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Name: ___________________
Chapter 8 Review
1. Find the sum of the interior angles for the polygons below.
a. hexagon
b. octagon
2. Find the measure of one interior angle of a regular nonagon.
3. Find the measure of one exterior angle of a regular decagon.
4. Name the regular polygon with the following characteristic.
a. one interior angle is 150
b. one exterior angle is 72.
5. Solve for x in the pictures below.
6. Find the value of the variables in each picture below.
7. Find the coordinates of the fourth vertex of the parallelogram with vertices (3, –4), (–2, –1), (1, 2)
8. Prove the quadrilateral with vertices A(–4, 7), B(3, 0), C(2, -5), D(-5, 2) is a parallelogram. SHOW ALL
9. Name the quadrilateral – trapezoid, parallelogram, kite, rhombus, rectangle, square – for which the
statement is true.
at least one pair of parallel sides
It is equilateral.
It is equiangular.
The diagonals bisect each other
10. Find mF, mG, and mH in the picture to the right.
11. Find the length of the mid segment in the picture to the right.
12. JKLM is a kite. Find the mK. \
13. Find VS in the picture to the right.
14. Find x in the pictures below.
15. Kite You cut out a piece of fabric in the shape of a kite so that the congruent angles of the kite are 100°.
Of the remaining two angles, one is 4 times larger than the other. What is the measure of the largest
angle in the kite?
16. The diagonals of rhombus PQRS intersect at T. Given that mRPS = 30° and
RT = 6, find the indicated measure.
a. mQPR
b. mQTP
c. RP
d. QT
17. The diagonals of rectangle WXYZ intersect at P. Given that m YXZ = 50° and
XZ = 12, find the indicated measure.
a. mWXZ
b. mWPX
c. PY
d. WX
18. Give the most specific name for the quadrilateral.
19. Determine whether ABCD is a trapezoid. SHOW YOUR WORK!
A(–3, 2), B(3, 0), C(4, 3), D(–2, 5)