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1. Write an expression for the area and perimeter of the triangle. ( A  bh )
2(4a + 3b)
5a + 7b
2. Write an expression to find the perimeter of the figure to the right.
3. The width of a rectangle is 2 ⅓ inches. The length of the rectangle x + 3 inches. Write an expression to
find the area and perimeter of the rectangle.
4. Write an expression to find the perimeter of a regular hexagon if each side is length ⅔x.
5. A rectangle has a length that is 4 cm shorter than 3 times its width. Write an expression for the perimeter
of a rectangle.
6. The largest side of a triangle is six more units than the smallest side. The third side is twice the smallest
side. Write an expression to find the perimeter of the triangle.
7. Find the difference of (2x – 5y) and (x + y)
8. What is (3x – 8) less than triple (−2x – 7y – 9)?
9. Bob weighs x pounds. Dan weighs 2¾ pounds less than Bob. Matt weights 5½ pounds more than Bob.
Write an expression for Bob and Dan’s combined weight.
10. Sasha and Laura are going to the movies. Movie tickets cost t dollars, popcorn costs $3.25, and soda
costs $10.50 less than the cost of a movie ticket. Sasha buys a movie ticket, popcorn and a soda. Laura
buys a movie ticket and a soda. Write an expression to represent the total amount of money Sasha and
Laura spend at the movies.
1. Area = 30a + 42b or 6(5a + 7b)
Perimeter = 13a + 13b + 12
2. 12x – 10 or 2(6x – 5)
3. Area = 2⅓x + 7
Perimeter = 2x + 10⅔
4. 4x
5. 8w – 8 or 8(w – 1)
6. 4x + 6 or 2(2x + 3)
7. x – 6y
8. -9x – 21y – 3
9. 3x + 2¾
10. 4t – 17.75