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World History
Chapter 6 Study Guide
Name ________________________
Section One:
1. What is the difference between a republic and a democracy?
2. What is the difference between a patrician and a plebian?
3. Describe the main parts of the Roman Republic’s government (consuls, senate,
4. What are the Twelve Tables and what are their significance?
5. Describe the organization of the Roman army.
6. What was early Roman’s foreign policy and how did they seek to accomplish
7. What were the Punic Wars and why were they fought? Who is Hannibal? Scipio?
Section Two:
8. What were the two main reasons for the collapse of the Roman Republic?
Describe each issue.
9. Who was Julius Cesar? What reforms did he make in Rome?
10. Who was in the first Triumvirate? Second?
11. What was the most important industry in the Roman Empire?
12. What is Pax Romana? Who was the first emperor of the Pax Romana?
13. Describe the reforms Augustus made in Rome.
14. What was the Colosseum and what was its purpose?
Section Three
15. How did Rome first come into contact with the Jewish people?
16. Who was Jesus?
17. What did Jesus teach?
18. From where do we get most of the information about Jesus and his life?
19. Who were the apostles? What did they do after Jesus’ death?
20. Which apostle was most influential in the development and spread of
Christianity? How did he do this?
21. From where do the words Christian and Christianity come?
22. Why was Christianity so appealing to the people?
23. Describe the tension between Christians and the Roman Empire. How were
Christians treated?
24. What impact did the emperor Constantine have on the spread of Christianity?
25. What is the Nicene Creed?
26. What is the Diaspora and what is its significance?
Section Four:
27. What economic problems did the Roman Empire face during its 3rd century of
28. Who is Diocletian and how did he reform Rome?
29. To where did Constantine move the capital of the Roman Empire?
30. What three main reasons caused the eventual collapse of the western half of the
Roman Empire?
31. Describe the course of Germanic invasions in Rome.
32. With which emperor did the Pax Romana come to an end?
Section Five:
33. What is Greco-Roman culture?
34. In what ways has Greco Roman culture influenced modern culture in the
following areas:
fine arts (What city has the best examples of this art?)
Learning and literature
The recording of History
Architecture and technology