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Chapter 19: Bacteria and Viruses (pg. 470)
19-1. Bacteria
prokaryotes“bacteria” A. Classifying Prokaryotes
Prokaryotes can be divided into two very different groups: __________________
and ____________________
Eubacteria –
Basic characteristics and structures
2. Archaebacteria -
Basic characteristics and structures
Many live in harsh environments:
1. methanogens –
2. halophillic –
3. thermoacidophillic B. Identifying Prokaryotes
Prokaryotes are identified by characteristics such as ______________________
1. Shapes
2. Cell Walls – 2 different types in Eubacteria
Gram staining used to tell them apart – 2 dyes: __________ and __________
Gram positive bacteria:
Gram negative bacteria:
3. Movement
C. Metabolic Diversity
No characteristic illustrates their diversity better than the ways in which they
a _______________________
1. Heterotrophs Chemoheterotrophs -
Photoheterotrophs 2. Autotrophs Photoautotrophs -
Chemoautotrophs -
3. Releasing Energy
obligate aerobes ex:
obligate anaerobes ex:
facultative anaerobes ex:
D. Growth and Reproduction
When conditions are favorable:
1. Binary Fission -
2. Conjugation -
3. Spore Formation occurs when conditions become ______________________.
Endospore -
Spores can remain dormant for __________ or even __________.
E. Importance of Bacteria
Bacteria are vital to maintaining the living world. Some are ___________ that
capture energy by _________________. Others are ______________ that break
down the nutrients in __________________ and the _________________.
Decomposers -
Decomposers help the ecosystem ________________________________.
Sewage treatment: Bacteria break down waste into: ________________________
2. Nitrogen fixers
nitrogen fixation plants and animals depend on _____________ for nitrogen.
Plants need N to make _______________, the building blocks of ____________.
About 78% of the atmosphere is N2 gas but plants can not use it directly.
Certain bacteria, Rhizobium, convert N2 into usable __________________
Rhizobium bacteria live in ______________________________________
Ex. of legumes:
3. Human Uses of Bacteria – LIST
19-2. Viruses
A. What is a virus?
Viruses A typical virus is composed of a core of _________ OR __________ surrounded by a
Capsid Viruses enter cells by:
Most viruses are ______________________ to the cells they infect.
Bacteriophage -
Viruses differ widely in __________ and ______________.
All viruses have one thing in common: ____________________________________
B. Viral Infection (pg. 481; Fig. 19-10)
1. Lytic Infection -
Viral DNA makes:
Viruses use host cell to:
Infected cell:
2. Lysogenic Infection -
Unlike lytic viruses, lysogenic viruses do NOT _____________________________
Prophage -
C. Retroviruses -
D. Viruses and Living Cells
Are they alive? (pg. 483; Fig. 19-11)
19-3 Diseases Caused by Bacteria and Viruses (pg. 485)
Pathogens A. Bacterial Disease in Humans
Bacteria produce disease in one of two general ways:
Using Cells for Food
Mycobacterium tuberculosis causes ________________________ by:
2. Releasing Toxins
Steptococcus bacterium causes _______________________ by:
Corynebacterium diphtheriae causes ______________________ by:
3. Bacterial Diseases caused by Bacteria (pg. 486; Fig. 19-13) – List diseases
4. Preventing Bacterial Disease
Vaccine -
Antibiotics Ex.
B. Bacterial Disease in Animals
Bacillus anthracis causes _________________
Often found in _______________ and can be __________________________
Can be ________________
Produces tough ____________________________________________________
These properties have led to its use as a ____________________________________
C. Controlling Bacteria
Sterilization by Heat
2. Disinfectants
3. Food Storage and Processing
D. Viral Disease in Humans (pg. 488; Fig. 19-14) – list diseases
Can NOT be treated with _________________________.
Best way to protect against viruses is the use of _________________________.
E. Viral Disease in Animals
F. Viral Disease in Plants
H. Viroids and Prions
Viroids -
Prions -
Examples: ______________ in sheep
Other examples: