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Page 1
A photon has zero rest mass but a photon of energy E possesses a mass equal to E/c2 and
momentum equal to E/c.
A particle can behave both as a particle and wave but in a given situation, it behaves either
as a particle or as a wave.
“Some say that the only thing quantum theory has going for it is unquestionably correct.”
De-Broglie waves are matter waves i.e. waves altogether different from electromagnetic
Don’t try to work out the momentum of a high speed particle and hence its de-Broglie
wavelength using its rest mass. Mas increase significantly as the speed of the particle
approaches the speed of light!
When a particle exhibits wave nature, it is associated with a have packet, rather than a
As the accelerating voltage is increased, de-Broglie wavelength of electron decreases.
{Std 12th Physics CBSE - Ch 11. Dual nature of radiation and matter - Synopsis}
Page 2
Since phenomenon of diffraction is exhibited by waves, electrons must be behaving as
waves in Davisson and Germer experiment.
“If one does not feel dizzy when discussing the implications of Planck’s constant, it means
that one does not know what one is talking about.”
The stopping potential (in volt) is numerically equal to the maximum kinetic energy of
photo electrons in eV.
Photoelectric effect demonstrates particle nature of radiation.
If light were waves (not photons), it will take about a year to eject a photoelectron out of
the metal surface!
There is no effect of intensity of incident light on the kinetic energy of the emitted
There is no effect of frequency of incident light on the number of the emitted
A photon is not a material particle. It is a quanta of energy.
Brighter light means more photons, not more energetic photons!
Low intensity of the incident light does not mean delay in photoelectric emission!
Photoelectric effect is a one photon – one electron phenomenon. One photon cannot eject
more than one photoelectron.
{Std 12th Physics CBSE - Ch 11. Dual nature of radiation and matter - Synopsis}
Page 3
A photocell converts a change in the intensity of incident light into a change in
{Std 12th Physics CBSE - Ch 11. Dual nature of radiation and matter - Synopsis}