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Post-CASIROZ meeting, 23-24 March 2006
GABY: please add names (and abbreviations/initials of names) of all participants !!!!
Final report
 We should not worry too much about the report (unclear how many will read it,
possibly economic-dissemination etc. most important). RM will send it in on 29/3.
 RM: has been sent on 29/3 as scheduled.
e-tip : keep it very simple as previous times
CD-Rom with final report, flyer, photographs from home-page,
Database without data, references, model
Financial statements (original) need to be provided by Monday/Tuesday (March
27/28, 2006). These are important and need to be correct. In case of delay, will be
sent separately to Brussels later.
Each group gets left-over money (to the extent left in each case) when final report
is accepted.
Plant Biology
 9 submitted, 7 expected next week, including review of free-air fumigation
 absolutely final deadline 31 March. Groups missing this deadline should urgently
contact RM for clarifying the situation.
 Special CASIROZ issue will be published as last number in 2006 or first of 2007
Remember to send around the flyer to officials (in each country) that might be interested
TV-station : Bavarian broadcasting service visited Kranzberg (and will do it another time
this summer), interviews and pictures will become part of a program on the state of
Database :
 Everyone should check all their data, definitely final deadline 31 May, using
latest version on CASIROZ website (Markus will send an e-mail when the newest
version is put online)
 Current version will be parked at GSF with the larger data-base but not integrated
into the SFB 607 database.
 Brussels only get structure
 RM to ask for and integrate every year the publications into the CASIROZ
database (RM agreed on doing so), GSF can then uptake the parked version
 Maya and/or Maarten and Markus to integrate new data and corrections before 30
All members will receive CD with latest version in July, and it will be on the
internal CASIROZ website (and at GSF).
Disclaimer: set date to end of 2007  RM: already proposed to Brussels
Micro-arrays: genes of Shasa included ? Needs to get into data-base by May 31 !
Antwerp will include calculated instantaneous and cumulative fluxes per tree
(total for the tree and per unit leaf area) by end of May.
We encourage people to analyse their data per tree (also in relation to the
simulated fluxes per tree)
New version in June will include some daily and hourly climate data as well
New project
7th framework
 Call expected Jan 2007
 Experimental data for validation of existing models across Europe
 First step = network of excellence, at Ispra /I (in Feb. 2006), 50 people from 30
institutions gathered for kick-off meeting
 Finally only about 16-20 groups should get involved into a final proposal
 Steering board: 10 were chosen, including RM and RC.
 Meeting of the steering board early May to formulate 2 proposals: probably
combined project of forests and semi-natural vegetation. Second project on crops.
These might compete!!
 Crop people also would work with free-air O3 fumigation.
 By early next year detailed proposals.
general theme
1. Good validation of flux in real forests, using sap flow and others, validated with
eddy-flux, beech-spruce mainly (but also poplar plantation), some more mechanistic
approaches on sapflow on selected sites.
2. Sap flow and derived ozone uptake on plantations. Need to find plantations where
ozone is monitored on existing plantations poplar (3 clones)/willow/aspen
3. Experiments on short rotation and saplings. In free air-fumigation, close to plantation
of same species. New plantations on former agricultural land. Include mechanistic
ozone sensitivity. Major expertise on molecular/biochemical/mycorrhizae. Towards
effective dose so examine how to weight the O3 uptake in relation to sensitivity.
Which trees: for adult use climax species: spruce-beech (at least for central Europe), oak
(Mediterranean), pine? 1 common species everywhere does not seem feasible.
For juvenile trees more pioneer species, as they will be sun-exposed, poplar, willow,
birch, pine? Also because of biomass production and paper (links to Kyoto). Mycorrhizae
not easy to study on poplar, poplar not popular in Slovenia. HK prefers Scots pine.
More or less consensus on the use of small free air fumigation systems, statistician will
decide on number of replicates and best choice of regimes (including possibly dilution
(charcoal filtered air), ambient, 2 fumigated), 3 to 4 years. Juvenile trees up to 2-3 meters.
Chronic-acute effects: possibly simulate both. Effects of instantaneous flux also studied.
Adult trees: existing sites with ambient ozone regime. Need soil water potential, sapflow, branch cuvette measurements, possibly flux tower data (eddy approach) in old
forests. You can get link between transpiration and ozone flux, by calculating canopy
conductance for ozone. Compare to model results.
Biochemical analyses and photosynthesis on older trees would be interesting, from the
towers some sampling should be possible.
Further papers from CASIROZ to be planned:
Within each O3 regime, link effects to specific tree dominance in stand and ozone uptake
of individual tree. For the time being, mean value-based approach per O3 regime should
be used, however, later this summer, assessment should be repeated for each individual
tree (when this “highly resolved” data will be available): Comparison between these two
assessment appears worth publishing per se – apart from other apects. This analysis
should be done in each group.
Meet again for cross-comparison Friday Nov 24 in Freiburg (meeting will be confirmed
about 4 weeks before this date). Joint paper again possible on this per-tree analysis (see
above) if – on such a basis - new consistency patterns arise amongst investigated tree
parameters; issue might be suitable for “Nature”. We might need to meet also for
finalizing new EU research proposal.
Further ideas about new papers:
 Sugars – photosynthesis - phloem
 ABA – gene - stomata – allocation to root
 Defense capacity?
 Manuela Blumenröther: something with diurnal courses of sucrose-starch
 Scaling effect of ozone from gene to stand and see whether effect is decreasing.
For example on ABA story use stable isotopes so ozone effects are on
photosynthesis and in parallel on ABA.
 cumulation on different time scales through all datasets (instant flux- 2 day to 1
week to cumulative!
 Mycorrhizae per tree need to be measured? Might already have been done (HK
should ask Prof. Agerer /Munich)
Final message: beech not too sensitive
Special issue PCE appeared October 2005
Visit of Janet Bornman in Freising (Jan 2006)
She was pleased with the overall outcome
Future = new framework or new COST action, we will first try framework with research
proposal (see above).
Training courses for writing EU proposal = McCarthy course offered, company name is
Hyperion (finding out about need for this)
 Virginia April 9, Markus is going, takes a summarisation of CASIROZ
 IUFRO meeting on air pollutants 11-13 September Riverside (RM, GW, OW and
others from CASIROZ will take part; RM organizes one session).
 June: American working group on ozone, on effective dose, tobacco data from GSF,
hypothesis: ethyleen triggers amplification (HS will take part).
Gaby Deckmyn