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Auchenharvie Academy
S2 Curriculum for Excellence
Electricity Learning Outcomes
  
By the end of this unit I will be able to:
Draw the symbols for a battery, bulb, wire, ammeter, voltmeter and
State that current is a flow of electrons (negative charge) round a
State that a circuit is an electrical path around which charge can flow
Classify electrical circuits as either series or parallel.
Draw and construct series and parallel circuits using their symbols.
Assemble a simple series circuit to solve a given problem (skill)
Describe a series circuit as a single electrical path.
State that in a series circuit the current is the same at every point.
State that as you add more bulbs in series, the bulbs get dimmer.
State that as you add more batteries in series, the bulbs get brighter.
Assemble a simple parallel circuit to solve a given problem (Skill).
State that a parallel circuit has more than one path for current to flow
State that when bulbs are connected in parallel, the bulbs have the
same brightness.
Give an advantage of house lights being wired in parallel rather than in
Design and assemble circuits to show how bulbs can be switched on or
off in series and parallel.
Measure current in a series and parallel circuit using an ammeter
Measure voltage in a series and parallel circuit using a voltmeter
State that voltage is a measure of the energy of the charges.
Investigate how the design of a battery can determine its voltage
Electricity LOs
Version May2012