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 PTHY 6401 Kinesiology I Practice Test for Unit 2 ‐ Shoulder Girdle This is NOT intended to be strongly representative of the actual exam, neither is it intended to thoroughly address all topics listed in the exam 2 study guide. However, it should definitely help you determine if you are understanding many of the concepts that will be tested on Exam 2. 1. Which of the following muscles is attached to the humerus? a. supraspinatus b. serratus anterior c. pectoralis minor d. only two of the above e. a,b,&c 2. Which muscle(s) has scapular elevation as one of its actions and is innervated by the dorsal scapular nerve? a. rhomboid minor b. middle trapezius c. serratus anterior d. levator scapulae e. All of the above 3. The greater tubercle is part of the a. clavicle b. humerus c. ulna d. scapula e. sternum 4. Performing movement thru full ROM against gravity & tolerating moderate resistance is a MMT grade of 5. a. True b. False 5. Gravity eliminated manual muscle testing (MMT) of scapular elevation is performed with the patient in what position? a. supine b. prone c. sidelying d. seated 6. Which of the following is a concentric action of the middle trapezius? a. abduction (protraction) of the scapula b. depression of the scapula c. downward rotation of the scapula d. elevation of the scapula e. none of the above 7. Which of the following muscles is a concentric lateral rotator of the humerus? a. supraspinatus b. teres major c. rhomboideus minor d. levator scapulae e. subscapularis 8. Glenohumeral joint range of motion is best examined with _______________. a. special orthopedic tests b. goniometry c. manual muscle testing d. palpation exam e. passive range of motion exam 9. The correct normal/average ROM for glenohumeral external rotation is 0 ‐ 120°. a. true b. false 10. Which of the following muscles acts on the humerus & is a concentric flexor of the glenohumeral joint? a. pectoralis minor b. posterior deltoid c. coracobrachialis d. triceps long head e. teres major 11. The tendon of the long head of the biceps travels lateral to the lesser tubercle of the humerus. a. True b. False 12. The teres minor is innervated by the a. dorsal scapular nerve b. axillary nerve c. suprascapular nerve d. none of the above 13. Of the total shoulder abduction available in a normal shoulder girdle, the glenohumeral joint accounts for 2/3 of the movement. a. true b. false 14. Isolated inflammation or injury to the subacromial bursa is likely associated with what condition? a. glenohumeral dislocation b. impingement syndrome c. Sternoclavicular joint sprain d. Pectoralis major strain 15. The anterior deltoid lies in the subacromial space. a. true b. false 16. Which of the following is a concentric action of the teres minor at the glenohumeral joint? a. abduction (protraction)of the scapula b. downward rotation of the scapula c. elevation of the scapula d. none of the above 17. Which of the following muscles is a flexor of the humerus (at the glenohumeral joint)? a. pectoralis minor b. posterior deltoid c. coracobrachialis d. triceps long head e. teres major 18. Performing scapular protraction against resistance, such as in during a pushup against a wall, requires which prime mover to perform concentric contraction? a. middle trapezius b. anterior deltoid c. posterior deltoid d. lower trapezius e. none of the above 19. When performing this movement against the wall (elbows pushing back against the wall to push the body away from the wall), the muscle that is an anatagonist for the shoulder movement is the a. middle trapezius b. anterior deltoid c. posterior deltoid d. rhomboids 20. The movement shown in this shoulder exercise (notice the arrow) is ______________ , one of the prime movers is ________________, and the contraction is ________________. a. internal rotation, subscapularis, concentric b. external rotation, teres major, concentric c. external rotation, posterior deltoid, eccentric d. internal rotation, teres minor, eccentric e. external rotation, infraspinatus, concentric 21. What is the role of the latissimus dorsi in the up‐phase of this “dip” exercise? a. shoulder flexor ms contracting concentrically b. shoulder extensor ms contracting eccentrically c. shoulder adductor ms contracting concentrically d. shoulder external rotator ms contracting concentrically 22. What is the role of the pectoralis minor in the down‐phase of the above “dip” exercise? a. to control rate/amount of scapular elevation & retraction by contracting eccentrically b. to depress the scapula by contracting concentrically c. to retract the scapula by contracting concentrically d. to control rate/amount of scapular depression by contracting eccentrically 23. Which muscle is contracting concentrically as a prime mover to perform shoulder flexion and adduction during the up‐phase of the above “dip” exercise? a. rhomboids b. pectoralis major c. teres major d. biceps long head e. triceps long head 24. Based on the directional arrow in this supine shoulder movement/exercise, the shoulder is ____________ and the posterior deltoid, latissimus, and long head of triceps are likely performing ________________. a. abducting , no contraction b. extending , concentric contraction c. flexing, eccentric contraction d. extending , eccentric contraction e. abducting , concentric contraction 25. Based on the directional arrow in this standing shoulder movement/exercise, the shoulders are ____________ and the posterior deltoid, latissimus, and long head of triceps are likely performing ________________. a. abducting , no contraction b. extending , concentric contraction c. flexing, eccentric contraction d. internally rotating , no contraction 26. Based on the directional arrow in this seated shoulder movement/exercise, the shoulders are ____________ and the prime mover is likely the ________________. a. horizontally adducting , pectoralis major b. flexing , long head of biceps c. externally rotating , infraspinatus d. adducting , posterior deltoid e. horizontally abducting, pectoralis minor 27. Based on the directional arrow and the placement of the right hand, the person is attempting to push the humeral head which direction? a. an anterior glide b. a lateral glide c. an inferior glide d. a medial glide 28. Based on convex/concave rules and with the humerus as the moving bone, the shoulder joint self‐mobilization technique shown above in #27 could stretch the joint and help improve __________ ROM. a. internal rotation b. external rotation c. scaption d. none of the above. 29. Describe the position of the right shoulder in these pics of overhead throwing. a. full extension and full horizontal abduction b. ~90° external rotation and ~90° flexion c. ~90° abduction and > 90° external rotation d. ~90° abduction and neutral (0°) rotation 30. After the ball is released, the humerus of the pitching arm rotates and moves across the body, all at a high velocity (called “the follow through”). The prime movers for slowing the arm down after the ball is released are the a. internal rotators and horizontal adductors. b. external rotators and horizontal abductors. c. internal rotators and horizontal abductors. d. external rotators and horizontal adductors 31. At the glenohumeral joint, the factor LEAST responsible for maintaining joint stability is a. bony fit (bony congruency) b. capsule and ligaments c. rotator cuff 32. In goniometry, we use the medial epicondyle as a landmark for goniometric measurement of _______________. a. flexion b. extension c. internal rotation d. abduction 33. Arthrokinematics of SC joint protraction & retraction follows the rule of moving __________ surfaces. a. convex b. concave c. both convex and/or concave is correct because SC joint has a saddle shape 34. When performing overhead movement with the shoulder girdle, in what part of the range of motion would the most posterior rotation of the clavicle occur? a. 0‐30° b. 30‐60° c. 30‐90° d. 90‐150° 35. The plane of the scapula is closest to a. the coronal plane b. the sagittal plane c. the transverse plane d. varies, depending on position of the body 36. Which of the following structures directly supports/reinforces the anterior portion of the Glenohumeral joint? a. glenohumeral ligaments b. subscapularis c. infraspinatus d. subacromial bursa e. two of the above 37. According to Neumann, muscle paralysis that leads to a chronically and excessively depressed and downwardly rotated scapula may result in a. inferior dislocation of the SC joint. b. compression of nerves and blood vessels (ie. brachial plexus and subclavian artery) under the clavicle. c. superior subluxation/dislocation of the GH joint. d. an elevated distal end of the clavicle. e. two of the above. Note: A wide variety of additional questions could be formed about the movements shown in questions 19-21
and 24-26. Such things as 1) agonist (prime movers) and antagonists during each phase, 2) all obvious
scapular and glenohumeral movements during each phase, and 3) types of contractions occurring during each
phase . . . should be considered and analyzed.
PTHY 6401 Kinesiology I
Answer Key: Practice Test for Unit 2