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WS15_reading quiz 2
NAME:_____________________________ SEC: ____
Circle the correct answers: The principle of moments states that the moment of a force about a point is
equal to the ( cross product / dot product / sum / difference ) of the moments of the ( magnitude /
difference / components / direction / sum ) of the force about the point.
Circle the correct answer: A couple is defined as …
a. two parallel forces that have the same magnitude and same direction.
b. three parallel forces that have the same magnitude and different directions.
c. two parallel forces that have the same magnitude and opposite directions.
When the forces in a couple are added, the resultant is equal to __________________.
The moment produced by a force couple is called a ___________________ moment.
Since the moments produced by force couples are vectors, their resultant can be determined by vector
The following statement is FALSE.
Circle the word or words that make the statement false.
For a given rigid body, a system of forces and couples is said to be equivalent when the
external effects it produces on the same body are almost the same as those caused by
the original force and couple moment system.