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Anatoliy Ivanovich Tonkikh – docent of the chair of economy and industrial
management of the Far-Eastern state technical university (Vladivostok). E-mail:
[email protected]
Estimation of consequences of entering in (WTO) for coal industry of
the Far East
Estimation of consequences of entering in WTO is given in the article for
coal industry of the Far-Eastern economic region, which are defined, on the base of
scale consequence, the difference of social-economic conditions in the Far East in
contrast with the west region of Russia (the regional aspect), nature consequence
for interconnected branches of the industry.
Keywords: Russia, Far East, WTO, principle of WTO, coal industry of
FEER, business-structure, standard.
The Worldwide trade organization (the WTO) realizes trade and industrial
activity in the united world legal and economic space for the reason, what becomes
firmly established, the protection from any careless actions, worsening
competitiveness of the businessmen from different countries moreover both on the
part of sovereign states, and on the part of private corporations.
The Main principle of WTO is concluded in that that all that limits
competitiveness of the producers to product on external and home markets of the
world, must be motivated in accordance with the General agreements, agreements
and protocols taken by WTO. Each country entered WTO, encourages the judicial
practice of the foreign courts of arbitration under trade-industrial dispute of the
businessmen from countries –members of WTO. The Country joined to WTO,
does this own accord and consciously in purpose of the global integration in world
economy, founded on market regulation with maximum liberty of the moving of
the capital, specialist, goods and services.
Since Russia stands on threshold of the joining to WTO, that building
effectively working market infrastructure is presently main problem for it. It is
considered, that a great deal depends on that, as Russian business is determined
with their own base asset, economy, infrastructure of the region. On the first plan
leaves the problem of provision of equal integration of Russia in the world
economy with expected profit for national interest.
In modern market the term competitiveness of economy and economic safety
of the state, condition of social-economic sphere hang from competitiveness of all
state institutes and business-structures regardless of their property category and the
type of activity. Competitiveness in modern world market ambience is defined by
the correspondence of organs of the state management and business-structures to
existing international standard of the system of management quality (SMQ). The
International standards (especially ISO 9001:2000) spread on all spheres of
activity: industry and innovation, science and education, financial and other
facilities, sphere of management, including state organs. The new requirements to
the producer of goods and services, to investment and production process, contents
and the forms of the expert conclusions are fixed by standards [1].
In the country with developed market economies correspondence to
business-structures to this standard is a care of their owners, but in the country with
developing market economies (for instance, in China) the questions to
standardizations and certification are goal-directed conducted state policy. In
Russia these questions even after agreement of government about entering in WTO
on state level do not dare and are not formulated for enterprise of the real sector of
economy at least.
Under such situations after entering Russia WTO will occur the
inconvertible consequences for economy, economic safety and populations in
Russia. In accordance with the rules of WTO business-structures, that haven`t
certification in accordance with SMQ, are immediately displaced with the home
market by foreign companies, to say nothing of natural loss foreign sales market.
The exception is an export of raw materials resource and the product of the first
At present the budget of Russia is formed at expense of the export mineralraw materials resource basically. It known that besides 40% of the fund industrial
enterprise and 13% of the balance cost of the main fund of the economy in Russia
concentrated in sphere of using the bowels of the earth, but gaining and geologyexploratory branches are provided not less 33% of the cost of gross inner product
and beside 70% of the cost of export of the country.
Not one decennial event in the base of economy and the budget of USSR,
but today and Russia, lies using mineral-raw materials resources. Russia has
inherited from USSR position of the country, the most well-off mineral-raw
materials resource. The share of Russia in the world spare of the oils forms 13%,
gas 32%, coal 11%, lead, zinc, cobalt, nickel, ferric – from 10 to 32% and so on.
The gross value of mastered and beforehand evaluated spare forms nearly $30 bill
Specifically follows to note the role of the export in economy of the country.
Russia exported 45% and 33% of the oils and gas gained in the country
accordingly, 34% products of oil industry, nearly 90 – 99% of honeys, nickel,
aluminum from the total volume these the most important type mineral-raw
materials product, produced in the country. The much of product is exported in a
raw type (goods ore, concoctions) without its high conversion in the country.
Analyzing the possibility of economic development of the country, it is
necessary to note that the social-economic development, geopolitical position and
the role of Russia in the world community at present and in prospect in significant
measure are defined its mineral-raw materials potential and the state strategy of
using this potential.
In connection with joining to WTO it is necessary to know how to do all that
and do the rivals in this organizations. The success on the market depends on the
level of competence of the personnel; the practical orientation on consumer; the
abilities of enterprise to control financial and other risk; have responsibility to it, as
evidenced by behoove level certification and accreditation. In term WTO not funds
and investments, but personnel, information and trade define competitiveness of
the country, its territories and enterprise. One should to remember that in WTO the
person is a functional block of the systems of the management quality [2].
The consequences of the entering Russia WTO for coal industry of FEER
will be defined, first, the scale consequence typical for coal industry of the Russia
as a whole (the branch aspect), secondly, the difference of social-economic terms
in the Far East in contrast with the west region of Russia (the regional aspect),
thirdly, the nature consequence for interconnected branches: machine building for
coal industry, agriculture, trade, inter-industry effect of changing terms of the
supply and demand (the inter-industry aspect) [1].
The analysis of possible consequence of entering Russia WTO for different
branches shows that no neither one branches, nor one enterprises, on economic
activity which is not reflected membership in WTO. Any enterprise not even being
export-oriented or rival with import on home markets, will turn out to be under the
influence consequence of joining to WTO as a result of changing of tariff of
natural monopolies, the prices of the home market, cancelling the state subsidies,
unifications legal space in the country and others. Nature of consequences of
entering Russia in WTO for different branches (positive or negative) will be
defined by:
- the competitiveness of the products of enterprises in branches (rival or not
rival with import and export);
- the scale of defense of an enterprise in the branches measure of the state
support, not allowed in WTO (the subsidies, privileges and others);
- the presence of problems with marketing of the product of branches on
foreign market and their nature (the quality, demand, protectionism and others);
- the degree of involving of branches in foreign economic activity and local
potential of substitution of import.
Naturally, the enterprises, that earlier got support of the state after its
cancelling will come off a loser. If the producer, exporting product, got the
protectionism assistance from the part of the state, that consequences of the
entering Russia WTO for it will be negative.
Coal industry pertains to the branch, big part of product of which at present
is competitive with import on internal and foreign markets. However heavy
condition in branches requires the certain measures of state support, which is
expressed in favorable mechanism of the taxation, customs barrier for import,
protectionism measures of supports of the export and others. At consequence of the
joining Russia to WTO for regional development is necessary to accent attention
on administrative-legal aspect of the performing the requirements of WTO and
expected economic effect. The joining Russia to WTO requires the adductions of
legislation in the regions in accordance with the federal rate, as well as provision
by the federal centre of the execution region obligations on international
agreements of the Russian Federation. All this will bring to unifications of legal
space of RF [1].
The influence of the regional aspect on consequences of the entering Russia
in WTO for coal industry FEER will be defined by nature of the use regional
management body normative-legal measures (the subsidies, privileges),
administrative restrictions on regional goods, regulations of the local prices and
tariff applicable on territory of the region before entering the Russia in WTO. That
is to say consequences for branch will be defined territorial and branch structure
production and consumptions established in region and regional system of its
In the Far East according to the calculation [3], to 2030 year coal mining can
go up to 106 mln. t coal, including in Republic of Saha (Yakutiya) – nearly 48 mln.
t, in Amursk area – nearly 26 mln. t, in Primorsk area – nearly 15 mln. t, in
Sahalinsk area – nearly 10 mln. t. Joining Russia to WTO will be favorable for
development of the coal industry of the Far East. At present nearly whole coking
yakut coal, with the cut Neryungrinsk section, basically, is delivered on export – in
countries of the Pacific region (Japan, South Korea and Taiwan) on long-term
contract. Besides, electrical and energetic companies of Japan have expressed the
readiness to buy yakut energy coal (in volume nearly 6 mln. t coal).
Except already under the development of coalfields of coking coal in
Republic of Saha (Yakutiya) the most perspective coalfield of coking coal are
Denisovsk and Eliginsk.
In Denisovsk coalfield of coking coal, the spares of coking marks of coal
form 170 mln. t, but extracted spares of coalfield is valued in 70 – 85 mln. t. In
2030 year is expected gain 5 mln. t coking coal per annum, which great part can be
delivered on export – to the country of the Asiatic-Pacific region.
Eliginsk coalfield is one of the largest in the world and in the Far East. The
balance spares, on quality correspond to all world standard coking and energy coal
available with the development by opened way, will provide the coal mining by the
period more than 100 years. The designed plan of mastering of Eliginsk coalfield,
which expects the construction of the coal cut, power to 30 mln. t, two preparation
factories, accompanying infrastructures, build Elginsk water electric power station,
coal terminal and seaport.
In current the whole volume of gained coking and energy coal from Elginsk
coalfield 50 – 60% can be delivered on export through the Far-Eastern ports, to the
countries of Asiatic-Pacific region (APR), but the rest volume of coal will use
inwardly in the country. The development of Eliginsk coalfield is a strategic
important problem both for the whole Far-eastern region, and for export potential
of Russia as a whole. The Program of mastering of Eliginsk coalfield is accounted
for 30 years. Operation and maintenance phase of Eliginsk coalfield began in 2009
– 2010.
Literature and the sources:
V. N. Embulaev, A. I. Tonkikh. The improvement of management of an
enterprise of coal industry in purpose of increasing competition. – Vladivostok :
Publishing house "Dal’nauka", 2010. – 243 p.
E. A. Kozlovskiy. The Worldwide trade organization and mineral-raw
materials complex of Russia // Herald XXI mining. – Metallurgical section. – 151 –
172 p.
L. S. Plakitkina. Estimation of the potential possibilities of the
territorial development of coal industry of Russia // Coal. – 2007. – № 11. – 18 –
23 p.