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1ST Semester 2015-2016
US History Final Exam Study Guide
Chapter 5 and 6 – Industrialization and Urbanization
1. Define industrialization.
2. New technology lead to
the ______________ of crops
which lead to
3. Who did the Populist Party advocate for?
4. Fill in the chart below:
Push Factors (Reasons to leave homeland)
Pull Factors (reasons for coming to America
5. What are tenements and who lived there?
6. What are labor unions?
7. Why did labor unions form?
8. Why did many labor unions oppose immigrants?
9. Explain what is the difference between horizontal and vertical integration? Sketch a diagram for
each type of integration.
10. Under laissez-faire, what role did the government play in the industrial revolution?
11. Explain the relationship between the industrialization, urbanization and immigration?
12. What is segregation?
13. What happened in the landmark case Plessy V. Ferguson?
Chapter 7 – Imperialism
14. Define Imperialism:
15. Define Anglo-Saxonism:
16. What are four causes (why did it happen) of the Spanish American War?
Causes of the Spanish American War
17. Why did the Philippine Rebellion occur?
18. What interest did the U.S. have in Hawaii before annexation occurred & in Cuba?
19. What did the Open Door Policy do and with whom?
20. Why was the Panama Canal built?
21. What was the Roosevelt Corollary?
22. What are 3 reasons for American imperialism?
Label the following territories on the map above:
Puerto Rico
Chapter 8 – Progressivism
#24. Answer the questions below
What is progressivism? (DEFINE IT):
Progressivism was partly a reaction against _________ - __________ economics and
its emphasis on an unregulated ____________.
Progressives generally believed that _________________ AND ________________
had created many social problems.
#25: Constitutional Amendments: Fill in the chart below to explain the following
Constitutional Amendments. (Ch. 8)
17th Amendment (Section 1):
18th Amendment (Section 1):
19th Amendment (Section 1):
26.What is a muckraker?
27.What problems did child workers face in the factories?
28. What was the book The Jungle by Upton Sinclair about?
29. What changes were made as a result of the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug
30. What happened at the Triangle Shirtwaist company?
31. What changes occurred as a result of this tragedy?
32. What did the founders of the NAACP believe was needed to end racial violence in America?
33. What 4 forms of racism was the NAACP trying to stop?
Chapter 9 – WW I
34. What event was the spark that began WW I?
35. Explain the main causes of World War I.
36. What was the 14 Point Plan?
37. What did the Supreme Court rule in the case Schenck v. U.S.?
38. What were 5 reasons the U.S. entered WW I?
E. Closer economic and cultural ties with England
39. What was the purpose of the Espionage and Sedition Acts?
40. What was the Red Scare of 1919?
41. Why did the U.S. reject the Treaty of Versailles?
42. What jobs did women have in the armed forces during WW I?
43. Why did the US lose the least amount of men in WWI in comparison to the other Allied and
Central Powers?
44. What was the Great Migration?
45. What are the Palmer Raids?
46. What happened to the immigrants that were part of the Palmer Raids?
47. What was the League of Nations that President Wilson proposed at the Versailles Peace
Chapter 10 – 1920s
48. What are installment plans?
49. How did people’s attitudes towards debt change over time?
50. Prohibition was hard to enforce. What other industries/establishments thrived due
to Prohibition?
51. Why did Fundamentalists believe Americans were losing their traditional values?
52. Ernest Hemingway belonged to the “Lost Generation”. What did these writers write about?
53. What did the lost generation writers have disillusionment with?
54. What is the Harlem Renaissance?
55. What are 4 characteristics of the Harlem Renaissance?
56. What was the Scopes Trial about?
57. What did the Emergency Quota Act do?
58. Explain why each of these 4 reasons led to businesses being successful in the 1920s?
A. Mass production:
B. Stock Market:
C. Mass consumption:
D. Consumer Credit:
59. Explain the impact that Henry Ford had on the following:
A. Workers’ wages:
B. Factory efficiency:
C. Car prices:
D. Car selection/design:
E. Attitude towards immigrants:
60. Explain how the role of women changed in the 1920s?
61. What decade long event occurred that stopped the “Roaring” 1920s?
Chapter 11 – Great Depression
62. What are the 5 main causes of the Great Depression?
63. What happened on Black Tuesday?
64. Why did some people who had never invested money in the stock market lose everything when the
stock market crashed? (has to do with banks)
65. Explain the impact of the Hawley-Smoot Tariff on the following:
A. Average Tariff rate:
B. American Businesses:
C. American Products:
66. What were 4 effects of the Dust Bowl?
67. Why did the Bonus Army march on Washington D.C.?
68. Hoover’s one attempt to combat depression was the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. What
did it do?
69. What was Hoover’s philosophy in regards to the economy and the depression?
70. What did Hoover believe in terms of funding public works programs?
Chapter 12 – The New Deal
71. What was the New Deal?
72. What was the Agricultural Adjustment administration designed to do?
73. What did the National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act) designed to do?
74. Why did the Supreme Court argue against the New Deal?
75. What was FDR’s “court-packing” plan?
76. Father Charles Coughlin, Huey Long and Dr. Francis Townsend were critics of the New Deal. Why?
77. What were the goals of the Social Security Act?
78. What did the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) do?
79. Fill in the chart on what was the New Deal’s Legacy
What was its limited success?
What did it give Americans?
How did it create a safety net for Americans?
What did the government have to do to
maintain this safety net?
80. How did the role of the Federal government change as a result of the New Deal?
Chapter 13 – A World in Flames (WW II Begins)
81. Explain how each of the following helped to cause WW II:
A. Rise of dictatorshipsB. New political ideas and governments C. Economic Global DepressionD. WW I and Treaty of Versailles –
82. List next to each country, what type of government they had during WWII.
A. Japan:
B. Soviet Union:
C. U.S.:
D. Germany: Nazism, which is a an extreme form of _____________.
83. Define appeasement:
“Peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time.” Neville Chamberlain
84. What happened at the Munich Conference?
85. How did Hitler violate the agreement?
86. Before the U.S. entered WWII, what were Americans willing and not willing to do to help the
Allied Powers?
Not Willing?
87. How did Lend-Lease get around the Neutrality Acts, which forbade selling of arms to warring
88. Why did the U.S. finally enter WW II?
89. What decision did the Germans come to at the Wannsee Conference?
Chapter 14 WW II
90. Minorities in WW II – Answer the questions below.
A. What job did Native Americans have in the military?
B. What type of military units did African Americans serve in?
C. What was the Double V campaign?
D. What is notable about the Japanese Americans service in the military?
91. What happened to Japanese Americans during WW II within the U.S.?
92. What did the Supreme Court rule about treatment of the Japanese in the Korematsu case?
93. What was the purpose of the propaganda images of Rosie the Riveter?
94. What 2 minority groups provided factory labor in the U.S.?
95. Define rationing:
96. Why did the U.S build the atomic bomb in the Manhattan Project?
97. What peacekeeping organization was formed after WW II?
98. What happened at the Nuremburg Trials?
99. Why did the Allies decide to defeat Hitler before Japan?
100. Fill in the four things the average America at home did to support the war effort.
A. Grew ___________________.
B. Bought _________________.
C. Participate in _________________ drives
D. ______________ gas, sugar and coffee.