modestly and women
must cover their whole body except the face and hands when
in public.
The Arabic word "Islam" means total submission or surrender
to One and Only true God worthy of worship and thus
acquiring Peace. Islam is both a religion and complete way of
life. Islam is not a new religion but the final affirmation,
culmination and fulfillment of the same basic truth that God
revealed through all His prophets beginning with Prophet
Adam and ending with Prophet Muhammad- to all people. A
way of life symbolized by peace - peace with God, peace
within oneself, and peace with the creations of God through
submission to God alone and commitment to His guidance.
HEREAFTER. As God said in Quran,"-- if anyone killed a
person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief
in the land - it would be as if he killed all mankind, and if
anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all
mankind."(Quran translation 5:32)
Followers of Islam are called Muslims. Approximately 1.8
billion Muslims (a quarter of world's population) from all
races, nationalities, and cultures live all over the world. There
are estimated to be about 4 to 6 million Muslims live in
America. According to the Guinness Book of World Records,
Islam is the world’s fastest-growing religion by number of
conversions each year.
According to Islam all people are born sinless and as Muslim.
It is as they grow up take on other path based on their family,
society and information available to them. So when one is
ready to come back to her/ his natural religion all she/he has
to do is take the SHAHADAH, ". “There is no deity worthy of
worship except God, Muhammad is the messenger of God”.
With this declaration of faith God forgives all her/his past sins
and thus one restarts her/his journey of Islam-- the Straight
Path to paradise and God.
Please visit a Mosque near you.
Call toll free: 1.877.949.47523 or 1-800-662-ISLAM
Visit &
For Quran: or
Your Local Mosque: Masjid An-Noor
1300 Fairfield Ave, Bridgeport, CT-06605.
203-579-2211 or
Monotheism, belief in One Absolute God, is the most
important and foundational concept in Islam. Muslims believe
in one God Who is Eternal and Absolute, Who created
everything seen and unseen, Who is free of all imperfection,
needs, wants and has power over everything. God is unique,
independent and exalted above everything. God's attributes
and greatness cannot be compared to God's creation. God is
the Only One deserving of any worship and the ultimate
purpose of all creation is to submit to God alone.
"Allah" is the Arabic word for "God" (Arab Christians uses
the word Allah for God). Muslims do not worship a different
God than Christians and Jews. However, it is important to
understand that Jews, Christians, and Muslims all have
different concepts of the same Almighty God. For example,
Muslims reject the Christian belief of Trinity and Divine
Incarnation. Muslims also reject the human like qualities,
attributes and imperfections (Example: God need restExodus31:17) given to God by Jews and Christians. Judaism,
Christianity and Islam share the same origin but Islam teaches
that other religions have, in one way or another, distorted and
nullified a pure and proper belief in One Absolute Almighty
God by associating others with God and neglecting God's true
teachings and mixing those with man-made ideas.
(1) Belief in Absolute Oneness of God: Muslims believe
that there is only ONE God and that there is no deity or entity
worthy of worship except One God. God has no father or son
or partner or equal; God is Unique, Alone and ONE.
(2) Belief in Prophets and Messengers of God:
Muslims believe in all the Messengers and Prophets of God
without any discrimination. All of them were mortals, human
beings, with human needs of food, clothing, endowed with
Divine revelations and anointed by God to teach mankind.
God has not left humanity without guidance for the conduct of
their affairs. Since the creation of the first human, God has
revealed His guidance to mankind through His prophets and
messengers. The message of all the prophets is one and the
same. They urged the people of their time to obey and
worship God alone and none other. Whenever the teachings of
a prophet were distorted by people, God sent another prophet
to bring human beings back to the Straight Path. The chain of
prophet began with Adam, included Noah, Abraham, Ishmael,
Isaac, Lot, Jacob, Joseph, Moses and Jesus, and ended with
Muhammad (peace be upon them all), as the final messenger
of God to all. Muslims love, respect and follow them but do
not worship any of them.
(3) Belief in the Revelations of God: Muslims believe in
all scriptures and revelations of God, as they were complete
and in their original forms. Muslims believe in the original
scriptures that were given to previous messengers; for
example David received the Zabur (Psalms), Moses the Torah
and Jesus the Injeel (Gospel). However, the previous
scriptures do not exist today in the original form in which they
were revealed. The Quran was revealed to Prophet
Muhammad as the final revelation of Guidance to all.
Among all these revealed scriptures, it is only the Qur’an that
remains unchanged, in its original revealed form.
(4) Belief in Angels of God: Muslims believe that God
created Angels. Angels are made out of light and they follow
every order of God. Angels always worship and obey God.
Muslims do not worship angels or ask them for help. Gabriel
and Michael are name of two of several arch angels familiar
to many of us but there are many others and there total
number is unknown to us.
(5) Belief in the Day of Judgment and life after
death: Muslims believe in the Day of Judgment and eternal
life after death. This world as we know it will come to an end,
and all humans will be resurrected to stand for their final trial
before God. Everything we do, say, make, intend and think
are accounted for and kept in accurate records. They will be
brought up on the Day of Judgment to be Judge by God.
On that day God will generously reward believers with good
records and grant them Paradise forever. Non-believers and
people with bad records will be fairly punished and cast into
Hell. The real nature of Heaven and Hell are known to God
only, but they are described by God in familiar terms in the
(6) Belief in Al-Qadr (Predestination): Muslims believe
in the Ultimate Knowledge and Power of God to plan and
execute His plans. Everything seen or unseen, understood or
misunderstood/not understood happens with the knowledge,
permission, order and will of God. God is Wise, Just, and
Loving and whatever He does must have a planned motive,
although humans may sometimes fail to understand it fully
due to limitation of knowledge. God gave humans freewill to
think, plan and make sound choices based on God's guidance
and then put their trust in God. If things happen as they want
they should praise God and if do not happen as they want they
should still praise God, recognizing that God knows best.
Quran (The primary source of Islamic information):
Quran is the final revelation of guidance from God to
mankind. Quran is the inimitable and unique Arabic Speech or
Word of God revealed to Prophet Mohammad by angel
Gabriel in wording and meaning, which has been preserved in
memory, and writing and reached us by numerous authentic
continuous transmissions. The entire revelation of the Quran
happened over a 23 year period. The Quran is unrivaled in its
recording and preservation. Unlike other scriptures that
were changed with human interpolations and omissions,
the Quran has remained unchanged (over fourteen
hundred years now) and will remain so as God has
guaranteed its protection. The Quran is the last and final
revelation to mankind a complete guide that covers all aspects
of human life, and its relation to the life after death.
Hadith (Secondary source of Islamic information):
Hadith is the collection of commands, sayings, actions,
expressed approvals/disapprovals and implicit approvals of
Prophet Muhammad. It explains many aspects of the Quran
and help us understand it. Hadith were also memorized and
recorded meticulously by the Prophet’s companions and
passed on to successive generations.
Islam has five pillars or basic foundations of action. Acting
correctly and sincerely on these foundations transforms a
Muslim’s life into one that is in harmony with nature and in
conformity with the will of God. Faithful practice of these
duties inspires a Muslim to work towards the establishment of
justice, equality and righteousness in society, and the
eradication of injustice, terrorism, falsehood and evil.
Testimony (First Pillar of Islam): An individual begins
her/his journey in the path of Islam by taking the testimony of
faith known as "SHAHADAH"- This is the first and primary
pillar or foundation of Islam. The declaration with belief and
sincerity, knowingly and voluntarily, of: La ilaha illal lahu
Muhammadur rasulul lah. “There is no deity worthy of
worship except God, Muhammad is the messenger of God”Salvation begins with this declaration. This declaration is the
basis of all actions in Islam, and the other basic duties and
worship follow this affirmation.
Worship is an all inclusive term for all that God loves of
external and internal sayings and actions of a person. This, of
course, includes rituals as well as beliefs, social activities, and
personal contributions to the welfare of society. Islam looks at
the individual as a whole. One is required to submit oneself
completely to God.
Some fundamental acts of worships in Islam:
Obligatory daily Prayers (Salah-Second pillar of
Islam): By the order of God a Muslim offers Prayer five
times a day. Prayer establishes a direct personal and spiritual
connection between an individual and her/his God, and is a
constant and practical reminder of a person’s duty to
surrender to God. A Muslim offers daily Prayers once each at
dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset and nightfall. The Prayers
develop in a believer the qualities of self-discipline,
steadfastness and obedience to God, leading one to be patient,
honest and truthful in the affairs of one’s life.
The Annual Fasting (Sawm-Third pillar of Islam):
By the order of God every year during the month of Ramadan,
the ninth month of Islamic lunar calendar, Muslims fast from
dawn until sunset, abstaining from food, drink and sexual
relations with spouse. It serves as a spiritual purification,
nurtures patience and self-restraint, and keeps believers away