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The Transformation of German social and cultural life under Nazism
When an opponent declares, 'I will not come over to your side, 'I calmly say, 'Your child
belongs to us already...What are you? You will pass on. Your decendants, however, now
stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing but this new community.
Adolf Hitler, a charismatic, Austrian-born demagogue, rose to power in Germany during
the 1920s and early 1930s at a time of social, political, and economic upheaval. Failing to
take power by force in 1923, he eventually won power by democratic means. Once in
power, he eliminated all opposition and launched an ambitious program of world
domination and elimination of the Jews, paralleling ideas he advanced in his book, Mein
Kampf. His "1,000 Year Reich" barely lasted 12 years and he died a broken and defeated
Good- afternoon Mr. Hopper and class. I decided to focus my area of study on the
Transformation of German social and cultural life under Nazism.After assuming political
power, Adolph Hitler decided to implement his mission of reviving German strength,
acquiring territory for more living space , and establishing a foundation of a pure racial
state.In order to achieve his goals, Hitler needed to create a sense of Volksgemeinschaft
or a national community unified in mind, will, and spirit.
Volksgemeinschaft could only be attained through total state control; therefore, every
facet of cultural and social life had to be controlled to achieve Nazi idealsIn Mein Kampf,
Hitler referred to the Enyardtung,'degeneration of German culture."Theatre, art,
literature,cimema,press' he wrote " must be cleansed of all manfestations of our rotting
world and placed in the service of a moral, poltical and cultural idea". As with many
other things that had gone wrong, in Hitler;s opinion the cause of this was state of
influence of the Jews.
Culture, the press, movies, and children's activities were among the many aspects of daily
life controlled by the Nazis. Adolph Hitler took a decidedly anti-intellectual approach to
cultural control.."Hitler decided to appeal to the German people's sense of nationalism
and militarism. Slogans such as "we think with our blood" became popular in Nazi
Germany.Purges of intellectual minorities and political enemies such as Jews,
Communists and Socialists were rampant.Institutional controls were placed on the
entertainment and communications industries.
Hitler authorized the establishment of the Reich Chamber of Culture and appointed
Joseph Geobbels as Minister of Propaganda.The Reich Chamber of Culture consisted of
seven divisions: music, theater, literature, radio broadcasting, the press, visual arts, and
film.The Chamber of Culture was not only established to keep undesirables such as Jews
and other minorities out, but also to fully integrate Nazism with artists and entertainers
who wanted a change in the structure of their professions.
All German newspapers were brought under the control of the Eher Verlag, the Nazi
publishing house where propaganda articles were pre-written for the newspapers to
use.Buildings in Germany were meant to last a thousand years and were built to represent
mediaeval themes.Outdoor theater emphasized the theme of "Blood and soil" and
reinforced the kinship between modern Germans and ancient Greeks.Music was guided
by biological theory represented in the Nordic traits of Mozart, Wagner, and
Hayden.Film in Nazi Germany glorified
the party, Adolph Hitler, and martyrdom for Nazism. The cinema law of 16 February
1934 imposed postive cencership with the intention of encourging good films.In their
desire to establish a total state, the Nazis understood the importance of "selling" their
ideology to the youth.To accomplish this, Hitler established Nazi youth groups.Boys age
ten to fourteen years old participated in the Jungvolk, and boys fourteen to eighteen years
old participated in the Hitler Jugend.Both groups fostered military values and virtues,
such as duty, obedience, honor, courage, strength, and ruthlessness.
Uniforms and regular military drills were supplemented by ceremonies honoring the war
dead.Most importantly, the Hitler Youth did their utmost to indoctrinate the youth of
Germany with the ideological values of National Socialism.Youth leaders bore into the
youth a sense of fervent patriotism and utter devotion to Adolph Hitler.By 1939, when
membership in the Hitler Youth became compulsory, each new member of the Jungvolk
was required to take an oath to the Fuhrer swearing total allegiance.
Young girls were also a part of the Hitler Youth in Nazi Germany.Girls age ten to
fourteen were members of the Jungmadel, while girls fourteen to eighteen belonged to the
Bund Deutscher Madel.Hitler youth girls were indoctrinated in the principles of service,
regimentation, obedience, and discipline.Girls were taught to be dutiful wives and
mothers.Members of the Bund Deutscher Madel were educated in the skills needed for
domestic chores, nursing, and hygiene.
Social and Cultural life in Nazi Germany was manipulated from the beginning of Nazi
rule.Propaganda dominated popular culture and entertainment.Anti-intellectualism was
used to prevent the people from thinking and feeding into their strong sense of national
and military pride.Finally, Hitler and the party realized the possibilities of controlling
Germany's youth as a means of continuing the Reich, and insuring total control over a
future generation. Hitler was and is not alone in his hatred of a people. Hitler was not and
is not alone as far as being a dictator.
The human species and its illnesses have not changed. We have become tolerant, but not
enough. The worlds past is another topic for another time. I could go on and on about
similarities between Hitler and current world leaders. The Jewish people are still the most
persecuted people. In some lands, the people are persecuted not because of origin like
Hitler but due to religion. The landmass that sometimes sets these people apart is less
than 200 miles. This never makes sense. However, it is the way things are and have
obviously been.
speech transformation german social cultural life under nazism when opponent declares
will come over your side calmly your child belongs already what will pass your
decendants however stand camp short time they will know nothing this community adolf
hitler charismatic austrian born demagogue rose power germany during early time social
political economic upheaval failing take power force eventually power democratic means
once eliminated opposition launched ambitious program world domination elimination
jews paralleling ideas advanced book mein kampf year reich barely lasted years died
broken defeated good afternoon hopper class decided focus area study transformation
german social cultural life under nazism after assuming political adolph hitler decided
implement mission reviving german strength acquiring territory more living space
establishing foundation pure racial state order achieve goals hitler needed create sense
volksgemeinschaft national community unified mind spirit volksgemeinschaft could only
attained through total state control therefore every facet cultural life controlled achieve
nazi idealsin mein kampf referred enyardtung degeneration culture theatre literature
cimema press wrote must cleansed manfestations rotting world placed service moral
poltical idea with many other things that gone wrong opinion cause this state influence
jews culture press movies children activities were among many aspects daily controlled
nazis adolph took decidedly anti intellectual approach control decided appeal people
sense nationalism militarism slogans such think with blood became popular nazi germany
purges intellectual minorities political enemies such jews communists socialists were
rampant institutional controls were placed entertainment communications industries
authorized establishment reich chamber culture appointed joseph geobbels minister
propaganda reich chamber consisted seven divisions music theater literature radio
broadcasting press visual arts film chamber only established keep undesirables such other
minorities also fully integrate nazism with artists entertainers wanted change structure
their professions newspapers brought under control eher verlag nazi publishing house
where propaganda articles written newspapers buildings germany meant last thousand
years built represent mediaeval themes outdoor theater emphasized theme blood soil
reinforced kinship between modern germans ancient greeks music guided biological
theory represented nordic traits mozart wagner hayden film glorified party adolph
martyrdom cinema february imposed postive cencership intention encourging good films
their desire establish total nazis understood importance selling their ideology youth
accomplish this established youth groups boys fourteen years participated jungvolk boys
fourteen eighteen participated jugend both groups fostered military values virtues duty
obedience honor courage strength ruthlessness uniforms regular military drills
supplemented ceremonies honoring dead most importantly youth utmost indoctrinate
ideological values national socialism leaders bore into sense fervent patriotism utter
devotion when membership became compulsory each member jungvolk required take
oath fuhrer swearing total allegiance young girls also part girls fourteen members
jungmadel while girls eighteen belonged bund deutscher madel indoctrinated principles
service regimentation obedience discipline taught dutiful wives mothers members bund
deutscher madel educated skills needed domestic chores nursing hygiene manipulated
from beginning rule propaganda dominated popular entertainment anti intellectualism
used prevent people from thinking feeding into strong national military pride finally party
realized possibilities controlling means continuing insuring over future generation alone
hatred people alone being dictator human species illnesses have changed have become
tolerant enough worlds past another topic another time could about similarities between
current world leaders jewish still most persecuted some lands persecuted because origin
like religion landmass that sometimes sets these apart less than miles never makes
however things have obviously been
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