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The Mountain
By: Eliza S.
Brown Bag Book Report
Students will use a brown grocery bag or lunch bag to present their book orally to the class.
The title of the book (or essay), the author’s name, and a scene from the passage should be drawn or
created neatly on the front of the bag.
Students need to choose 4-6 items related to the essay or symbolic of the essay to place in their bag.
Students will present orally to the class using their objects to help discuss the details of the essay. The
objects should enhance the presentation, not be an added feature.
Students may write notes on index cards for the presentation, but no written report will be submitted.
Students will be assessed on the information provided in the oral presentation with their brown bag.
Students will also be assessed on presentation traits such as volume, enunciation, eye contact, etc.
Presentations should last approximately 3-5 minutes.
Brown Bag
2 pts.
2 pts.
2 pts.
3 pts.
Includes title and author’s name
Spelling and capitalization are accurate
Scene from passage is drawn or created
Creativity, neatness, and investment of time are evident
8 pts.
4 pts.
3 pts.
2 pt.
At least four objects are included—no more than six!!
Relevance of objects (connection) is explained
Variety of objects have been used
Create and thoughtful choices for objects, rather than literal
Understanding of Reading
_____ 10 pts.
_____ 2 pts.
Thorough explanation of plot and characters
Objects in bag enhance presentation—they aren’t a separate feature
4 pts.
2 pts.
2 pts.
2 pts.
2 pts.
Spoke loudly, clearly, and with expression
Stood still and upright (not swaying or leaning on chalkboard or desk)
Made eye contact with the audience
Kept audience’s interest and attention
Presentation was creative, organized, and well-prepared
______ TOTAL POINTS (50 Points Possible)
Stars (Compliments):
Stairs or Next Steps (Constructive Criticism):