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Imperialism ppt viewing Guide
1. What are the two ways to govern a colony?
2. Who was Herbert Spencer?
3. Who wrote The White Man’s Burden and when?
4. List the main reasons for European interest in Africa.
5. What was the first European nation to explore along the African coast? What were
they looking for?
6. What were the major African resources that interested Europeans?
7. How important were Christian missionaries in the exploration of Africa?
8. Who was the most famous missionary of them all?
What newspaper paid a man to go to Africa and find this missionary?
10. Who was the man they sent to search?
11. What changed in the 19th century to make Africa more appealing for colonization?
12. Why was the second industrial revolution significant in the desire for colonies by
European nations?
13. What inventions in the art of firearms made it easier to fight in Africa?
14. What invention signaled the end of wooden-hulled warships?
15. How was the steam engine used by the navies of the world?
16. What had to be established around the world for these modern navies to be
17. How was the steam engine put to use to improve land transportation?
18. When was the first transatlantic cable laid and what two places did it connect?
19. How did the establishment of colonies relieve pressure in the home countries?
20. What body of water separates the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea?
21. Where and when was the Conference held to avoid war over colonization in
22. What European monarch was given sovereign control of the Congo Basin?
23. Despite his public pronouncements of ending the slave trade in the Congo
Basin, how did Leopold of Belgium treat the natives under his control?
24. What two authors exposed the horrors of Leopold’s rule to the rest of the world?
25. In what area in West Africa was gold discovered?
26. What tribe was the most powerful in southern Africa when the British arrived?
27. Who were the Boers?
28. At what battle were the British defeated and massacred by the Zulus?
29. What was the Boer War about and how long did it last?
30. Who was Cecil Rhodes and what was his contribution to diamond industry?
31. What famous trade route was explored by Marco Polo?
32. What was the main item of trade the Europeans sought in Asia?
33. What beverage was mostly grown in India for export to Britain?
Where did the British sell the opium grown in India?
35. What incident caused the British government to assume control in India and
remove the British East India Company from power?
Who was Adam Smith and what famous book did he write?
37. What was important about the Crimean War?
38. What European country did the British fear was looking to invade India as part
of its search for an all weather port?
What modern countries make up what used to be known as French Indochina?
How was Siam (now Thailand), able to remain free and independent?
41. Why did the British refuse to comply with China’s demand that they quit selling
opium in China?
42. What was the Boxer Revolution?
43. What nations sent troops to fight in the Boxer Rebellion?