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Name __________________________________________________ Date_____________________ Period______
Do-Now: Characteristics of Life
Ms. Ottolini, PreAP Biology
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. Write this letter in the
space next to the number. This assignment assesses your mastery of Objective #1 in Unit 1 and counts for a
classwork grade. You are not permitted to use your notes or discuss the answers with a classmate.
____ 1.
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of all living things?
A growth and development
C response to the environment
B ability to move
D ability to reproduce
____ 2.
Which of the following characteristics of living things best explains why birds fly south for the winter?
A Living things respond to their environment.
B Living things maintain internal balance.
C Living things are made up of units called cells.
D Living things are based on a universal genetic code.
____ 3.
Which of the following characteristics of living things best explains why humans sweat when they
get hot?
A growth and development
C using energy
B maintaining a stable internal environment D ability to reproduce
____ 4.
What does the term “homeostasis” mean?
A respond to their environment.
B maintain a stable internal environment.
C made up of units called cells.
D based on a universal genetic code.
____ 5.
Which of the following characteristics of living things best explains why your legs and arms get
longer and stronger as you get older?
A Living things respond to their environment.
B Living things maintain internal balance.
C Living things are made up of units called cells.
D Living things grow and develop
____ 6.
Both a fast-moving stream and a dog respond to the environment and grow and develop, but this
characteristic of life is why a dog is considered alive and a stream isn’t.
A The ability to move
C The ability to grow and develop
B Being made of cells
D The ability to change over time
____ 7.
A Stimuli
B Cell
A word to describe change in a group of organisms over time is:
C Evolution
D Homeostasis
____ 8.
In all of our cells there is DNA. Which characteristic does this fact best describe?
A Living things respond to their environment.
B Living things maintain internal balance.
C Living things are based on a universal genetic code.
D Living things grow and develop
____ 9.
Before a big soccer game Charlie always eats a big dinner. Which characteristic of life does this
fact best describe?
A Living things respond to their environment. C Living things reproduce
B Living things grow and develop
D Living things use energy