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Homeostasis and the Body
______ Read Page 930-936 in Biology Owl book and define bold terms (Circulation System)
______ Conduct an experiment that contains activity variables and their effect on the heart rate and
respiration. Do a complete lab write up with your experiment. Must have your problem
approved before you begin. Do this with a partner. Use students in the class as your test
______ After completing your experiment fill out an “Experiment Follow Up” sheet.
______ Use the frozen heart to make a sketch of the heart and label any visible parts. No more than
four people to the heart at a time. Draw the path of blood through the heart. Use the Anatomy
book page ??? , and the vocab you did in the Owl book to help you label fill in the layers of
the heart. Sign up on the board at the beginning of the period. 15 min per group with the heart.
______ Study a heart model with a friend and sign this sheet off for each other when your partner can
correctly follow the path of blood through the heart, and identify the structures of the heart.
Signature ______________________
_____ Use the Microscope to draw and observe a slide of a cross section of an artery and a vein. Make
a sketch of the two structures. Using page 934-935 in the Owl book make a Venn Diagram of
arteries and veins, and capillaries as part of your Venn diagram. (Venn diagram should
show the differences and similarities in use and function as well as structure)
_____ Define the four main components of Blood (Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, Plasma, and
Platelets). (Owl Book) Observe a slide of Human Blood and draw what you observe. Observe
a Blood slide of someone with Sickle cell Anemia. Draw what you observe and make written
comparisons of the two slides.
_____ Write a short description of Sickle Cell Anemia, what problems it causes, how it is acquired and
how it is treated using the Sickle Cell article. (1/2 page)
_____ Watch the Immune System Youtube and answer the accompanying sheet.
______ Weekend Pulse is graphed. Make a chart with your pulse, during 5 specific times of the day.
Be sure to describe what you are doing at each point. Write a ½ page analysis of how and why
your activities effect your heart rate. Be sure to include what is happening on the cellular level
that changes the rate of your heart beat (pulse). (A weekend is Friday, Saturday and Sunday.)
______ Using the Owl book as one of your resources (pg. 73-75), create a model of a cell membrane.
It can be temporary and out of Playdoh or clay, or can be drawn or a 3-D model. Label the
following parts of the membrane, and write a paragraph explaining how the form of the
membrane allows some particles through, and restricts the entry of others (form fitting
function). Be sure to explain why there are 2 layers, and what type of substances can go in and
out of the cell (no need to cite specific substances except water, sugars, salt and large proteins).
Label the following: Phospholipid bi-layer, peripheral proteins, integral protein, steroids, and
_____ Using the following interactive web site sketch and label a kidney with the following parts and
next to each part write the function. Follow the web site through the kidney. When you come
upon the Nephron choose the different substances given to see how the nephron in the kidney
filters it out. For each of the substances write a brief description of what happens to the
substance, whether it goes out in the urine or back in the body and why (water, urea, protein,
sodium, glucose).
_____ Write a 1 page paper on vaccines (live/attenuated, or inactive/killed) and how our immune
system reacts to these vaccine types. Include information about one of the following vaccines as
an example; Polio, Measles, Mumps, Hepatitis A, or Varicella (chickenpox).
_____ Make a concept map showing the relationship between the following terms. Next to each
connection write a single statement explaining the connection.
_____ Create a piece of art that shows the importance of your lungs to your life style after watching
Charity’s story about a double lung transplant. It can be a poem, picture, collage, song, etc.
_____ Spend 15 minutes with a partner verbally quizzing each other on any content covered on this
sheet. Try to include the following words in your questions; why, how, explain, compare,
contrast, predict, hypothesize. Your partner’s signature shows completion on this assignment.
Your partner can be anyone older than 12 years old (yes your parents are also in this category)
Signature _________________________ (this one should be done last)