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1. 23
2. Bacteria do binary fission where their circular DNA is copied and the cell divides
forming an exact copy of the parent cell. Eukaryotes do mitosis and meiosis. Mitosis
occurs in body cells, Meiosis in sex cells (gametes) Mitosis produces 2 identical cells.
3. Diploid (2n)- has two of each chromosome (one from each parent), body cells are diploid,
chromosomes are found in pairs. Haploid (1n)- one copy of each chromosome, found in
gametes (sex cells).
4. Female = XX Male = XY
5. G1 = Growth
S = DNA Copied
G2 = Organelles copied, last proteins before division are produced
M= Mitosis division of the nucleus (chromosomes) (Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase,
C = Cytokinesis last of cytoplasm and organelles are divided and cells are separated
6. 3 checkpoints. G1 checkpoint = check to see if cell is healthy enough for division if so
moves on the S phase. G2 checkpoint = DNA replication checked, Mitosis checkpoint
= signals the end of mitosis and for the cell to go back into G1
7. They are a way of regulating a cell’s division. You want to make sure the cell is healthy
enough to divide (G1 checkpoint) and before you divide the nucleus you want to make
sure the chromosomes are copied correctly (G2 checkpoint ) You want the cell to know
when to stop dividing (Mitosis checkpoint) otherwise CANCER : (
8. Chromatids are the “arms” of the chromosome made up of condensed chromatin.
Chromatin is made up of DNA wrapped around proteins called histones and are
connected at the centromere.
9. centromere
10. 23 pairs, 46
11. binary fission
12. Bacteria have circular chromosomes; we (eukaryotes) have linear.
13. Interphase : G1, S, G2
14. Prophase: chromatin condenses to form chromosomes, nuclear envelope starts to break
down, spindle fibers attach to chromosomes at the centromere
Metaphase: chromosomes meet in the middle
Anaphase: chromosome copies are pulled apart
Telophase: nuclear envelope reforms, chromosomes unwind (chromatin again), spindle
fibers retract, cleavage furrow forms
15. Genes (recipe) are located on DNA (what the genes are “written” on, made up of
nucleotides ). Genes are instructions for how to make proteins. Chromatin condenses to
form chromosomes. Chromosomes contain thousands of genes. (Cookbook)
16. Autosomes are regular body chromosomes do not influence the gender and can be
inherited equally by both genders. Sex chromosomes influence development (X) and
17. G1, S, G2
18. Mitosis
19. Cancer is uncontrolled cell growth. It is bad because it can spread to other tissues and
damage them.
20. Karyotypes can tell you the gender, the number of chromosomes (missing, or extra.) Do
not tell you anything about genes or proteins, or function.
21. Anatomy: Chromatin (DNA wrapped around histones) makes up the chromatids (sister
chromatids after S phase) chromatids make up the long and short “Arms” of the
chromosome and are connected at the centromere.
22. Which stage of mitosis is like dismantling a bridge? Anaphase
23. Remember the chromosomes in your body: exist in 23 pairs, each contain thousands of
genes, are made up of DNA and protein. Genes are the recipes for how to make protein.