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ACLA 3rd, 4th, 5th periods In lieu of an additional assessment on the play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, students will choose 5 vocabulary terms from the Shakespeare packet and complete a word gallery. (See list below.) In addition, include 3 of those terms in your back story in an appropriate manner. This will comprise 10 points of the final draft of your back story Part I. Austerity: n. condition of lacking pleasure or luxury Beguile: v. to trick Cloister: n. place where members of a religious community live Dote: v. to love with foolish fondness Extenuate: v. to lessen the seriousness of Feign: v. to pretend Idolatry: n. false worship Reveling: n. enjoying festivities Dissemble: v. to pretend Flout: v. to mock Progeny: n. offspring Promontory: n. peak of land that juts out Wanton: adj. shameless Bequeath: v. to leave to or pass on to, as in a will Chide: v. to scold Derision: n. scorn Entreat: v. to beg Rebuke: v. to scold Recompense: n. payment Sojourn: v. to stay somewhere for a while Spurn: v. to reject Discourse: n. conversation Enmity: n. hostility Paragon: n. model of perfection Amends: n. something done to make up for a fault or mistake Audacious: adj. bold Gait: n. manner of walking Premeditated: adj. planned Reprehend: v. to find fault with Satire: n. literary work exposing human vices and shortcomings to ridicule and scorn Transfigure: v. to change Source: A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare T HEG LENCOEL ITERATUREL IBRARY Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.