Download Lab 5 - Remote Procedure Call – RPC

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CS551 Calculator Lab Assignment 3
Deadline: Oct. 23 (Th) Midnight
Submission: a zipped package (containing source code and report) to
This documentation has three parts: Lab3-A, Lab3-B, and Report.
1. Lab 3a - Remote Procedure Call – RPC
The Counter Server
You need to use classes in folders jrpcgen and jarpc. So make appropriate changes to your
Copy the Counter files from the Lab3a directory into a directory of your own. Inspect the
three files:
 cou.x is the interface definition file for the counter server. There are three operations
inc() - increment the counter
dec() - decrement the counter
set(int) - set the counter
 is the simple counting server that implements this interface
 is a simple client to test this server.
To make a working setup you will need to use the RPC Compiler to generate the stubs
that will do all the remote communication. The simple client and server classes that I
have written make use of these stubs.
From the directory where you have placed the server files you will need to run the IDL
compiler twice, once to generate the server stubs ( -Ss ) and once to generate the client
stubs ( -Sc ). In both cases you will need the -n switch to suppress C compiler preprocessing:
java jrpcgen -n -Ss cou.x
java jrpcgen -n -Sc cou.x
This will automatically write some Java files in your directory. If you get an error saying
that the class definition for SymbolTranslation cannot be found, then you have probably
not included the folder jrpcgen in your classpath. is the client stub and provides local calls for inc(), dec(), & set(). These
calls include all the extra communication and XDR routines to cause this execution to
take place on a server. is the server stub and enables implements the three functions, providing
the "wrapping" that enables them to be remotely accessed.
Compile the java files in your directory
To test this you will need three DOS windows:
Note that a couple of these windows will display IndexOutOfBounds exception messages
during operation of the server. These can be ignored.
In the first window you will need to run the Portmapper program. This is the component,
which listens out for RPC requests and directs them to the appropriate RPC server. In a
Unix system this is already there but Windows needs this to be explicitly launched. Once
you have started Portmapper you can leave it running for the whole lab.
java JRPC.Portmapper
In the second window you need to run your server:
java docount
The third window is where you will be running your client but a good first step is to use
the RPCInfo utility to check that the RPC is "listening":
java RPCInfo
If everything is set up correctly you should see something like this:
This shows that there are four RPC programs listening. RPC programs are identified by
numbers - the "well-known" number 100000 identifies the Portmapper program and it is
listening, via UDP and TCP on port number 111. This is "well known" port number so all
remote clients know how to contact Portmapper in order to get things started.
The other program "77" is our program. If you inspect cou.x you will see that this is the
number that has been assigned to the "counter" service. The two port numbers that have
been given to our program were selected by the Portmapper. Our program is not "wellknown" so when a counter client needs a counter server it talks first to Portmapper and
asks "what is the port number for program number 77?"
If everything is in order you can run the counter client:
java couTest
and you should see the counter being incremented and decremented with corresponding
messages on the server screen. You may also see some IndexOutOfBoundsException
messages - do not worry about these - there is a bug in the library we are using.
Calculator server
Using what you learn from the counter server example you should be able to build a RPC
based calculator server:
Add another Distribution menu - "RPC"
 CalculatorImpl constant
 DistMenu changes
 Add a new checkDistrib case to CalculatorImplFactory - RPC will work in
both JVM's
 Create a new package directory - "rpc"
Dealing with the IDL
Take a copy of my IDL file – Lab3a\calculator.x. Put it in your rpc directory.
 Look at the contents of this file. As you will see it defines:
 A structure “calcReturn” that will be used to return results from your server
 Another structure “calcArgs” that will be used to pass parameters to your server.
 A “magic number” ( 567890 ) for your calculator service
 A version ( 1 ) for your service
 Four remote procedures (add(), subtract()…) that will be implemented. Each
of these procedures will be passed two integers and return a “calcReturn”
structure. Each procedure also has a “magic number” – 1, 2, 3 & 4.
Use the RPC Compiler to generate the server and client stubs.
You will need to add an extra switch – “-p rpc” – which will cause the Java files
generated to be in the rpc package.
java jrpcgen -n -Ss –p rpc rpc\calculator.x
java jrpcgen -n -Sc –p rpc rpc\calculator.x
Notice that there are four Java files generated:
 – this is the client stub
 – this is the server stub
 – this class represents the “structure” that was defined in the
IDL file. If you look at the file you will see that there are class members for each
component of the structure.
 – this class represents the other “structure” that was defined in
the IDL file.
 Compile these files
An RPC Impl
Make a copy of socket.PlainCalculatorImpl in the rpc directory and change its
package. You can adapt this file to become the PlainCalculatorImpl for the rpc
 Add an import line so that this class will have access to the JaRPC classes:
import JRPC.*;
Add a second import line so that this class will have access to the classes:
Take a look at couTest
(from the counter server ) to see how a connection is made
to an RPC server. This needs to be done in the newConnection() method of the
PlainCalculatorImpl. Note that the client variable ( which is the stub through
which we talk to the server ) needs to be of type calculator in this case ( the name
of the client stub we have generated ) rather than cou which was the client stub in the
counter example.
You should also change the hard-wired “localhost” parameter to be the value typed
in by the user and given as a parameter to the constructor. (so change “localhost” to
 The reuseConnection method simply sets the client variable to be equal to
the one that was passed in. (Not sure what this means . The lab works fine because
of newConnection(), even if you leave the implementation of reuseConnection()
blank. Any suggestions?)
 The arithmetic calls will need to be modified to send the calculation off to the RPC
server. Bear in mind that the connection to the server is now represented by the
client variable and that methods such as “add” can be invoked on that object ( look
in ).
The tricky part is getting the values into, and out of, the calcArgs and calcReturn
structures for communication with the server.
 To send the arguments you need a new calcArgs object:
calcArgs args = new calcArgs();
with its fields set to the values of a and b:
args.x = (float)a;
args.y = (float)b;
To receive the answer you need to do the reverse:
calcReturn calcRet = client.add_1( args );
if( calcRet.success == 0 )
return (double)calcRet.value;
but remember that you will need to use try/catch constructions and locate the
declarations of variables accordingly.
An RPC CalcServer
Now take a look at docount ( from the counter server ) and see how the actual server
relates to the server stub (couServer). Save this file (the docount file) in your rpc
directory, naming it, and base your RPC server on this file:
 Get the package right.
 Rename the class and change all the other references to “docount” to
 It will now extend calculatorServer , which is the server stub that you have
 The methods need to be defined along the lines of:
public calcReturn add( calcArgs args ){
What happens in these methods is more or less the mirror image of what
happened in the impl:
Extract the arguments from args
float a = args.x;
float b = args.y;
Create a brand new calcReturn object
calcReturn calcRet = new calcReturn();
Perform the operation
calcRet.value = a+b;
Assign the appropriate fields:
 success = 0 is used to indicate success i.e. calcRet.success = 0;
 The value field holds the result of your calculation (done that with
calcRet.value = a+b;)
 The errMsg should be set to “” i.e. calcRet.errMsg = "";
Return this object.
return calcRet;
To test the Lab:
Start the Portmapper first,
Run the server (rpc.CalcServer)
Run the client (Calc).
2. Lab3b RMI Calculator
Getting familiar with RMI
Copy the example code from Lab3b\score
Change to your score directory.
Compile the code
javac *.java
Generate stub and skeleton for the remote RMIServer object
rmic -keep RMIServer
- the keep option means that the intermediate, machine written .java files will be kept.
Take a look at them.
Generate stub and skeleton for the remote Score object
rmic -keep Score
Start the rmiregistry service
start rmiregistry
Start the server
java RMIServer
In a separate window launch the client
appletviewer RMIClient.html
Understand what the application sets out to achieve and then look for the following parts
of the code:
 The server registers the RMIServer object
 Inspect the RMIServer interface - it is only concerned with delivering remote
object references to the client. These are ScoreInterface references which are
wrappers for Score objects on the server
 Note where the server builds the array of Score objects
 Note how the client picks up this array but stores ScoreInterface objects rather
than Score objects. To do this it must resolve the original reference to "scores" in the
RMI Registry.
 Inspect the ScoreInterface. This defines the methods that can be remotely
invoked on Score objects. The two methods offer a short form ( getKey()) and a
long form ( getScore()) of the information about the game
 Note that the Choice object ( the drop down list ) is filled with text obtained by
invoking getKey() on the remote Score.
 The real work is done by FetchScore() in the Button handler. Note again that this
is done by invoking a method on the remote Score object.
RMI Calculator
Add a new distribution to your Calculator – name the package rmi and the constant in
CalculatorImpl RMI. This will identical to the other distributions you have added
with one exception:
 RMI is not implemented in the Microsoft JVM. This means that distAllowed()
in CalculatorImplFactory must return SUN ( rather than SUN || MS ) for the new
RMI case.
Making your RMI CalcServer
Define an interface for your RMI CalcServer:
 Take a copy of one of the Interface files from the scores example
 Make sure it is in the right package and directory
 Modify this to implement the calculator functions ( I used CalculatorInterface
as the name for this class )
Create a CalcServer class in your rmi package. You could start with a copy of
RMIServer from the scores example and see what needs changing:
 Set the package correctly
 You will need to implement the interface you have just defined.
 Your main() method and default constructor will be much like those in RMIServer
with some small obvious changes
 Your method definitions will become really simple because RMI understands how
to send and receive doubles. Bear in mind that each of these methods must be
declared with throws RemoteException Add some printouts to indicate the
method has been called.
 The name of the server ( as registered with the Registry ) is given by the
SERVERNAME variable – I used “calc”
Use the rmic compiler to generate the stubs.
 As with the rpcgen compiler you need to take steps to make sure that the stubs are
in the correct package and the correct directory. Working from the Calculator
directory ( the level above the rmi package directory ) you need to enter the
rmic –keep –d . rmi.CalcServer
This will generate .class and .java files in the rmi package directory
Start up your server:
 Use
start rmiregistry
to start the Registry service ( you must restart it from the correct – top level –
directory )
 Use
java rmi.CalcServer
to run your server – you should see the “Server ready” message
Making your RMI Impl
Create your rmi.PlainCalculatorImpl class. You can base this on your
rpc.PlainCalculatorImpl looking at the RPCClient (
class in the scores example to see what is needed for rmi
 Get the package right
 Replace the JRPC import with a java.rmi.* import
 Define the URL variable to point to the Registry server name you chose above. Just
set it to “calc” because the host portion will be set from the user input dialog.
The variable that represents the remote connection ( of type calculator in the
RPC example ) needs to be of the type of the interface that you defined earlier ( I
used CalculatorInterface )
 newConnection() needs to do what is done in the RPCClient example to form a
connection. The remote connector variable must be the one you have declared in the
previous step and the URL that you want to connect to should be built up from
rmi:// ,the passed in hostname and the name of the actual server ( calc )
sample code:
ci = (CalculatorInterface) Naming.lookup("rmi://"+host+"/"+URL);
reuseConnection() needs to set the remote connector variable to be equal to the
already created remote connector
 Your add, subtract etc need to be modified to pass and return the appropriate
variable types and to invoke on the remote connector.
3. Report
 Write a concise precise report on the Lab3 (purpose, description,
 Also include salient differences between RPC/RMI approach versus socket based