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Distance Measurements by Parallax and Triangulation
Deletions are shown in double strikethrough font (double strikethrough)
Additions are shown underlined (underlined)
How large is a distant object? How far away is it? The methods of parallax and triangulation use
geometry to answer these questions.
Parallax. Close one eye, look at a distant object, and hold your finger up so that it blocks out the
object. Now close the eye that was open, and open the eye that was closed, all without moving
your head or finger. Your finger no longer blocks the object, because you are looking at the
object from a different angle. This is an example of parallax, the principal that objects at
different distances appear shifted when viewed from different positions. Parallax can be put into
a formula and used as a tool to measure distance.
When you are asked to measure distances in decimal inches, record both your original
measurement in inches and sixteenths, and decimal inches. To convert from inches and
sixteenths to decimal inches, divide the whole number of sixteenths by 16 to get the decimal
number of inches, and add the result to the whole number of inches to get the distance in decimal
1. You will need two points or object on a distant (about five feet or more) surface or wall for
this part, and the next part. In this part (parallax), you will measure the distance to the object;
in the next part (triangulation), knowing the distance, you will measure the horizontal size of
the object. The object should be at table height, or possibly a little higher, but not lower; you
must be able to view the object sighting along the table. The object should also be
perpendicular to the line of sight from the table. Notice that in part 5 below you will measure
the distance to your object directly, so do not choose an object that you cannot measure the
direct distance to.
You can either choose a suitable object, or make one by drawing a heavy line on a piece of
paper and taping the paper to the wall in a suitable location. Choose one point on your object
(e.g., one end of the line), that you will measure the distance to. You may want to label this
point A, and the other point B.
2. Make a baseline on your table by taping a straight edge or ruler to the table, perpendicular to
the line of sight to your object. Your baseline should be near the edge of the table that is
further away from your object (further away, since for the triangulation section you will want
to put something between your baseline and the table edge nearer to your object). Pick two
points on the baseline, and find the distance between them, in inches and decimal inches. The
two points should be separated by between 12 and 18 9 and 12 inches. Call the distance
between the points d.
3. Sketch your apparatus, showing the table, baseline and object.
4. Use a protractor to measure the angle from each of the two points on your baseline, and
subtract the angle to find the difference in angle between the two points. Call the angular
difference  (Greek theta).
5. The distance, r, from the baseline to your object, by the method of parallax, is given by the
180  d
 
Use the formula above to find the distance.
6. Check your calculations by showing on your data sheet that r     = 180  d
7. Measure the distance directly, for example by stretching string from your baseline to your
object, and measuring the length of the string.
8. Compare your parallax and direct measurements. Discuss your errors of measurement,
including numerical estimates of the errors. Are your results equal within the your errors of
Triangulation. Triangulation uses similar triangles to measure the size of a distant object.
9. Put a piece of paper on the table in from of your baseline. Slide the edge of the paper under
the baseline, or at least even with the baseline. Tape the paper in place.
10. On the paper, mark the point on the baseline halfway between the two points on the baseline
that you used in the parallax section.
11. Draw a line on the paper marking the line of sight to your object.
12. Mark a point on the line of sight about one foot from your baseline. Measure the distance
from your baseline to this point, in decimal inches, and call this distance t.
13. At the point you marked, draw a line perpendicular to the line of sight, in the direction (left
or right) of the other point on your distant object. Call this line C.
14. Sight from the midpoint of your baseline (the point midway between the two points on your
baseline) to the other point on your object, and mark the point where this second line of sight
crosses the line C.
15. Measure, in decimal inches, the distance along line C between the two lines of sight. Call this
distance s.
16. By the properties of similar triangles, using the method of triangulation, the distance s l
between the two points on your object, A and B, is given by the formula
where r is the distance to the object as measured by parallax.
17. Check your calculations by showing on your data sheet that l  t = r  s
18. Make a sketch of your apparatus showing the parallel triangles.
19. Measure the distance t l directly on your object, in decimal inches. Discuss your errors of
measurement, including numerical estimates of the errors. Are your results equal within the
your errors of measurement?
Parallax. The method of parallax has a long history in astronomy. The lack of observed parallax
between the stars was used as an argument that the earth must be stationary, i.e. that the
geocentric solar system must be the correct model. Actually, the problem was that, until the
twentieth century, we could not measure angles accurately enough to tell the difference in angle
between two baseline points on earth. Today, parallax is the most basic measurement technique
for astronomical distances, and the standard against which other distance measurement
techniques are tested. The parallax baseline has been extended to opposite points on the earth’s
orbit around the sun, to measure the distance to stars.
The parallax formula in step 5 comes from a proportion between the angle around a circle and
the circumference of a circle. The distance along a circle around the full 360 = 2r, the
circumference of the circle. If we go half the angle, or 180, then we go half the distance. If we
go one quarter of the angle, or 90, then we go one quarter of the distance. The formula for the
distance, d, going  degrees must be
2  r
or, solving for d,
2    r    r 
Now, imagine a circle centered on your distant object, connecting the two points on your
baseline. Solve the equation above for the radius of the circle, which is the distance from
baseline to object, by dividing both sides (ignore the middle and divide the extreme left and
right) by    and multiplying both sides by 180. The result is
180  d
 
the same result as the formula in #5.
Triangulation. From geometry, similar triangles have all three angles equal, and their sides are all
in proportion. The sketch below shows two similar triangles, the smaller one on the sheet of
paper next to your baseline, and the larger one formed by the two points on your object and the
midpoint of your baseline.
The angle between sides c and b is equal to the angle between sides C and B because they are
both right angles. The angle between a and b is equal to the angle between A and B because they
are both formed by the same lines. And, since the angles of any triangle add up to 180, and two
of the angles are equal, then the third angles (the angle between a and c, and between A and C)
must also be equal. So all three angles of triangle abc are equal to the angles of triangle ABC, so
the triangles are similar and all sides are in proportion, or
a b c
 
The formula for the size of your distant object in #15 is just the two right-most parts of the
equation above, solved for C.
Triangulation is of great practical importance, for example in surveying. If you know the
distance the sun, the moon, or any other satellite, you can use triangulation to measure its
diameter. The same results are often obtained by trigonometry, measuring the angle between A
and B and the distance B.