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Chapter 15 Gastrophysiology (Part II) (by Brandi Eastman)
What are the three phases involved in the control of the gastrointestinal system? What
stimuli initiate each phase?
Describe the voluntary and involuntary components to chewing. What is the purpose
of chewing?
How is salivary secretion unusual with respect to the parasympathetic and
sympathetic systems? When does salivation occur and through was process?
What center controls swallowing and where is it located? What regions of the body
are regulated by it?
What prevents the stomach contents from returning to the esophagus? What can occur
when this fails?
Name the regions of the stomach and what each secretes.
How is the HCl required for digestion acquired? How does this process lead to K+
deficiency following excessive vomiting?
What four chemical messengers are involved in regulating H+ acid secretion? What
effect does each have on HCl production as well as each other?
If a person were to start the Atkins Diet, what effect would this have on the level of
acid secretion and why?
How is acid secretion in the stomach inhibited by arrival of food in the small
What conditions initiate the conversion of pepsinogen to pepsin? Why is pepsinogen
secreted in an inactive form?
How does the stomach prepare for the entry of food and what mediates this process?
What controls the movement of chime into the duodenum?
How do smooth muscle cells in the stomach wall produce the basic electrical rhythm
of gastric peristaltic waves?
After gastric bypass surgery, vomiting is common if the patient tries to eat a meal that
is too large. Why is this?
What is the purpose of bicarbonate ions and where are they produced?
Name the pancreatic enzymes and the actions of each.
Where is enterokinase located and how is it related to the activation of enzymes
secreted from the pancreas?
What are the ingredients of bile and what purpose does each have?
How is bile delivered to the small intestine?
Why is fluid secretion so important in the small intestine? How is it controlled?
What is the primary function of the large intestine? What can happen if this process is
not completed?
How are the muscle contractions of defecation regulated?
What protective mechanisms are in place to prevent the stomach from being damaged
by acid and digestive enzymes? What happens when they fail? How is this diagnosed
and treated?
What causes vomiting and how might this be adaptive?
What causes the formation of gallstones? What problems can they cause?
What causes lactose intolerance?
What results from an extended period of decreased motility in the large intestine?
Why is diarrhea a life threatening condition if it remains untreated for long periods of