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Chapter 2 Section 2
Newton’s Laws of Motion
Pages 44-51
Name: _________________
Date: _______
Hour: _______
What do Newton’s three laws of motion explain? ____________________________________
What does Newton’s first law of motion state? _____________________________________
Newton’s first law of motion describes the motion of an object that has a net force of
___________ acting on it.
If you push a ball down a hill, and no one stops it, why does it eventually stop? ______________
What does friction do to the motion of objects? ____________________________________
Describe inertia. ____________________________________________________________
How are mass and inertia related? _______________________________________________
State Newton’s second law of motion. ____________________________________________
What are the two factors that determine acceleration? _______________________________
How are mass of an object and the acceleration of the object related? ___________________
Describe the relationship between the force on an object and the acceleration of the object.
Which of the following will increase the acceleration of an object that is pushed by a force?
a. decreasing the mass of the object
b. increasing the mass of the object
c. increasing the force pushing the object
d. Both (a) and (c)
What is the formula for acceleration? Write your answer in both words and as a mathematical
formula. __________________________________________________________________
What is the formula for force? Write your answer in both words and as a mathematical formula.
15. What is the acceleration of a 7 kg mass if a force of 68.6 N is used to move it toward Earth?
(Remember 1 N = 1 kg  m/s²) SHOW YOUR WORK. See the Math Focus Box on p. 48 for
help. ____________________________________________________________________
16. What force is necessary to accelerate a 1,250 kg car at a rate of 40 m/s²? (Remember
1 N = 1 kg  m/s²) SHOW YOUR WORK. ________________________________________
17. Zookeepers carry a stretcher that holds a sleeping lion. The total mass of the lion and the
stretcher is 175 kg. The lion’s forward acceleration is 2 m/s². What is the force necessary to
produce this acceleration? (Remember 1 N = 1 kg  m/s²) SHOW YOUR WORK. __________
18. What force is necessary to accelerate a 70 kg object at a rate of 4.2 m/s²? (Remember 1 N = 1
kg  m/s²) SHOW YOUR WORK. _____________________________________________
19. State Newton’s third law of motion. _____________________________________________
20. All forces act in ____________________.
21. How are the forces in each force pair related? _____________________________________
22. What action and reaction forces are present when you are sitting on a chair? _______________
23. How do action and reaction forces move a swimmer forward in the water? _________________
24. Since all forces act in pairs, what happens when a force is exerted? ______________________
25. When a ball falls to Earth, why is it hard to see the effect of the reaction force exerted by the
ball on Earth? ______________________________________________________________
26. When a soccer ball is kicked, the action and reaction forces do not cancel each other out because
a. the forces are not equal in size.
b. the forces act on different objects.
c. the forces act at different times.
d. All of the above.
27. Why do objects fall toward Earth? ______________________________________________
28. Suppose you are standing on a skateboard or on in-line skates and you toss a backpack full of
heavy books toward your friend. What do you think will happen to you? Explain your answer in
terms of Newton’s third law of motion. ___________________________________________