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****Note this copy has the ones I told you to skip deleted so yours that you were given in class has a different
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CDA 1 Intro to Anatomy
I. Body regions/directional terms/orientation:
a. List the regional terms and their meanings
b. List the directional terms, their meanings and give an example (we drew a table in our notes)
c. List the 3 types of planes that separate the body into sections (Hint: from left and right, from front to
back, and from top to bottom).
d. List the body cavities and know their location
e. List the different regions of the abdominopelvic area (1.8b)
Body Systems
a. List each of the systems and a short description (know how some systems function together)
Groups of cells that have a common function are termed TISSUES.
The system that functions in the storage of minerals, such as calcium, is called the: SKELETAL
__________ refers to all of the chemical reactions in the body METABOLISM
A control mechanism that responds to a stimulus by decreasing its intensity is called
a__________________mechanism. NEGATIVE FEEDBACK
The body's ability to maintain stable internal conditions is referred to as __________. HOMEOSTASIS
The navel is __________ to the spine ANTERIOR
The armpit area is called the __________ region AXILLARY
A cut that is made along the midline is called a __________ section MIDSAGITTAL (MEDIAN)
The right and left iliac (inguinal) regions are lateral to the __________ region. HYPOGASTRIC
The cranial and spinal cavities are subdivisions of the __________ cavity DORSAL BODY CAVITY
The __________ system is composed of kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra URINARY
Blood is categorized as a TISSUE because it is compared of similar cells with a common function.
Ventral is a directional term synonymous with __________ in humans ANTERIOR
The three medial regions of the abdominopelvic cavity are R. HYPOCHONDRIAC, EPGASTRIC, L. HYPOC.
The function of the __________ system is to control body activities via hormones. ENDOCRINE
Blood clotting and the birth of a baby are examples of the __________ feedback mechanism. POSITIVE
The thoracic cavity is __________ to the abdominopelvic cavity. SUPERIOR
The epigastric region is MEDIAL_ to the right hypochondriac region of the abdominopelvic cavity.
The study of the function of the body and body parts is called: ANATOMY
The lungs and heart are in the __________ body cavity. THORACIC
True or False. The highest level of structural organization in humans is the organ level.
True or False. The endocrine system is the fast-acting body control system.
True or False. The spleen and the tonsils are part of the digestive system.
True or False. Most homeostatic control mechanisms are negative feedback reactions.
True or False. The hypogastric region is directly superior to the umbilical region.
True or False. The thoracic cavity is separated from the abdominopelvic cavity by the diaphragm.
The movement of substances through the cell membrane against their concentration gradient is called:
The random movement of molecules (and ions) down their concentration gradient is called DIFFUSION
29. Epithelial tissue consisting of one layer of cells flattened like fish scales is called a SIMPLE SQUAMOUS_
30. The type of muscle tissue that can be controlled voluntarily is called __________ muscle. SKELETAL
31. The type of tissue consisting of cells embedded in an extracellular matrix is __________ tissue. CONNECTIVE
32. The type of connective tissue that contains fat stored in adipocytes is called __________. ADIPOSE
33. Many layers of cube-shaped cells should be termed __________ epithelial tissue STRATIFIED CUBOIDAL
34. Tendons and ligaments are common to this type of connective tissue called __________. DENSE
35. The cell type found in nervous tissue is the __________. NEURON
36. A cell would pump out water and possibly lyse in which of the solution: HYPERTONIC SOLN
37. A solution that contains fewer solutes than the cell is HYPOTONIC SOLN
38. Two types of endocytosis are: PHAGOCYTOSIS, PINOCYTOSIS
39. Which type of transport does not involve the movement of molecules from an area of greater concentration
to an area of lower concentration: ACTIVE TRANSPORT
40. 3 types of passive transport are: DIFFUSION, FACILITATED DIFFUSION, AND OSMOSIS
41. The movement of fluid through the cell membrane from a high pressure area to a lower OSMOSIS
42. Which type of tissue conducts electrochemical impulses: NERVOUS TISSUE
43. The tissue that is usually well vascularized and has an extensive extracellular matrix is CONNECTIVE TISSUE
44. The type of muscle found in the walls of hollow organs, such as the stomach, and in the walls of blood vessels
45. A cell ingests bacteria. What type of transport is likely responsible for this process: ENDOCYTOSIS
46. A patient arrives in the hospital extremely dehydrated. In order to fill his cells with fluid, he should be hooked
to a(n) HYPOTONIC intravenous drip.
47. True or False. The process of facilitated diffusion requires energy.
48. True or False. When a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution it will swell and may rupture
49. True or False. Smooth muscle cells are uninucleated spindle-shaped cells that are voluntary.
50. True or False. Stratified epithelium consists of one layer of epithelial cells.
51. True or False. The four primary tissue types are epithelium, muscle, cutaneous, and connective.