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Topic 9. Clinical-pharmacological characteristics of anti-allergic drugs.
Numbers of hours: 2
The rationale behind the topic. Today, Allergy is called a disease of civilization. According to data from the
World Health Organization (WHO), the rate of Allergy takes the 3rd place among other diseases. According to statistics,
now in the world on one or another form of allergic diseases affecting 20-40% of population, that's mean at least every
5th inhabitants for the planet is allergy sufferer. Today >40% of the world population has allergies history. Every 10
years the number of patients with allergic diseases doubled. According to forecasts, in the coming decade, everyone on
Earth suffers from allergic disease. According to official data, in Ukraine, the Allergy is diagnosed in about 1,5% of the
population. However, the real figures are much higher – up to 25% ( around 10 million people). In their daily practice,
dentists are increasingly faced with cases of allergic reaction in patients. The most dangerous is the development of
allergic reactions of immediate type, named anaphylactic shock. Anti-allergic drugs inhibit the action of histamine and
other biologically active substances that are released as a result of sensitization reactions (antigen-antibody). Therefore,
the study of the pharmacological action of drugs which block H1 receptors, provides the possibility to help patients with
allergic disease and as emergency treatment of anaphylaxis.
The aim of the lesson
General: the future dentists need to pay attention of the possibility of development in patients manifestations
of allergic reactions of different types, to teach the rational use of antihistamine drugs in case of dosing regimen,
possibility of side effects of the drug and rules of excerpt of formulation;
facts: clinical and pharmacological characteristics of drugs; principles of selection and appointment of drugs,
considering clinical symptoms and data to support research;
be able to: conduct a general inspection of patients; rationally choose an anti allergic drug to each patient; to
appoint dose and the scheme of the drug; to analyze the drug sheet assignment based on diagnosis data and clinical and
laboratory parameters, also substitution of one drug to another; to provide adequate medical care to patients with
clinical symptoms of anaphylactic shock, allergic reaction of immediate and delayed type; to write the prescription.
Graf logical structure of topic.
Antiallergic drugs
Pharmacological effects:
I generation
II generation
III generation
anti spastic
local anesthetic
in the treatment of allergic and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity
Kvinka’s swelling, anaphylactic shock
for sedation before a dental intervention
to relieve gag reflex
for conducting of local anesthesia in patients with allergy to al local
Side effect:
gastrointestinal: decrease of salivation, dry mouth, numbness of mucous
membranes of the mouth, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
from the side of nervous system: from sedatives to sleeping pills,
nervousness, euphoria, insomnia, headache, dizziness, in coordination,
hyperthermia, convulsions, paraesthesia, tinnitus
from the side of cardio-vascular system: hypotension, tachycardia,
arrhythmia, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, hemolytic anemia
from the side of the urinary system: frequent and difficult urination, a delay
of urination, early menstruation
Caution; Gently apply at:
other: violation of accommodation,sweating, photosensibilisation
pregnancy, breastfeeding
stenosis of the bladder neck
prostate adenoma, impaired urination
the aggravation of erosive-ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal track
severe cardiovascular and endocrine diseases, renal and liver failure
old patients
the drivers of vehicles
people, whose profession requires quick and motor responses
Facilities and support topics: manuals, textbooks, methodological materials, tests, situational tasks, list of
appointment, medical history.
Materials for practical lessons (lesson content):
the content of Allergy
types of allergic reactions
drugs which are used in allergic reaction of various types
classification of anti allergic drugs
clinical-pharmacological characteristics of the antihistamine drugs
peculiarities of action of antihistamines I, II, III generations
indications of using antiallergic drugs
tolerability and side effects of Allergy medicines
pharmacotherapy of allergic reactions of immediate type
contraindications to use the antiallergic drugs
the principles of the application of antihistamine drugs
methods of evaluating the effectiveness and safety of using antihistamine
Practical skills of topic:
to conduct a general inspection of patients to diagnose conditions of allergy
to estimate laboratories records to assign antiallergic drug
to know indications for prescribing antiallergic drug
evaluate contraindications for appointment of selecting antiallergic drug
choose antiallergic drug for special patient
assign the dose and the scheme of the drug
to analyze a piece of medical appointments
to change one drug to other
to provide adequate medical care for patients with clinical symptoms of anaphylactic shock, allergic reaction of
immediate and delayed type
to write correctly the prescription
Classification of antihistamines drugs for different generations
I generation
II generation
III generation
Questions for knowledges control
9.1. Checklist
which are the groups of medicines that have an antiallergic properties
name the mechanism of action of blocker of H1-receptors
indications of antihistamine drugs
name the difference in major pharmacodynamic effects of antihistamine drugs for different generations
indicate side effects and contradictions to the appointment of antihistamine drugs
Where are H1 receptors localized, and which pharmacodynamic effects are occur in their stimulation
Classification of allergic reactions
Name the main schemes
Test tasks:
Problem #1. The patient with atopic dermatitis was prescribed loratadine (claritin). Which group of antiallergic drugs is
Histamine receptor of 2nd type
Membrane stabilizing drugs
Receptors of antagonists leukotriene
Blockers of histamine receptors of 1st ty
Problem #2. The mechanism of H1-blockers is in all presented
Inhibiting the actions of histamine
Inhibiting of biologically active substances
Have hanolin effect
Have a sedative effect
Have a serotonin activity
statement, except:
Problem #3. Which of the following drugs has not got a sedative effect?
Problem #4. Which of the following drugs belongs to antiallergicdrug of 3 rd generation?
Problem #5. Woman with seasonal vasomotor rhinitis, who works as a dispatcher on the railway, asked for advice,
which antihistamine drug in use has not got depressing effect on central nervous system?
Promethazine (pipolfen)
Claritin (loratadine)
Clemastine (tavegil)
Chloropyramine (suprastin)
Situational tasks:
Task 1. After taking an aspirin, dipyrone, patient M., 45 years old, has swelling of mucous membranes, face, upper and
lower extremities of white papules, which eventually passed into roseola, with severe itching and swelling. What is the
reason of developing of this condition? Which are the ways of treating it?
Task 2. Patient D., 62 years old, began to complain about general weakness, nausea, dizziness, after 10 min. the dentist
injected him a anesthesia. Also he had pale skin, dizziness, shortness of breath, cold sweat, hypotension phenomena that
had peroli in the collapse with thready pulse. What is your diagnose? Your treatment tactics.
Клінічна фармакологія: підручник / Яблучанський М.І. - Харків, Харківський національний
університет імені В. Н. Каразіна, 2011. – 407 с.
Клінічна фармакологія: підручник (ВЗН І р.а.) / за ред.. О.Я. Бабака, О.М. Біловала, І.С. Чекмана. – 2-ге
вид., переробл. І допов. – Київ, Медицина, 2010. – 776 с.
Клиническая фармакология : учебник / О. Я. Бабак, А. Н. Беловол, Н. П. Безуглая [и др.] ; под ред. :
О. Я. Бабака, А. Н. Беловола, И. С. Чекмана. – К. : Медицина, 2012. – 726 с. : табл., ил.
Фармакологія: підручник для мед.ВНЗ. 5-е вид./Нековаль І.В., Казанюк Т.В.. – Київ, Медицина, 2013. –
520 с.Фармакологія: підручник для студентів медичних факультетів/ Чекман І.С., Горчакова Н.О.,
Казак Л.І., Бєленічев І.Ф., Бобирьов В.М., Висоцький І.Ю. та ін..; за ред. І.С Чекмана. _ Видання 2-ге. –
Віниця: Нова книга, 2011. – 784 с.
Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, edited by Bertram G. Katzung, ISBN 0-8385-1453
Lesson manual was written by Prof. Safonova O.V., translated by asst. prof. Kozlovska H. Y.
Lesson manual was revised and approved at the faculty meeting of Endocrinology Department of Danylo Halytsky Lviv
National Medical University from 14.06.2016 (protocol № 20).
Сurriculum director of the Endocrinology Department,
Prof. Safonova O.V., MD PhD