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Final exams will be held this year starting June 19th . Finals count for 10% of your
overall grade. Therefore, they can make a difference between an A and a B, a B and C etc;
so please try to pass!! Our final covers just the second semester topics of Astronomy and
Meteorology. Detailed topics and correlation to the Text Book are listed below. Good
Luck and start reviewing!!
1. Zodiac Constellations: Name the 13 constellations of the zodiac, their traditional
dates and what they represent. Terms: ecliptic, zodiac, precession
Why does the zodiac start with Aries? What should it start with today?
What should the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn be renamed?
2Circumpolar Constellation: Name the 5 constellations that never set and recognize
their star pattern. Terms: Circumpolar, pole or North Star, asterism
Name the North Star. What constellation is it part of?
Has this star always been the North Star? Explain
3. Ch 26 Studying Space just read pp 659-661
4. Ch 27 Planets of the Solar Systems pp685-708
Review the Nebular Hypothesis (Section 1- How did the Solar System Form)
Review your big super summary sheet that lists the characteristics of the Inner and Outer
Planets. Terms: solar nebula, planetessimal, terrestrial planet, gas giant planet
5. Ch 28 Minor Bodies of the Solar System pp 718-744
Review pp 723-724 Formation of the Earth’s Moon, How di the Earth’s moon form?
How is this different from the moons of other planets?
Review Section 2- Movements of the Moon pp 725- 732 Terms: phases of the moon,
neap tide, spring tide, solar eclipse, lunar eclipse
Moons of other planets- Review properties (size, number, etc) of the moons of Mars,
Jupiter and Saturn
Terms : Asteroid, Comet , Meteor, Meteorite, Meteoroid
6. Chapter 29: The Sun read pp 754-764 on the structure of the sun , Terms : core,
hydrogen fusion, radiative zone, convective zone, photosphere, chromo sphere, corona,
solar wind, sunspots, solar flare, aurora, solar prominence
Describe the sunspot cycle. How long between peaks in the sunspot cycle?
7. Chapter 30: Stars, Galaxies and the Universe pp774-780
Review the Hetrzsprung Russell Diagram on p781, what does this reveal about the life
cycle of stars? Where on the H-R Diagram would you find our Sun? How do stars form?
Review Section 2 on the Life Cycle of Stars pp782-78 Review the Big Bang Theory pp
1. Chapter 22 The Atmosphere pp 547-564 review pie chart p 455 Composition of
the atmosphere, what is a BAROMETR used for? Read pp 552-553 on the layers
of the atmosphere (see diagram p 552) ; read pp 561-564 especially reviewing
the diagram on p 562 (World Wind Belts), What causes local winds? (land/sea or
mountain/ valley breezes); define: monsoon, jet stream
2. Chapter 23 Water in the Atmosphere pp 575-590 Read pp 577-580 on
Humidity and Dew Point, using the chart on your ditto calculate the R.H. if the
wet bulb is 15 degrees and the dry bulb is 20 degrees. What do you use to
measure humidity? You should not have to review the cloud names and
formation nor the types and formation of precipitation (it is recent material) What
do we use to measure rain or snow fall?
3. Chapter 24 Weather pp601-620 this is the most recent material on air masses,
fronts and station models, it also includes information on hurricanes and
thunderstorms and tornadoes (read pp 608-610) What do you use to measure
wind speed, direction and temperature. Review symbols on p 616 for weather
4. Chapter 25 Climate pp631-646 Review Factors affecting climate pp631636;skip section 2 and review section 3 on Climate Change pp 641-646
THAT’S ALL FOLKS! Good Luck on all your finals!