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World History Unit 1 Review
Key: G = Geography, R=Religious, A = Achievements (all but AE=Aesthetic), P=Political, E=Economic, S=Social
___________________any Religion that believes in one God.
___________________Money, trade, agriculture, businesses, occupations.
___________________Location, climate, vegetation, landforms.
___________________The development of farming & the domestication of animals led to the growth of permanent
villages and civilization. This is called theā€¦
___________________Inventions, innovations (new ways of doing something), expanding knowledge and learning.
___________________Things people do to be creative or express who they are or how they feel.
___________________Main religion of the Middle East
___________________Rulers, laws, wars, government, military.
___________________Belief in an afterlife, gods, places of worship, prayer.
___________________Daily life, family structure, role of women, classes, entertainment.
___________________Art, music, drama, dance, literature, architecture, fashion.
___________________The Muslim House of Wisdom encouraged the study of Algebra and Trigonometry.
___________________Great thinkers who develop ideas about the universe & humanity
___________________They believed in one God and the prophets Abraham and Moses.
___________________Greeks encouraged the study of math and science, by men such as Archimedes & Hippocrates.
___________________Alexander the Great conquered the known world.
___________________Athenian statesman who outlawed slavery and increased citizen participation in government.
___________________Greece was rocky, hilly and encircled by water.
___________________In the Agora, the women bought fish, figs, and cheese.
___________________The Chinese cultivated rice in the irrigated fields of the Yellow River.
___________________The way of life of a people.
___________________The architect Phidias designed the Acropolis, with carved friezes and many columns.
___________________In Greek amphitheaters, people watched tragedies with a chorus chanting the doom of the hero.
___________________Roman farmers grew grapes for wine, and olives for their oil.
___________________ Greek philosopher from 4th century Athens, who taught his students using a question/answer
method named after him
___________________Greek music was played on the lyre and kitara.
___________________Islamic women were not treated as equals.
___________________Muslims made pilgrimages to Mecca
___________________ Religion of the Hebrews based on one God and the Old Testament
___________________A Greek could discover their fate by a visit to the Oracle at Delphi, where they would learn that the
anger of Poseidon, Zeus, or Apollo would bring them to their death.
___________________Islamic scientists invented the astrolabe and studies optics.
___________________ Greek city-state where democracy began in 508 BC
___________________The Islamic civilization developed in a hot, arid land.
___________________Islamic artwork used geometric and abstract designs.
___________________The Ottoman Empire lasted from 1299 to 1918.
___________________Arab doctors isolated the sick and cared for them in hospitals.
___________________form of government, citizens elect leaders who rule for them, started in Rome in 509 BC