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Name: ____________________________________________ (
Class: Sec 3 (
Chapter 5: Bonding Singapore – Measures to manage ethnic diversity
Refer to your textbook page 144 – 153 to help you complete the table.
Measures to Build National
Adopting Multi-Racialism policy
What is it about and provide
What: Multiculturalism is a
How does it promote bonding
and social cohesion?
It ensures that everyone has an
Is it effective in promoting
social cohesion?
policy which ensures the
equal opportunity to succeed
valued member of the
equality of all races whereby
and emphasizes the fact that
Singapore society, it creates a
no special treatment Is given to
everyone is seen as a valued
sense of national identity
any particular racial or religious
member of the society. A sense
among all Singaporeans,
of national identity as
where they will work together
Singaporeans is created.
to ensure social cohesion and
Example: Favouring a certain
group of people because of
their race is prohibited by the
Since everyone is seen as a
harmony in Singapore.
Common Practices
What: Common practices are
Common practices foster
Yes, it is effective in promoting
actions that Singaporeans carry
national identity and inculcate
social cohesion as everyone is
loyalty and national pride
bonded by a sense of national
towards Singapore. Through this
pride and belonging to
Example: Singing the national
sense of pride and belonging
anthem, Taking the pledge
to a nation, Singaporeans will
begin to see themselves as one
Introduce Bilingualism
What: Through the policy of
While mother tongue is used to
Yes it is effective in promoting
bilingualism, students are
impart moral values and
bonding as it provides a
expected to learn English and
cultural traditions of each race,
common means of
their own mother tongue
the English language ensures
communication amongst
social cohesion by serving as a
Singaporeans which thus
Example: Learning English and
common language through
improves understanding
Mandarin / Malay / Tamil /
which Singaporeans can use to
amongst the different races
Other Mother Tongues
communicate with each other.
and religions and deters
This improves communication
discord because having
amongst Singaporeans and
English, as a medium of
may also be used to deepen
communication also ensures
the understanding of the
equality amongst racial
culture and values of other
Measures to Safeguard Minority
Having a policy on minority
What is it about and provide
What: The policy on Minority
How does it promote bonding
and social cohesion?
The GRC ensures that at least
Is it effective in promoting
social cohesion?
It is effective in promoting
representation gives minority
one of the candidates in the
social cohesion as those who
groups a say in governance
tem contesting in the general
belong to the minority groups
and safeguards the interest of
election is from the minority
are reassured that their needs
Minority groups.
racial communities. This
and concerns are voiced to the
promotes bonding and social
government and that they are
Example: The Group
cohesion as the GRC system
also of equal importance as
representation constituency
ensures that the minority racial
those in the majority groups in
groups are represented in the
the eyes of the government.
Having this reassurance makes
social cohesion easier.
Having self – help groups
What: Self-help groups
These self-help groups ensure
These groups effective in
functions as a form of support
that every Singaporean has
promoting social cohesion as
system for the members of their
equal opportunities to excel
an improvement in the status of
own community who are less
and ensure no conflict arises
a races’ economic and social
among the different ethnic
status increases their sense of
groups with regards to issues
loyalty and commitment to the
Example: CDAC, Mendaki and
such as education
Measures to Develop Common
1] Public Housing to provide
common living space and
shared facilities
What is it about and provide
Ethnic integration policy in 1989
How does it promote bonding
and social cohesion?
This prevents the saturation of a
Is it effective in promoting
social cohesion?
This is effective in promoting
whereby a limit was put on the
single racial group in certain
social cohesion to a large
proportion of races living in
neighbourhood. At the same
extent as getting people from
every neighbourhood.
time having shared facilities
racial groups to live in the
provides many opportunities for
same neighbbourhood and to
Shared Facilities like
interaction between the
share living space gives them
playgrounds, community
different races in Singapore.
the opportunity to interact with
centres and void decks.
each other which can lead to
stronger bonds being formed.
2] Educational Institutions
Educational institutions in
Educational institutions
Yes, it is effective in promoting
Singapore are open to every
promote bonding and social
social cohesion as it
Singaporean regardless of race
cohesion by providing
encourages interaction
and religion. Through
opportunities for interaction
amongst the youth of
education and activities
amongst youths of different
Singapore which could then
organized by these institutions,
racial and ethnic backgrounds
develop into strong inter-racial
youths of different racial and
through activities such as CCA.
relationships and favourable
religious backgrounds are able
perceptions of other racial
to interact.
groups as they grow older.
Example: CCA
3] Activities organized by
People’s association [PA]
What: The PA provide the
The activities organized by the
These activities are effective in
Activities organized by PA
PA such as home stays create
promoting social cohesion
includes home stays
opportunities for Singaporeans
because a deeper
programme where
to appreciate their differences
understanding of each others’
Singaporeans are given the
and develop strong bonds
cultures and beliefs would also
opportunities to stay with host
among different religious and
be useful in fostering strong
families from other ethnic
ethnic communities.
relations amongst
Singaporeans of different ethnic
and religious backgrounds.
4] Shared Military Experience
National service which requires
Shared military experience
Yes it is effective in promoting
all able bodied men to serve in
through training and team work
social cohesion as it provides
the defense of the country.
help to strengthen bonds and
many opportunities for the
friendships among men of
interaction and collaboration of
different religious and ethnic
individuals from different racial
and religious backgrounds
which would then strengthen
the relationships amongst
Q) The most effective way to help Singapore manage its ethnic diversity is through building national identity. Do you agree? Explain
your answer
Q] Explain how developing common space and building a national identity help Singapore manage its ethnic diversity and promote
social cohesion. Which do you think is more effective?
You may begin as follows:
Yes, I agree it is a very effective way.
Building a National Identity means fostering a sense of belonging and pride towards Singapore and identifying one’s self as primarily
belonging to Singapore.
To help build national identity, the government had carried out several measures. One of the measures is to introduce common
practices. This means all Singaporeans are required to carry out certain actions together. For example, singing of the national anthem
or taking the pledge. This measure is important because common practices such as this inculcate loyalty and national pride towards
Singapore. As a result, if the races feel that they are one people with a common identity then they will be able to form an identity or
mindset based on national rather than racial unity.
Other than developing common practices, another way to build national identity is to pursue a policy of multi-racialism such as
promoting equality among the races with no special rights granted to any particular race or religious group. It helps the different
races to see themselves as valued members of Singapore society. Therefore, it is effective in bringing about social cohesion as this
creates a sense of national identity among all Singaporeans where they will work together to ensure social cohesion and harmony in
The third way to build a national identity is to introduce bilingualism. This means the Singaporean students are expected to learn
English and their own mother tongue in school. This is effective in managing ethnic diversity as it ensures effective communication
among the different races, lessens misunderstanding and fosters greater common understanding for all races which in turn leads to
greater social cohesion as it increases tolerance and understanding.
Besides building a National Identity, another way to manage ethnic diversity is to develop common spaces. This means that
opportunities are given to Singaporeans to interact through the provision of common venues, experiences or events. For example,
one measure to create common space is to develop common living spaces and shared facilities through public housing. This helps to
facilitate bonding as the different racial groups can come together to interact. It is effective because as a result of this opportunity,
social interaction among the different racial groups can take place, promoting social cohesion.
Other than introducing common living spaces and shared facilities through public housing the educational institutions in Singapore
are open to all Singaporeans regardless of race, language or religion and activities such as Co-Curricular Activities are organized. In
this way, students of different cultural and religious backgrounds have many opportunities to interact, work with and understand one
another and this helps to bring about bonding.
Activities organized by the People’s Association such as home visits or home stays with host families from other ethnic groups help to
create social cohesion and bonding because they allow participants to gain a better understanding of the cultures and customs of
other races and is effective in helping people of different racial and religious backgrounds to respect and form friendships with one
another, easing the process of social cohesion.