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7th & 8TH GRADE THEATRE ARTS II ~ Mrs. Eanes
Welcome to Lopez Drama! This is a full-year, performance oriented course that provides the student
opportunities to experience more detailed theatrical studies and encourages personal development of
performance skills through a variety of speaking/acting situations. Activities include improvisation, role
playing/acting, pantomime, play analysis and elements of play production.
*Members of this class are encouraged to participate in and audition for extra-curricular theatre activities
throughout the year (see theatre curriculum overview for important events/dates). Many classroom activities
will prepare the student for these events. Bi-monthly calendars are available with audition, participation, and
rehearsal information. To participate, students must maintain an average of 70 or above in all classes and
attend required rehearsals prior to the competition/performance. Extra-curricular theatre activities include
speech & theatre competitions and play productions.
Fees may apply to some activities.
7th grade Theatre II students who plan to enroll in Theatre III as 8th graders must participate in at
least one extra-curricular theatre activity each semester (play and /or contest) These activities, along
with an audition and my recommendation, are pre-requisites for enrollment in Theatre III/Advanced
Theatre Arts.
All participation in class and in extra-curricular events throughout the year are considered to be an
ongoing audition that will assist in determining placement for 8th grade.
Participation in as many activities as possible is STRONGLY encouraged for 7th graders planning to
enroll in 8th Theatre III
*Grades are divided into four categories: Participation (25%), Daily Work (25%)
Quizzes (20%), and Presentations/Performances/Projects (30%). Late work will receive a 20% initial
deduction and 10 points will be deducted for each additional late day. Please refer to the NEISD student
handbook and Lopez grading guidelines for additional policies.
*All work submitted should represent the students’ best effort and must include his/her first and last name,
class period, and the assignment title or heading. If any of these items are missing, five points will be
deducted from the total grade. My teacher web page is also an excellent resource for information.
All papers/forms given in out in class will be posted on my web page as well. Each student
will receive one copy in class. If the student misplaces anything it is the students’
responsibility to print a replacement from my web site. All due dates apply to all work!
Handwritten work will not be accepted as a substitute for a printed form, keep all papers
clearly labeled in your binder, extra copies will not be provided!
*Failing quiz grades may be corrected to a 70 within three (3) days of being returned. Corrections must be
written on a separate sheet of paper and stapled to the original assignment. Only corrections presented in
this format will be accepted.
* Each student is expected to bring their binder to class every day and should have a folder or section
designated for Theatre to organize notes, scripts, assignments, graded papers, etc. A writing utensil is required
every day. Also required is a COMPOSITION book (no spirals) to be kept in the designated class basket
for the daily warm-up activity, “Thoughts on Theatre”. Books are due in class no later than Monday August
29. Students will retrieve their “T.O.T.” books each day upon entering the classroom and begin work on the
warm-up activity immediately. Approximately every two weeks, an open-book, 5 question quiz will be given
over the “T.O.T.” information. Only partial credit will be given for incomplete or incorrect entries. A binder for
each course will be kept in the classroom with weekly printouts of the daily warm-ups for make-up “T.O.T”
entries. A comprehensive, 10 question “T.O.T” quiz will be given at the end of each semester. Quizzes may be
corrected within three days of return, ½ credit for each missed. Students must use their own book for quizzes. A
Project grade will be given at the end of each semester for the completed T.O.T book and the book will be
returned to the student. All warm up entries must be handwritten in the students’ composition book, no printouts
will be accepted.
*A unique performance opportunity for Theatre II students are group scenes to be performed in May. All
enrolled students will perform in the scenes to take place on stage or in the Black Box. Several grades will
be earned for participation throughout the production process and the final performances will represent the
students’ final exam grade for the course. Teachers on campus are invited to bring their classes to the
performances and families are invited as well. This is truly a class effort and a wonderful performance
experience for all Theatre II students!
*All students are expected to attempt all activities to the best of their ability. Classroom behavior
expectations are consistent with school and district policies and appropriate discipline procedures will be
followed for any infractions. All students are expected to handle equipment, furnishings, props, costumes,
and all items within the classroom and/or stage area with extreme care and only when specifically directed
to do so. Proper audience etiquette is also expected of every student during all performances and applause of
appreciation will be given at the conclusion of each performance as well.
*Absolutely no food, drink or gum is allowed at any time in the classroom or on stage!
Each student will receive three restroom passes to be used for water and/or the bathroom
during the semester. Only these passes may be used during theatre class, grade level hall
passes are not accepted. A specific hall pass (nurse, library, office) may be provided by the
teacher when necessary if the student has completed all work or an emergency situation
An important key to success in this class and in all extra-curricular Drama activities is an enthusiasm for
performing! This will be an exciting year on stage at Lopez Middle School!
If there are any questions the best way to contact me is by e-mail ([email protected]) or call the theatre
office and leave a message (210-356-5048)
*My teacher web page is also an excellent resource for information.
Mrs. Christi Eanes
José M. Lopez Theatre Arts
*Please complete and return the attached forms (Performance Contract, NEISD Fine Arts Code of Conduct,
Media Release) by Monday, August 29 indicating that both the student and parent/guardian have read and agree
to comply with the guidelines and expectations.
Student Name: ____________________________________________________
I have read and agree to comply with the expectations/goals for Theatre II. I have also read and understand the
NEISD Fine Arts Code of Conduct and agree to comply with all regulations.
Student signature: _______________________________________________
I have read and understand the expectations/goals for my student enrolled in Theatre II.
I have also read and understand the NEISD Fine Arts Code of Conduct and agree to comply with all regulations.
Parent name (please print): ____________________________________________
Parent signature:____________________________________________________
Home or parent contact phone number ___________________________________
Parent e-mail __________________________________________________
*Parent: _______Yes, I am interested in volunteering for Lopez Drama activities this year
and would like more information.
*Please sign and return to Mrs. Eanes by Monday, August 29