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In humble gratitude, I acknowledge the numerous graces that the
Almighty has bestowed on me during these past years. I owe a great debt of
gratitude to Dr. James Poonthuruthil sdb, the President of Sacred Heart
Theological College, Shillong, and Fr. Edmund Gomes, the Rector, Mathias
Institute, who took care of me during my past two years of my M.Th. studies in
Sacred Heart Theological College and to Missio Aachen for the financial
assistance. I am grateful to all my Professors and I acknowledge with gratitude
the support and encouragement that I have received from them.
I am much indebted to Dr. Roy Anthony sdb, who willingly accepted to
guide my thesis. He paid special attention to the reading of the material I had
prepared and guided me with much encouragement, suggestions and
reflections. His concern, understanding and inspiration made this work
possible. I am grateful to Dr. Zephyrinus Baxla sdb, who accepted to be the
reader of this thesis and to the Library Staff for providing me the much needed
My sincere thanks to Fr. Andreas Panna, Fr. Jose’ Maria, Fr. Marcus
Garacia and Bro. Vincent Castelino for their valuable help and timely
My sincere gratitude to many persons especially to Rt. Rev. Bishop
George who supported and encouraged me during my formation that I may be
ordained and sent as a missionary; to Bishop Joseph Sangwan who guided me
as I worked as a missionary in his diocese; to Archbishop Louis Chamniern
who is in charge of Thai Missionary Society (TMS) and had a vital role in
preparing me to be a strong member of TMS and also to Fr. Jean Dantonel
(MEP), the Director of TMS who gave me permission in time. A big word of
thanks, to all those who encouraged and supported me in completing my
work. A special word of thanks, to the Catholic Bishop’s Conference of
Thailand (CBCT) who provided me with the Documents of the CBCT.
I express my gratitude to those who helped me with my interviews and
questionnaire. A big word of thanks to all who responded to the interviews and
to the questionnaires. Without their help it would not have been possible to
complete my research. Finally, I express my gratitude to all who have
contributed in one way or another to the successful completion of this paper.
With a deep sense of gratitude I remember my companions who
substituted me in the mission field, my family members who always encourage
me with their love and prayers, my friends in Mathias Institute, who supported
me with their companionship and understanding. May God bless you all!
In trust and humble gratitude, I present this thesis into the hands of
God almighty.