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RNSG 1327 – Transition to Professional Nursing
Unit V - Care of the Patient Experiencing Commonly Occurring Health Problem
Part E - Cardiovascular
Behavioral Objectives
Apply the terms listed in the content
column appropriate to the patient
situations involving the
cardiovascular system.
Content Outline
Application of terms
A. Afterload
B. Ascites
C. Bruit
D. Corpulmonale
E. Gallop rhythm
F. Jugular vein distention
G. Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (PND)
H. Perfusion
I. Point of maximal impulse (PMI)
J. Polycythemia
K. Preload
L. Pulsus paradoxes
M. Syncope
Compare and contrast the normal
anatomy and physiology to the
pathophysiology of selected
commonly occurring disease
processes in the cardiovascular
II. Anatomy & Physiology of Cardiovascular system
A. Developmental considerations
1. Infant
2. Child
3. Adolescent
4. Adult
5. Older adult
B. Pathophysiology of cardiovascular system
1. Altered cardiac output
Analyze factors included in the
assessment of the patient
experiencing commonly occurring
problems of the cardiovascular
system, including the
developmental and cultural
III. Selected commonly occurring problems
A. Interview
1. Chief complaint
2. Precipitating event
3. Medical history
4. Family/ Social/occupational history
5. Medication history
1. Prescription
2. Nonprescription
6. Knowledge of health maintenance
Clinical Objectives
Learning Opportunities
Potter & Perry
TVCC Library – Nursing Education in
Blood Pressure Medications and
Heart Medications: Heart Failure
Medications and Cholesterol-Lowering
RNSG 1327 – Transition to Professional Nursing
Unit V - Care of the Patient Experiencing Commonly Occurring Health Problem
Part E - Cardiovascular
Behavioral Objectives
Content Outline
7. Risk factors
B. Physical exam – cardiovascular
1. Vital signs
2. Level of consciousness
3. Heart sounds
4. Heart rate & rhythm
5. Peripheral pulses/point of maximal
impulse (PMI)
6. Edema (peripheral/sacral)
7. Color (central & peripheral)
8. Jugular vein distention (JVD)
9. Weight
10. Intake & output
11. Capillary refill
C. Diagnostic tests
1. Radiology
1. Chest x-ray
2. Laboratory studies
1. Complete blood count (CBC)
2. Electrolytes
3. Digoxin level
3. Other
1. Electrocardiogram (EKG)
2. Echocardiogram
3. Telemetry
D. Risks
1. Hereditary
2. Environmental
3. Health beliefs/practices
4. Developmental
(1) Age specific assessment data
(a) Vital signs
(b) Fluid /electrolytes
(c) Nutritional
(d) Behavioral/emotional
response to health care
Clinical Objectives
Learning Opportunities
RNSG 1327 – Transition to Professional Nursing
Unit V - Care of the Patient Experiencing Commonly Occurring Health Problem
Part E - Cardiovascular
Behavioral Objectives
Discuss analysis, planning,
implementation, and evaluation for
the nursing management of patients
with commonly occurring
cardiovascular disease processes
Content Outline
Clinical Objectives
Common Occurring Cardiovascular Problems
A. Cardiovascular
1. Atherosclerosis
2. Arteriosclerosis
3. Hypertension
4. Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
V. Selected Nursing Diagnoses/Implementation/
A. Decreased cardiac output
1. Independent Interventions
1. See cardiac assessment
2. Assess for signs of systemic
3. Assess for signs of pulmonary
4. Level of activity
5. Schedule daily activities to prevent
6. Positioning
7. Monitor pertinent diagnostic test
8. Intake and Output
9. Daily weight
2. Collaborative Interventions
1. Administer medications and monitor
for desired effects/ adverse effects/
side effects.
(1) Cardiac glycosides
(2) Coronary vasodilators
(3) Antilipedimics
(4) Antiplatelets
(5) Diuretics
 Thiazides
 Loop diuretics
Learning Opportunities
RNSG 1327 – Transition to Professional Nursing
Unit V - Care of the Patient Experiencing Commonly Occurring Health Problem
Part E - Cardiovascular
Behavioral Objectives
Content Outline
 Potassium sparing diuretics
(6) Adrenergic inhibitors
 Central acting alpha
adrenergic antagonists
 Alpha-adrenergic blockers
 Beta-adrenergic blockers
(7) Direct vasodilators
(8) Angiotensin inhibitors
 Angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitors (ACE)
 Angiotensin II receptor
blockers (ARBS)
(9) Calcium channel blockers
2. Supplemental oxygen
3. Fluid restrictions
4. Nutrition: Age specific
3. Recognition of Complications
1. Pulmonary Edema
2. Cardiac dysrhythmias
3. Death
4. Evaluation of Outcomes: The patient
will have improved cardiac output as
evidenced by:
1. Vital signs
2. Peripheral pulses
3. Activity tolerance
4. Breathing pattern
5. Breath & heart sounds
6. Intake and output
7. Edema
8. Weight
9. Absence of jugular vein distension
B. Altered health maintenance: knowledge
deficit regarding atherosclerosis/
Clinical Objectives
Learning Opportunities
RNSG 1327 – Transition to Professional Nursing
Unit V - Care of the Patient Experiencing Commonly Occurring Health Problem
Part E - Cardiovascular
Behavioral Objectives
Content Outline
Patient teaching
1. Assess readiness to learn, ability,
and knowledge level.
2. Avoid aggravating factors
3. Promotion of alleviating factors
4. Reportable signs / symptoms
5. Medication teaching
6. Rest/activity
7. Risk factors
8. Life style modification
9. Nutrition
(1) Low fat, low cholesterol
(2) Low sodium
10. Monitor BP at regular intervals
Community Resources
1. American Heart Association
2. American Dietary Association
3. Support groups
Evaluation of Outcomes: The patient
will have improved health maintenance
as evidenced by:
1. Identifying aggravating and
alleviating factors.
2. Identifying reportable signs and
3. Describing the purpose, correct
administration and side effects of
4. Ability to discuss diagnoses
5. Participate in exercise program
6. Compliance with prescribed diet
7. Stop smoking
8. Utilizing community resources
N:ADN/RSNG1327 - Unit V- D Cardiovascular
Clinical Objectives
Learning Opportunities
Revised 03/12