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Name: _______________________________
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Reverse Punnett Squares
Guessing the Original Genomes
(This is a tough one!!!)
Assume two parents have 12 children. You do not know the genotype for each
parent. However, you do know that half of the offspring can roll their tongues
and the other half can’t.
Assume that rolling your tongue is a dominant trait (R) which would make not
rolling your tongue recessive (r).
What is the most likely genotype for each parent?
Make Punnett Squares for all possible genotype combinations of parents with at
least one recessive allele. (Note: if any parent is pure dominant then all offspring
would be able to roll tongue!) After making Punnett Squares, state which one
supports the data that half can roll and half can’t.
Guess the most likely genome for each parent.