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Name: ___________________________
Block: __________
Science 9 – Ch.12 the Solar System
12.4 – A Closer look at the planets
The Sun and most of the planets have a magnetic field that extends into space.
Terrestrial (Inner) Planets
High densities, slow rotations, solid metal cores (usually iron),
solid surfaces, no rings.
Planet ____________________ to the Sun.
Day time temperature: ________ degrees
Night time: ________degrees
Not visible in the night sky but visible just before sunrise and after sunset.
____________________________ revolution speed.
The ___________ (dimples) on the surface are caused by the collision of the rocks and
 will be seen passing in front of the sun (__________) in 2016
2. ___________________
Atmosphere consists of mainly ________
______________________on the surface
__________________ object you can see in the sky
Earth and Venus have __________________________they
both have similar sizes, composition, distance to the Sun.
Unlike Earth Venus has ______ ocean and rotates in __________________ direction.
 next transit will be June 6, 2012
Contains mostly ___________________________
Earth has a wide variation of temperature between the poles and
the equator, range from about ____________________________
About __________ of Earth’s surface is covered by
______________ (oceans, rivers, lakes, snow, ice)
Also called as “______________________” because of its
reddish soil, the surface temperature from ______________
Dry and barren planet but there is evidence that Mars had
volcanoes, glaciers and floods of water. Scientists believed
that life may have existed on Mars.
Gas Giants (Outer) Planets:
Low densities, mainly hydrogen and helium gases, much bigger than terrestrial
____________ planet in the solar system
Has ___________moons
Famous for its _________________bands
______________________planet in the solar system
Has ___________________________ rings
Has ___________ moons
Mainly ___________ gas_____________________________________
It’s diameter __________________________ but almost invisible to Earth because
Uranus is so far away
Spins on its ________, rotates in the ____________direction as Earth
Some thin rings
Has ________________________________
Has 13 moons
Other objects in the Solar System:
1. ____________________
Was once considered as a planet
_______________________ the distance of Uranus from the Sun
Made up of ______________________________ similar to a comet
Has 2 moons
Distances in the Solar System:
 The Kuiper Belt is _________________ collection of thousands of small, icy bodies
The distances to the planets and other objects in our solar system are
__________, so it is convenient to use astronomical units, instead of kilometres,
when referring to these distances. An ______________________ (AU)
The Earth is not always the same distance from the Sun. An AU is equal to
__________________ km. It takes ____________ for light to travel from the Sun to
the Earth,traveling at the speed of light, of course.
The Moon, the closest solar system body to us, is about ____________ away from the
Earth, which means it takes about _____________ for radio signal from Earth to reach
the Moon and travel back
To memorize the order of the planets:
Michael very eagerly made a jelly sandwich under no protest
(Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Asteroid Belt, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto)
HW: CYU pg. 394 Q 1, 3, 9, 17, 18, 19; Quiz 12.3 – 12.4 next class