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American and British English spelling differences wikipedia , lookup

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Type of Instruction
Direct Explicit
(Clear Explanation and
To begin the lesson,
say to students,
“Consonants that are
silent in some words
are sometimes
‘sounded’ in related
words, and
Word list for the week: sometimes they are
not sounded. An
Condemn/condemnation example of this is
‘fast,’ where the
consonant /t/ is
sounded, and
‘fasten,’ where the /t/
is silent.” We will
talk to students about
how words that are
alike in meaning are
often alike in
spelling as well,
regardless of how
they sound.
We will model the
words fast, fasten,
moist, and moisten
for the class to see
how to sort the
words. As we sort
we will use think
aloud to discuss how
the consonant is
silent in one word
but sounded in the
other. This will be
Remember that
No direct instruction
consonants are silent is needed this day.
in some words are
sometimes ‘sounded’
in related words. We
will talk to students
about how words that
are alike in meaning
are often alike in
spelling as well,
regardless of how
they sound; this is a
Whole groupTeacher will cold
call on students to
complete the same
sort from Monday on
the Promethean
board without
modeling first. Other
students will write on
their dry erase
15 minutes
No direct instruction
is needed this day.
The teacher will call
out words for the
students to sort into
columns with the
headers of oddballs,
silent consonants, or
sounded consonants.
These words will be
a mix of new words
and words from the
word list. The
teacher will then call
out dictated
sentences. The
students will write 5
dictated sentences
(from the original
word list).
done on the
Promethean board.
We will introduce
oddballs and explain
that in these words,
the consonant is not
silent; for example,
special and specialist
do not have a silent
sound. We will only
model special,
specialization, hid,
and hidden. These
words are related, but
their sounds do not
change from silent to
sounded, or vice
20 minutes total
As a small group, the
Guided Practice
(Small or Whole Group) students will finish
the sort on the board
with the teacher’s
guidance. Using
popsicle sticks, the
teacher will cold call
on students to come
up and drag the
correct words under
the appropriate
headers. The sticks
will ensure that all
students have a turn,
In a small group
setting, the student
will fill in a notecard
that will allow the
students to use the
words in a multitude
of contexts. The
students will pick
one pair of words to
work with. During
small group they will
select one of these
words. They will fill
in the notecard which
When in small
groups, the students
will be given books
on their reading
levels, and they will
have to find words
that have silent and
sounded consonants.
Once they find a
silent or sounded
consonant pattern,
they will have to
come up with the
paired word on their
During small group,
the students will
come up with their
own pairs of silent
and sounded
consonants words.
Tell the students to
think of words that
are similar to the
words on their word
lists or other words
that follow the same
pattern. Teacher will
model the words
because drawn sticks
will not be placed
back in the jar.
Oddballs must be
identified. Working
in a small group
allows for
10 minutes
will allow students to
come up with their
own definition of the
word, write the
student friendly
definition of the
word (from their
reading book), use
the word in the
sentence, and draw a
picture reflecting the
sentence. The teacher
will assist the
students in making
their cards as needed.
Go through each
block and instruct
them what to do in
each square. The
teacher will also
show an example of
the words
hymn/hymnal, and
the students will be
allowed to use it as
an example.
own. Because some
students may be in
different reading
level groups, they
will have different
books to find
different words;
therefore, at the end
of group time allow
students to share the
words they came up
with. As students
write the words they
found, discuss those
words with them.
Ask students what
consonant is silent or
sounded, and ask the
same questions about
the paired word they
come up with. They
should also be asked
how to the meaning
changes between the
pair of words.
resign and
resignation. The
teacher will use think
aloud to tell students
that you came up
with these words
because it rhymes
with design and
designation. Students
will then come up
with their own pair
of words that follow
the pattern. Have
students come up
with as many pairs of
words as they can
think of.
20 minutes
20 minutes
Independent Practice
(Independent Seatwork
and Homework)
10 minutes
Seatwork- The
Seatwork- The
student will be given students will use the
a list of the words we other word in the pair
have gone over (the
in order to make
silent and sounded
another notecard that
consonants). They
matches the card
will have to circle the they made in small
consonant that is
Seatwork- Write the
Room. Students will
go around the room
and find words that
have silent and
sounded consonants.
They will write these
words in their word
Seatwork- Magnetic
letter station. The
students will go to
the magnetic letter
station in the room.
Given a list of words
from the list, the
students will have to
silent/ sounded (the
related words will be
next to each other).
Homework- The
students will pick 2
other pairs of words
and make four more
cards like they made
the list of words from in small group and
the seat work,
seatwork in class.
students will have to
write whether the
Student 12
circled consonants
Homework- Student
are silent or sounded. 12 needs a little more
Oddballs must be
review on feature N.
He will do page 93 in
the Mindful of Words
Student 12
book. He will sort
Homework- Student under the headers er,
12 missed one on
ir, and ur (two words
feature L; for
for each category),
homework, to review and he will also have
and strive towards
to make up his own
mastery, Student 12
words (two words for
will do a word sort
each category on his
with the headers long own) that go with
vowel and short
each header. He will
vowel sound. He will also have to find the
sort the words and
oddballs and sort
underline the
doubled consonant.
Seatwork should take
Seatwork should take 15 minutes, and
10 minutes, and
homework should
homework should
take 10 minutes.
take 10 minutes.
study journals.
Homework- The
students will pick ten
words from your
word list and write a
short story with those
words. The students
must include silent
and sounded
consonant words in
their stories.
Sentences should not
start with the word I.
make the other pair
at the station and
then write that word
on the paper
provided for them.
Homework- To
prepare for the test
Friday, the student’s
parent, sibling, or
friend will call out
the words in a
random order.
Students will write
them down and sort
Student 12
them correctly under
Homework- Student the appropriate
12 needs a little more header (silent or
review on feature O. sounded).
He will do page 117
in the Mindful of
Seatwork should take
Words book. He will 20 minutes, and
sort the given words homework should
under the headers a,
take 10 minutes.
e, and o. He will do
three words under
each sort. He will
also have to find the
oddballs and sort
Seatwork should take
15 minutes, and
homework should
take 10 minutes.