Download Geometry Quiz 5.1 LT 5.1 – I can find the measures of angles of

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Geometry Quiz 5.1
LT 5.1 – I can find the measures of angles of triangles.
4. Use the diagram at the right to answer the questions.
a. Which angle is an exterior angle?
b. What are its remote interior angles?
c. Find m3 and m4.
Find the values of the variables and the
measures of the angles.
LT 5.2 – I can use properties of
midsegments to find angle and side
measurements of triangles.
Name the segment that is parallel to the
given segment.
7. AB
8. YZ
9. ZX
10. CA
11. BC
12. XY
AC = 30, AE = 38, EC = 32, Find the following lengths.
13. AB
14. FD
15. BD.
16. DC
17. AF
18. FB
Find the value of x.
LT 5.2 – I can use properties of bisectors to find angle and side
measurements of triangles.
Use the figure at the right for Exercises 16–19.
21. According to the diagram, how far is P from RS and RQ?
22. Find the value of n.
23. Find mSPR and mQPR.
Find the indicated variables and measures.
24. m, LO, NO
25. x, mQTS
26. p, IJ, KJ