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Oracle Database Tuning Statistics
It is possible to measure a vast number of statistics for an Oracle database. An important
element of any useful tuning exercise is to be able to make comparisons over time: collecting
and comparing statistics is the only way to make tuning a proactive exercise. At the least,
before and after snapshots are necessary to see what effect changes have had.
The statistics gathered here are reduced to a percentage figure to allow long term
comparisons without reference needing to be taken to changes in, for example, the
number of transactions occurring or the amount of memory available to the SGA. In
addition, the SQL is cast to provide a rounding to decimal places. Whilst this results
in tidier output it also allows zero or 100% answers.
Cache Hit Ratio
Sorts in Memory
Shared Pool
Library Cache Hit Ratios
Recursive Calls/Total Calls
Short/Total Table Scans
Redo Activity
Table Contention
CPU parse overhead
Rollback Segment Contention
Cache Hit Ratios
This graph includes two figures
Buffer Cache Hit Ratio
select round((1-(pr.value/(bg.value+cg.value)))*100,2)
from v$sysstat pr, v$sysstat bg, v$sysstat cg
where'physical reads'
and'db block gets'
and'consistent gets'
The buffer cache hit ratio is a measure of the proportion of requests for data which is satisfied
by data already in the buffer cache. Higher ratios are better as access to data in memory is
speedier than an IO operation to disk. There comes a point of diminishing returns when
increasing the size of the database buffer. Also, remember that this is part of the SGA and it
may be more important to use additional memory for other parts of the SGA. It is vital that the
whole SGA fits within main memory, as paging of the SGA is disastrous for performance.
init.ora parameter DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS
Dictionary Cache Hit Ratio
select sum(gets-getmisses)*100/sum(gets)
from v$rowcache
The dictionary cache hit ratio is a measure of the proportion of requests for information from
the data dictionary, the collection of database tables and views containing reference
information about the database, its structures, and its users. On instance startup, the data
dictionary cache contains no data, so any SQL statement issued is likely to result in cache
misses. As more data is read into the cache, the likelihood of cache misses should decrease.
Eventually the database should reach a "steady state" in which the most frequently used
dictionary data is in the cache.
The dictionary cache resides within the Shared Pool, part of the SGA, so increasing
the shared pool size should improve the dictionary cacge hit ratio.
init.ora parameter SHARED_POOL_SIZE
Sorts in Memory
select round((mem.value/(mem.value+dsk.value))*100,2)
from v$sysstat mem, v$sysstat dsk
where'sorts (memory)'
and'sorts (disk)'
This is a measure of the proportion of data sorts which occur within memory rather than on
disk. Sorts on disk make use of the user's tempoary table space. The maximum size of sort
which will occur in memory is defined by the sort area size, which is the size within the PGA
which will be used. Each Oracle process which sorts will allocate this much memory, though
it may not need all of it. Use of memory for this purpose reduces that available to the SGA.
init.ora parameter
Shared Pool
This graph includes two figures
Shared Pool Free
select round((sum(decode(name,'free memory',bytes,0))/sum(bytes))*100,2)
from v$sgastat
The percentage of the shared pool not currently in use. If a large proportion of the shared pool
is always free, it is likely that the size of the shared pool can be reduced. Low free values are
not a cause for concern unless other factors also indicate problems, e.g. a poor dictionary
cache hit ratio or large proportion of reloads occurring.
Small but non-zero
init.ora parameter SHARED_POOL_SIZE
Shared Pool Reloads
select round(sum(reloads)/sum(pins)*100,2)
from v$librarycache
where namespace in ('SQL AREA','TABLE/PROCEDURE','BODY','TRIGGER')
This is similar to a Library Cache Miss Ratio, but is specific to SQL and PL/SQL blocks.
Shared pool reloads occur when Oracle has to implicitly reparse SQL or PL/SQL at the point
when it attempts to execute it. A larger shared pool wil reduce the number of times that code
needs to be reloaded. Also, ensuring that similar pieces of SQL are written identically will
increase sharing of code.
To take advantage of additional memory available for shared SQL areas, you may
also need to increase the number of cursors permitted for a session. You can do this
by increasing the value of the initialization parameter OPEN_CURSORS.
init.ora parameter SHARED_POOL_SIZE
init.ora parameter OPEN_CURSORS
Library Cache Hit Ratios
This graph is closely related to shared pool reloads . Improving these figures is carried out in
the same manner as discussed in that section. The graph includes two figures
Library Cache Get Hit Ratio
The proportion of requests for a lock on an object which were satisfied by finding that object's
handle already in memory.
select round(sum(gethits)/sum(gets)*100,2)
from v$librarycache
init.ora parameter SHARED_POOL_SIZE
init.ora parameter OPEN_CURSORS
Library Cache Pin Hit Ratio
select round(sum(pinhits)/sum(pins)*100,2)
from v$librarycache
The proportion of attempts to pin an object which were satisfied by finding all the pieces of
that object already in memory.
init.ora parameter SHARED_POOL_SIZE
init.ora parameter OPEN_CURSORS
Recursive Calls/Total Calls
select round((rcv.value/(rcv.value+usr.value))*100,2)
from v$sysstat rcv, v$sysstat usr
where'recursive calls'
and'user calls'
A high ratio of recursive calls to total calls may indicate any of the following:
Dynamic extension of tables due to poor sizing
Growing and shrinking of rollback segments due to unsuitable OPTIMAL settings
Large amounts of sort to disk resulting in creation and deletion of temporary segments
Data dictionary misses
Complex triggers, integrity constraints, procedures, functions and/or packages
Short/Total Table Scans
select round((shrt.value/(shrt.value+lng.value))*100,2)
from v$sysstat shrt, v$sysstat lng
where'table scans (short tables)'
and'table scans (long tables)'
This is the proportion of full table scans which are occurring on short tables. Short tables may
be scanned by Oracle when this is quicker than using an index. Full table scans of long tables
is generally bad for overall performance. Low figures for this graph may indicate lack of
indexes on large tables or poorly written SQL which fails to use existing indexes or is
returning a large percentage of the table.
Redo Activity
The redo log buffer is a circular buffer in the SGA that holds information about changes made
to the database. This graph gives an indication of the level of contention occuring for redos. It
is made up of two figures
Redo Space Wait Ratio
select round((req.value/wrt.value)*100,2)
from v$sysstat req, v$sysstat wrt
where 'redo log space requests'
and 'redo writes'
A redo space wait is when there is insufficient space in the redo buffer for a transaction to
write redo information. It is an indication that the redo buffer is too small given the rate of
transactions occurring in relation to the rate at which the log writer is writing data to the redo
Very Low
init.ora parameter
Redo Log Allocation Contention
This gives the figure for the worst performing of the two latches below.
The Redo Allocation Latch
select round(greatest(
(sum(decode(,'redo allocation',misses,0))
/greatest(sum(decode(,'redo allocation',gets,0)),1)),
(sum(decode(,'redo allocation',immediate_misses,0))
/greatest(sum(decode(,'redo allocation',immediate_gets,0))
+sum(decode(,'redo allocation',immediate_misses,0)),1))
from v$latch l,v$latchname ln
where l.latch#=ln.latch#
The redo allocation latch controls the allocation of space for redo entries in the redo log
buffer. To allocate space in the buffer, an Oracle user process must obtain the redo allocation
latch. Since there is only one redo allocation latch, only one user process can allocate space in
the buffer at a time. The single redo allocation latch enforces the sequential nature of the
entries in the buffer.
After allocating space for a redo entry, the user process may copy the entry into the
buffer. This is called "copying on the redo allocation latch". A process may only copy
on the redo allocation latch if the redo entry is smaller than a threshold size.
The maximum size of a redo entry that can be copied on the redo allocation latch is
specified by the initialization parameter LOG_SMALL_ENTRY_MAX_SIZE.
Redo Copy Latches
select round(greatest(
(sum(decode(,'redo copy',misses,0))
/greatest(sum(decode(,'redo copy',gets,0)),1)),
(sum(decode(,'redo copy',immediate_misses,0))
/greatest(sum(decode(,'redo copy',immediate_gets,0))
+sum(decode(,'redo copy',immediate_misses,0)),1))
from v$latch l,v$latchname ln
where l.latch#=ln.latch#
The user process first obtains the copy latch. Then it obtains the allocation latch, performs
allocation, and releases the allocation latch. Next the process performs the copy under the
copy latch, and releases the copy latch. The allocation latch is thus held for only a very short
period of time, as the user process does not try to obtain the copy latch while holding the
allocation latch.
If the redo entry is too large to copy on the redo allocation latch, the user process
must obtain a redo copy latch before copying the entry into the buffer. While holding
a redo copy latch, the user process copies the redo entry into its allocated space in
the buffer and then releases the redo copy latch.
With multiple CPUs the redo log buffer can have multiple redo copy latches. These
allow multiple processes to copy entries to the redo log buffer concurrently. The
number of redo copy latches is determined by the parameter
Optimum Very Low
Table Contention
This graph includes two figures which give indications of how well table storage is working.
Figures are averaged across all tables in use. This means one table may be seriously at fault or
many tables may have low level problems.
Chained Fetch Ratio
select round((cont.value/(scn.value+rid.value))*100,2)
from v$sysstat cont, v$sysstat scn, v$sysstat rid
where 'table fetch continued row'
and 'table scan rows gotten'
and 'table fetch by rowid'
This is a proportion of all rows fetched which resulted in a chained row continuation. Such a
continuation means that data for the row is spread across two blocks, which can occur in
either of two ways:
Row Migration
This occurs when an update to a row cannot fit within the current block. In this case,
the data for the row is migrated to a new block leaving a pointer to the new location in
the original block.
Row Chaining
This occurs when a row cannot fit into a single data block, e.g. due to having large or
many fields. In this case, the row is spread over two or more blocks.
Very Low
Free List Contention
select round((sum(decode(w.class,'free list',count,0))/
(sum(decode(name,'db block gets',value,0))
+ sum(decode(name,'consistent gets',value,0))))*100,2)
from v$waitstat w, v$sysstat
Free list contention occurs when more than one process is attempting to insert data into a
given table. The table header structure maintains one or more lists of blocks which have free
space for insertion. If more processes are attempting to make insert than there are free lists
some will have to wait for access to a free list.
Very Low
CPU Parse Overhead
select round((prs.value/(prs.value+exe.value))*100,2)
from v$sysstat prs, v$sysstat exe
where like 'parse count (hard)'
and 'execute count'
The CPU parse overhead is the proportion of database CPU time being spent in parsing SQL
and PL/SQL code. High values of this figure indicate that either a large amount of once-only
code is being used by the database or that the shared sql area is too small.
init.ora parameter
Latches are simple, low-level serialization mechanisms to protect shared data structures in the
SGA. When attempting to get a latch a process may be willing to wait, hence this graph
includes two figures. See also redo log allocation latches.
Willing to Wait Latch Gets
select round(((sum(gets) - sum(misses)) / sum(gets))*100,2)
from v$latch
An attempt by a process to obtain a latch which is willing to wait will sleep and retry until it
obtains the latch.
Immediate Latch Gets
select round(((sum(immediate_gets) - sum(immediate_misses)) / sum(immediate_gets))*100,2)
from v$latch
An attempt to obtain a latch which a process is not allowed to wait for will timeout.
Rollback Segment Contention
select round(sum(waits)/sum(gets)*100,2)
from v$rollstat
This figure is an indication of whether a process had to wait to get access to a rollback
segment. To improve figures, increase the number of rollback segments available.
Further Information
There are many sources of further information on all the subjects included here.
A valuable source is Oracle's Technology Network, particlarly the Documentation on
Concepts and Tuning.
Other sources include:
The Oracle Underground FAQ
The Database Domain
UK Oracle User Group
TUSC Documentation
Naturally, all these sites also have links.