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My Virtual Museum of a Body System
Students will design, build and complete a virtual museum using Microsoft PowerPoint.
The theme of your museum must be one of the major body systems in humans. The
following criteria must be followed, READ CAREFULLY!
1. The Circulatory System
Include information, functions and facts on the following: heart (including chambers), veins,
arteries, pulmonary artery, aorta, valve, capillaries, blood, 2 diseases or ailments,
primary/secondary defense mechanisms
2. The Digestive System
Include information, functions and facts on the following: mouth, salivary glands, esophagus,
stomach, liver, pancreas, large intestine, small intestine, 2 diseases or ailments,
primary/secondary defense mechanisms
3. The Nervous System
Include information, functions and facts on the following: brain, spinal chord, nerve cells or
neurons, dendrites, axon terminal, axon, glia, cerebellum, 2 diseases or ailments,
primary/secondary defense mechanisms
4. The Respiratory System
Include information, functions and facts on the following: larynx, pharynx, trachea, bronchus,
bronchioles, alveolus, lungs, diaphragm, yawn, sneezes, hiccups, 2 diseases or ailments,
primary/secondary defense mechanisms
1. Overview of PowerPoint Slide expectations
Slide 1: Include name of body system and each of the major organs, tissues, and cells
associated with that system
Slide 2: Museum entrance
o This slide should map out the rest of your museum including hyperlinks to each of the
different rooms representing organs, tissues, cells, diseases and/or aliments, and
Slides 3-13: Rooms for Organs, Tissues, Cells, Diseases and/or Ailments, Primary/Secondary
Defense Mechanisms
Slide 14: Complete list of resources and/or references
o 2 Book references other than the course textbook SciencePower8
o 2 Internet resources *MUST BE APPROVED BY TEACHER
2. Criteria for Learning with Information Communication Technology (ICT)
24 hyperlinks must be used (one bringing the viewer into a new room and one that returns the
viewer back to a starting point
The museum entrance (2nd slide) must be a room designed by using the drawing tools
The slides should be designed in such a way as to escort the viewer through the body system in
a logical order (a definite starting point as well as a definite path or tour through the body
Creativity using images, animation, and text
Effort and time management TIPS
o Do not waste valuable time playing with fonts and color combination. This is a trap
for a lot of Grade 8 students, BEWARE!
o Have text resources ready for computer lab classes and complete online research at
home or during noon hours
3. Criteria for Science
 Information in each room must be in your own words. THIS IS NOT A COPY AND PASTE
 Include important information about how each of the organs, tissues and cells work together to
perform specific functions.
 Include interesting facts or scientific discoveries or advancements
 Rooms must include the CORRECTLY SPELLED vocabulary term, its function within the
system, and any other pieces of interesting information that you discover while researching.
4. Curricular Outcomes/Objectives
Students will be able to:
8-1-10 Describe structural and functional relationship among cells, tissues, organs, and systems.
8-1-11 Describe the structure and function of the heart and the path of blood to and from the heart through its four
chambers. Include: atria, ventricles, septum, valves, aorta, pulmonary artery, pulmonary veins, superior vena cava,
inferior vena cava
8-1-12 Compare and contrast the structure and function of arteries, veins, and capillaries.
8-1-13 Identify components of blood and describe the function of each. Include: red blood cells carry oxygen; white blood
cells fight infection; platelets clot blood; plasma is the liquid part of blood that transports blood cells, dissolved
material, nutrients, and waste products
8-1-14 Describe, using examples, how individual systems in the human body function interdependently.
8-1-15 Compare heart rate and respiratory rate before, during, and after various physical activities; explain the observed
variations; and discuss implications for overall health.
8-1-16 Identify components of the primary and secondary defense systems of the body and describe their roles.
Include: primary defense system - skin, tears, ear wax, saliva, gastric juices, cilia hairs; secondary defense system white blood cells, antibodies
8-1-17 Identify medical advances that enhance the human body's defence mechanisms and describe their effects on society.
Examples: vaccines, antibiotics
8-1-18 Research and describe disorders/diseases that affect body systems, and identify possible preventative measures.
Examples: liver disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, heart attack, stroke, high/low blood pressure, leukemia,
anaemia, high cholesterol
Internet Resources
 Hillendale Health
 Neuroscience for Kids
Project Scoring Rubric
ICT Criteria
Many hyperlinks not
Most hyperlinks
All hyperlinks
Museum entrance is
attractive and serves to
guide the entire tour
Tour keeps viewer
Strong effort displayed
and time always used
All citations are
Museum Entrance
(drawing tools)
Resources/References More than two sources
of information not
Science Criteria
Information, Facts
One or two sources of
information not
properly cited
Information and facts
are accurate
Displays in-depth
knowledge about how
the entire system
Organs, Tissues, and
cells properly
High level of research